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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Duke Togo

Stoney Mason said:
It's basically unleashed their inner beast. They were the party in recent history of "secret wars". 9/11 allowed them to just say fuck it and go with a let's get our war groove on mentality.
It is unfortunate. I'll go on a bit of a rant here, even though I'm sure it will get lost in the tide of posts. I've had the opportunity over the years to travel extensively through the US, and meet a lot of really great people in New York state, California, Washington...all over really. The way the Republicans present themselves...completely embedded in this mindset of war and fear..it doesn't really do the people I've met justice. I just feel like they mis-represent a humongous part of the population, and I find that unfortunate.


Jtwo said:
That was kind of my reaction too.
I heard about the "outrage" right after happened and didn't get to see it until a few minutes ago.

There was nothing sincere about that.
The video is disgusting, but so are the trailers for "102 minutes that changed america" that run every 5 minutes on the History channel.
9/11 has been exploited by anyone and everyone since the second it happened, and I find it hard to believe he was surprised, let alone as distraught as he was acting.

The video was purely exploitative and used the deaths of 3000 people to try and drum up the fear vote. Why shouldn't he be outraged about that?





Chiggs said:
O'Reilly was fairly well-behaved, too. He'd been courting Obama for quite some time.
I'm sure he's aware that he was talking to the next president and was appropriately respectful.


Xenon said:
Its nice to see everyone so open minded going in.

If the preceding video weren't a messianic claim that only John "U.S.A." McCain can save the world, it might be easier.

Did he just say humility?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Anyone see the guy with the "You can't win an occupation" sign the camera cut to for a second on NBC? :lol Who let that guy in the convention?

Incognito said:
Green backdrop.. seriously?

It's supposed to be grass and the bigger picture is of the White House, but you can't see that on TV when it's zoomed in, LoL


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Green screen! Awesome! :lol

Also on NBC there was like half a second of some protester.

Edit: They showed him again! Wearing black, a sign said "McCain votes against vets!"


what i love about that video is that they are proud of their own ignorance.

im talking about the 911 vid.

they lump summed all of the "terrorists" into one group under Islam. no distinguishing over different ideologies (shia/sunni), different regions, and different motivations.

its disgusting how ignorant the republicans are. its either that or they are so cunning they know that americans can still be duped into believing such outrageous lies.

about the bill o reiley interview with barack...does it worry anyone that american leaders so openly talk about other nations and what other nations need to do with no regard to that nations own security, needs, and problems?

i remember the last time Pakistan bent over backwards for the US (back during the Russia invasion of Aghanistan) and how the US abandoned Pakistan right after until they were needed again after 911.


Formless said:
Honoring his service? (But not his policies)

So you would respect Bush, Rove, and Cheney, if they went through the same?


Ok my video editing brethren. As you see, in another folly following the black behind Palin, they have left green behind McCain. The croma key possibilities are endless and could make youtube videos of the forever.


Dear Mr. Mccain,
Don't you wish you had someone concerned about your rights when you were taken POW? Perhaps then you wouldn't have to have had to live in a box.
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