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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Haunted said:
Seeing Sarah Palin being compared to the Wii is the most offensive thing I've read in this thread.

Makes sense in terms of Palin gaining lots of attention initially only to be totally forgotten sometime in the future
ronito said:
Mittens shows why he's a republican:s?

The whole Mittens speech was weird . . . it was all about how Washington was so crazy liberal. But wait . . . the GOP has run Washington pretty much completely for the last 8 years with the exception of the last year and half when the Dems got Congress. But even then, they couldn't do anything due to GOP filibusters and Bush vetoes.

Mittens sounded like he was at some convention for some party even further to the right than the GOP since he was basically saying the GOP are a bunch of hippies.

How else could one interpret his craziness?
Palin Attended 5 Colleges In 6 Years

Did she get a post-graduate degree of any sort? Or was she on a 6 year plan?

And add to this McCain graduating 4th from LAST in his class.

WTF? Why is ignorance so highly valued in the GOP?


AniHawk said:
Er... am I supposed to get a confirmation e-mail once I made a donation? I did all the stuff I was supposed to fill out and clicked, "Support the Ticket," and I don't think anything happened.

speculawyer said:
Did she get a post-graduate degree of any sort? Or was she on a 6 year plan?

And add to this McCain graduating 4th from LAST in his class.

WTF? Why is ignorance so highly valued in the GOP?

That's a quite a leap you're making there.

I do believe Palin in particular is quite ignorant in many ways but mediocre performance in school isn't a very strong indicator of that one way or the other.


speculawyer said:
The whole Mittens speech was weird . . . it was all about how Washington was so crazy liberal. But wait . . . the GOP has run Washington pretty much completely for the last 8 years with the exception of the last year and half when the Dems got Congress. But even then, they couldn't do anything due to GOP filibusters and Bush vetoes.

Mittens sounded like he was at some convention for some party even further to the right than the GOP since he was basically saying the GOP are a bunch of hippies.

How else could one interpret his craziness?

Mittens was giving his Romney 2012 speech. Typically if a party loses half the party says we werent far enough to whatever political leaning. So if They lose which is likely he is setting it up as we went too far to the center.
McCain vows to end partisan rancor in Washington


Did he listen to any of yesterday's speeches? They just drove a massive axe into the partisan divide and he is gonna talk about "ending partisan rancor" :lol :lol

Is he having another Czechoslovakia flash-back?


speculawyer said:

Did he listen to any of yesterday's speeches? They just drove a massive axe into the partisan divide and he is gonna talk about "ending partisan rancor" :lol :lol

Is he having another Czechoslovakia flash-back?

To be perfectly fair, the rancor can also end when all liberals are gone.
laserbeam said:
Mittens was giving his Romney 2012 speech. Typically if a party loses half the party says we werent far enough to whatever political leaning. So if They lose which is likely he is setting it up as we went too far to the center.
If that speech was given in 2012 after 4 years of Obama, it would have made some sense.


speculawyer said:
If that speech was given in 2012 after 4 years of Obama, it would have made some sense.
Agree with you on that. Seems like he is just getting started early no matter the outcome so he can at least come across as very strong conservative right away. That speech was totally done to shore up future support.


Listing to the descriptions of McCain, there's that optimistic side of me that wishes that if McCain got elected he would pull one of those "only ___ could have done it because noone expected them to" a la Johnson on civil rights or Nixon and China.

But...I don't hold out all that much hope in that.
ViperVisor said:
Palin is a 32XX

McCain is an arcade game. Sure, he has a storied history, but nobody needs something so outdated.

Obama is an Xbox 360. Popular among young people, seems to have the best games and functionality, but you have to pay some cash for the service. It's worth it though.
Death_Born said:
McCain is an arcade game. Sure, he has a storied history, but nobody needs something so outdated.

Obama is an Xbox 360. Popular among young people, seems to have the best games and functionality, but you have to pay a lot for the service.

Yet I'm worried about a McCain RROD.


speculawyer said:
Did she get a post-graduate degree of any sort? Or was she on a 6 year plan?

And add to this McCain graduating 4th from LAST in his class.

WTF? Why is ignorance so highly valued in the GOP?

As echoshifting noted, that's quite a leap. Changing schools isn't a necessarily sign of someone lacking intellect anymore than staying in one for the duration of your college years is. That said, given everything we know so far, she doesn't strike me as being particularly knowledgeable by any stretch of the imagination.
WedgeX said:
Listing to the descriptions of McCain, there's that optimistic side of me that wishes that if McCain got elected he would pull one of those "only ___ could have done it because noone expected them to" a la Johnson on civil rights or Nixon and China.

But...I don't hold out all that much hope in that.

I used to think that while McCain agreed with Bush on most issues, he'd at least show some principle in office and do better than his predecessor; "Bush with a conscience" I used to think. But after watching McCain's campaign totally change his entire persona, his entire message, mixed with his newfound willingness to do and say whatever it takes to win (the POW pimping is disgusting, especially when you consider how little he mentioned it not too long ago) I get the impression that a McCain presidency will be like Reagan's second term, ala staffers/aides/lobbyists/etc overriding the president at every turn, and a president not particularly interested in resisting them. And if the Old McCain suddenly re-appears guess what: the lobbyists and other meddlers have the PERFECT candidate for them in the wings (Palin)


When Palin Thought Wasilla Wasn't Cosmopolitan Enough


"Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana. And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist. 'We want to see Ivana,' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, 'because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.' Ivana Trump, the former Czechoslovakian Olympic skier who found fame and wealth as the wife of the New York tycoon, came to Anchorage Tuesday to push her line of perfume."


Gold Member
Hmm... Repubs are playing the fear-mongering patriotism card right now in the convention. Too bad those fucktards are the same morons who forgot all about Afghanistan and dove headfirst into Iraq.
JCreasy said:
When Palin Thought Wasilla Wasn't Cosmopolitan Enough


"Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana. And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist. 'We want to see Ivana,' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, 'because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.' Ivana Trump, the former Czechoslovakian Olympic skier who found fame and wealth as the wife of the New York tycoon, came to Anchorage Tuesday to push her line of perfume."

Its sooooo cold in here.

In your defense this thread is not only massive but its also Teenager Flash fast.


PhoenixDark said:
I used to think that while McCain agreed with Bush on most issues, he'd at least show some principle in office and do better than his predecessor; "Bush with a conscience" I used to think. But after watching McCain's campaign totally change his entire persona, his entire message, mixed with his newfound willingness to do and say whatever it takes to win (the POW pimping is disgusting, especially when you consider how little he mentioned it not too long ago) I get the impression that a McCain presidency will be like Reagan's second term, ala staffers/aides/lobbyists/etc overriding the president at every turn, and a president not particularly interested in resisting them. And if the Old McCain suddenly re-appears guess what: the lobbyists and other meddlers have the PERFECT candidate for them in the wings (Palin)

Yeah all too true. Thanks for putting it into perspective like that.
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