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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Question: I've seen references to McCain's fund raising since Palin's speech, as if he's about to announce big fund raising numbers. But today is the last day he can both raise and spend money - he's accepted public financing. He can't touch that money after he officially accepts the nomination tonight.

What happens to the money he's raised but not spent as of tonight?
HylianTom said:
So.. has everyone picked their drinking game word or phrase?

I've heard thus far:
- change
- reform
- Obama
- surge
- experience
- liberal
- "my friends"
- values
- P.O.W.

And if so, what's your poison tonight?

(Myself? I've gone with "unwed teenage mothers" and black tar heroin.):D
LuCkymoON said:
Wizard is releasing a 7" Obama figure. =D

Wtf? The new MC Hammer, confirmed?
lolz, I kid. Don't kill me....without my permission.
That's just wrong. Politics is supposed to be serious business!

TheGrayGhost said:
The Wii's success would be more comparable to Obama's, not Palin's.

So you're saying Obama is last gen?! Blasphemy!
No more console speak, please. Obama was revealed last gen so Obama -> NDS(?), while Palin burst in out of nowhere.....Palin burst...nice. Palin -> Wii Fit? Maybe Mario Kart Wii? lol


On MSNBC they just mentioned that since last night McCain has only raised $1 million....compared to $8 million for Obama.


Mittens shows why he's a republican:

Last night, at the Republican National Convention, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) called for “the immediate drilling for more oil off of our shores” and followed with a personal attack on Vice President Al Gore that received thunderous applause:

And I have one more recommendation for energy conservation — let’s keep Al Gore’s private jet on the ground!

ThinkProgress contacted Gore spokesperson Kalee Kreider, who replied, “Gore doesn’t own a jet.”

Typical. Honesty is supposed to be christian ideal isn't it? That whole thou shalt not bear false witness?


Price Dalton said:
Of course... the caribou fucking love the pipelines!!

DRILL DRILL DRILL - It's good for the environment!

Mosquitoes hate it!

Anyone else watching MSNBC?

I saw that. No comment...


polyh3dron said:
Quick, do we have any minorities in the arena that we didn't put behind the podium yesterday?
"Sorry my nanny's with the kids tonight my maid is cleaning my house and my gardener doesn't work nights." Is probably the stock answer.


HylianTom said:
So.. has everyone picked their drinking game word or phrase?

I've heard thus far:
- change
- reform
- Obama
- surge
- experience
- liberal
- "my friends"
- values
- P.O.W.

And if so, what's your poison tonight?

(Myself? I've gone with "unwed teenage mothers" and black tar heroin.):D

What about "Palin"?

My friends, Governor Palin is a fine candidate of change who has a great deal of experience in reform, and she will bring strong, small-town values to the office and offer a striking contrast to Obama and the rest of the liberal elite. By the way, did you know I was a P.O.W.?


theviolenthero said:
What effect do you guys think Obama doing a campaign rally in Wasilla Alaska would have?
Seems like it could be a smart move.

i dont know, people in her areas seem to love to dish gossip about her... the Alaska papers print all the scandals, etc


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Not trying to bash McCain, but is the "my friends" thing intentional or does he just do it to give himself time to gather his bearings. Obviously it doesn't hurt his image as a small town kind of President, but the amount of times I've heard him do it during speeches just seems odd. Even at the Saddleback interview, he said "my friends" over and over again, even though he was being asked the question by one person. I guess Obama stammers and McCain says "my friends" :lol
HylianTom said:
So.. has everyone picked their drinking game word or phrase?

I've heard thus far:
- change
- reform
- Obama
- surge
- experience
- liberal
- "my friends"
- values
- P.O.W.

I think "my friends" is enough to get me shit-faced for weeks.
Pakkidis said:
"For the first time, in a long time somebody gets it." - How does that make any sense?

sarah palin gets it. now there's no more of this fruitcake rhetoric about change. in her we have a straight talking reformer. i can't wait for her to get to washington.


delirium said:
I wouldn't go that route; seeing as how the other side can say the same thing.

Neither side can accuse the opposing side of fascism, short of to display ignorance over the use of the word.


Grizzlyjin said:
Not trying to bash McCain, but is the "my friends" thing intentional or does he just do it to give himself time to gather his bearings. Obviously it doesn't hurt his image as a small town kind of President, but the amount of times I've heard him do it during speeches just seems odd. Even at the Saddleback interview, he said "my friends" over and over again, even though he was being asked the question by one person. I guess Obama stammers and McCain says "my friends" :lol

It's a tic of his, now it's just written into his speeches.
xs_mini_neo said:
So you're saying Obama is last gen?! Blasphemy!
Rather, Obama is the new hotness that refuses to compete using the standard tactics (traditional politics / tech race), was at first ridiculed for his naivety by the establishment (LOL Obama will get crushed by Clinton / LOL Wii is last gen), offered something people didn't realise they were craving (Hope / Fun) and somehow rocketed its way to stellar success ( 538 / NPD).

Regardless of how you feel about the console or its direction (just because you're politically progressive doesn't mean you can't be conservative in your attitudes towards electronics) , the analogy is quite fitting.
polyh3dron said:
Quick, do we have any minorities in the arena that we didn't put behind the podium yesterday?

We had a group of four or five people talking about it at work today and that subject came up so I had to make a joke.

I said something to the effect of "There were 10 minorities in the entire building...5 were lost, 2 were veterans, and the other 3 were probably paid to be there."

Grizzlyjin said:
Not trying to bash McCain, but is the "my friends" thing intentional or does he just do it to give himself time to gather his bearings. Obviously it doesn't hurt his image as a small town kind of President, but the amount of times I've heard him do it during speeches just seems odd. Even at the Saddleback interview, he said "my friends" over and over again, even though he was being asked the question by one person. I guess Obama stammers and McCain says "my friends" :lol

He doesn't realize that Regan used it as a subtle tool to make a connection with his people. It means nothing when you shoe-horn it into every sentence in a poor attempt to mimic that success.


I just tossed in $25 more for the Obama campaign but I honestly expected a lot better out of the Obama campaign today. They have Joe Biden over there and all these people who could lash out at McCain and Palin and they really just kind of sat back and let the two of them get away with it. They need to start hitting back hard.
theviolenthero said:
What effect do you guys think Obama doing a campaign rally in Wasilla Alaska would have?
Seems like it could be a smart move.
No. Just No.

Palin has showered her constituents with so much money (*COUGH*SOCIALIST!*COUGH*) that they love her. I'd stay away from there.


when is my burrito
Crisis said:
I just tossed in $25 more for the Obama campaign but I honestly expected a lot better out of the Obama campaign today. They have Joe Biden over there and all these people who could lash out at McCain and Palin and they really just kind of sat back and let the two of them get away with it. They need to start hitting back hard.

Somebody made a great point today that any response simply won't give them any traction because of the convention. Starting tomorrow, things are different. Starting tomorrow, no more bullshit. It's all about the campaigning, the debates and the ground game. REAL POLITICS!


Crisis said:
I just tossed in $25 more for the Obama campaign but I honestly expected a lot better out of the Obama campaign today. They have Joe Biden over there and all these people who could lash out at McCain and Palin and they really just kind of sat back and let the two of them get away with it. They need to start hitting back hard.
The GOP convention is still going on. Obama was on point during his press conference, taking the GOP to task for an empty, hostile convention; defending community organizing; brushing off the attacks as trivial and pointing out the gaping disparity between the lack of ideas and vision from McCain and Obama's plans.

Just as McCain barely got a word in during the Dem convention, so it will be this week for Obama. Next week we'll see where things stand in the sprint to the debates.

Edit: TANOD! Curse your speedy fingers!


Crisis said:
I just tossed in $25 more for the Obama campaign but I honestly expected a lot better out of the Obama campaign today. They have Joe Biden over there and all these people who could lash out at McCain and Palin and they really just kind of sat back and let the two of them get away with it. They need to start hitting back hard.

It's because the RNC is still going on. By next week, you should start to hear and see things from the Obama campaign. Obama himself is pretty pissed, especially about the mocking of community organizing.
JayDubya said:
Not really what she said, though.

Logic train: God is good. God has a plan. When people follow God's plan for them, they do good. So pray we have a plan, and that the plan is to do good.

"God told me that we need to conquer Iraq!" is not equivalent to "Pray for our troops and pray that our national leadership is wise and good"
Fucking non-denom windbags that just bandy the Lord's name about to feel good and look nice. These people are worse than fundies.

And she says that the nation is on a task from God. Quibbling over "task" and "mission" is silly. Frankly anyone that can go into a church and say war is a task from God is probably the devil. Has anyone seen her touch holy water?


I understand all of that. Which is why I'm saying they better hit back hard and furious tomorrow. Every Democrat who's worth a shit should be out there trashing McCain and Palin especially for stealing Obama's message of change. The GOP is ripping off Obama left and right with the timetable for Iraq, talking to Iran and now a message of change. Man I wish the media would do their fucking job.


Crisis said:
I understand all of that. Which is why I'm saying they better hit back hard and furious tomorrow. Every Democrat who's worth a shit should be out there trashing McCain and Palin especially for stealing Obama's message of change. The GOP is ripping off Obama left and right with the timetable for Iraq, talking to Iran and now a message of change. Man I wish the media would do their fucking job.

I never understood this. It seems like most of the things the GOP is saying was lifted right out of Obama's playbook. Change, reform, shaking things up, etc.


Crisis said:
I understand all of that. Which is why I'm saying they better hit back hard and furious tomorrow. Every Democrat who's worth a shit should be out there trashing McCain and Palin especially for stealing Obama's message of change. The GOP is ripping off Obama left and right with the timetable for Iraq, talking to Iran and now a message of change. Man I wish the media would do their fucking job.

They've sadly been intimidated by the GOP, with the exception of guys like Brian Williams and Joe Klein.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GhaleonEB said:
Question: I've seen references to McCain's fund raising since Palin's speech, as if he's about to announce big fund raising numbers. But today is the last day he can both raise and spend money - he's accepted public financing. He can't touch that money after he officially accepts the nomination tonight.

What happens to the money he's raised but not spent as of tonight?

i wouldnt be surprised if he found a loophole that would allow him to spend it in some fashion.


Er... am I supposed to get a confirmation e-mail once I made a donation? I did all the stuff I was supposed to fill out and clicked, "Support the Ticket," and I don't think anything happened.


quadriplegicjon said:
i wouldnt be surprised if he found a loophole that would allow him to spend it in some fashion.

The RNC can spend an unlimited amount in support of McCain, they just can't "coordinate" it. That's why the whole thing is a scam.
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