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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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besada said:
If the preceding video weren't a messianic claim that only John "U.S.A." McCain can save the world, it might be easier.

Did he just say humility?

Your right it should have just been about Obama, his family and how only he can lead us to true change.


Amir0x said:


Slender is seriously the absolute worst. How long a reprieve do we get?


newsguy said:
Ok my video editing brethren. As you see, in another folly following the black behind Palin, they have left green behind McCain. The croma key possibilities are endless and could make youtube videos of the forever.

I fully expect this once this is over....and it will be awesome....and be the only entertaining thing of the speech.


GhaleonEB said:
I realize this is going to get buried, but:

Gauge-Howey Indiana poll: McCain 45%, Obama 43%

What the heck happened to that old thread dedicated to Presidential Polling Numbers? I remember back during the primaries that was the #2 PoliGAF thread behind the actual state primary threads


Illuminati said:
It's grass not a green screen

People are saying "green screen" because Colbert ran a green screen challenge featuring McCain the last time he was in front of a green background.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Caj814 said:
Video starts:

Narrator:You've heard this story 5 times a day.Whats wrong with telling it one more time!

Even I'm tired of it.

But believe it or not, many will see it for the first time tonight. It's just the nature of presidential politics now. When you want to get a message to a nation of 300 million people, nauseating repetition is a necessary evil.


NullPointer said:
I dunno. It really brings out his eyes.
That's what scares me!


One of the most enduring taboos in American politics, the airing of graphic images from the September 11 attacks in a partisan context, died today. It was nearly seven years old.

The informal prohibition, which had been occasionally threatened by political ads in recent years, was pronounced dead at approximately 7:40 CST, when a video aired before delegates at the Republican National Convention included slow-motion footage of a plane striking the World Trade Center, the towers' subsequent collapse, and smoke emerging from the Pentagon.

The September 11 precedent was one of the few surviving campaign-season taboos. It is survived by direct comparisons of one's opponents to Hitler.

WTF now he's playing the nice guy card? After all the lies and shit over the past few months and days? Holy two-face, Batman.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Oh they finally changed the background, thank freaking goodness.

Illuminati said:
A Hot first lady with a HOT first daughter.

I KNOW holy crap I have the biggest crush on Meghan McCain. Seriously


"She doesn't want me to say this for obvious reasons, but I have to try and contrast it with my age, so my friends, my mother sitting right there in the front is 96 years old."
I've got to give credit here; O'Reilly absolutely asked legitimate questions and kept the bullying down to the lowest levels that I think I've ever seen (Perhaps the lowest levels he is capable of).


testicles on a cold fall morning
a. that green screen does nothing positive for McCain's complexion

b. the USA chant really grates on me, though i attribute that to years of hypersensitivity to the 'liberals hate america' narrative.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
what the hell. Saying that we are all americans after cutting them down yesterday. Twoface bum

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Unconfirmed Member
Zeliard said:
The video was purely exploitative and used the deaths of 3000 people to try and drum up the fear vote. Why shouldn't he be outraged about that?
In reality, he (and everyone) should.
I just have a hard time believing anyone actually is.
Maybe I'm just jaded, but the imagery in that trailer is shown so frequently on nearly every channel that frankly I'm just used to it. It doesn't resonate with me at all anymore.
Olbermann, in my opinion was totally overacting.


WTF?!! How can he say that with a straight face after his party has called his opponents baby killers, elitists and terrrists?
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