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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
PhoenixDark said:
We're all GAF vets here, so tell me: why the fuck are people responding to Dr. Cognent?

Because GAF likes to push a guy with cognitive dissonance over the edge, until he cumulatively makes enough dumb statements or singularly has a melt down, that mods are forced to ban him.

GAF bays for BLOOD!
Kolgar said:
We shall see. John McCain may have met with Palin only once, but I don't think anyone here has ever met her at all.

As I said, this thread isn't the best place for me until we all get to see a little more of Palin and learn more about why McCain made the selection. Some here may think they know, but that's really only about as far as it goes.

Carry on.

That in itself is a problem. Biden was completely known, there was no guessing there, we knew all his faults and strengths. There was no digging required, unlike Plain.


VistraNorrez said:
That in itself is a problem. Biden was completely known, there was no guessing there, we knew all his faults and strengths. There was no digging required, unlike Plain.

My guess is that a lot of people will have a better, more consistent idea of Palin (whether positively or negatively) after her speech to the RNC, and CERTAINLY after the VP debate.



I realize, of course, that she’s totally unqualified to be President at this point in time. If McCain were to die in February 2009, I hope Palin would have the good sense to appoint someone who is more ready to be President to be her Vice President, on the understanding that she would then resign and be appointed Vice President by her successor. (Lest anyone say that this is an absurd, unconstitutional or undemocratic scenario, recognize that this is pretty much what would happen in a Parliamentary system where, if the head of government dies, a successor is chosen by the party.) Palin is absolutely not ready to be President now, but that is a problem that is very easily dealt with if she is and the governing party want to do so.


Gaborn: I'd think one problem with Palin is that she doesn't have much of a public record so any sort of negative thing that pops up will be magnified tenfold, moreso than even what happened with Obama.
RiZ III said:
Republicans please explain how a creationist with a degree in Journalism who has been governor for half a term of a state with less than half a million people who didn't even know what a VP does just a month ago(!) and has apparently met McCain twice prior to being selected is a good and wise choice? Is this the kind of decision making McCain has after all his experience? This is the same style of irresponsible decision making of Bush where he placed to tried to place extremely unqualified people to high government posts. Please explain. If someone with her qualifications had been picked by Gore or Kerry, you guys would have torn them apart.
She's a creationist?

Tamanon said:
Doesn't sense make this not.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gaborn said:
My guess is that a lot of people will have a better, more consistent idea of Palin (whether positively or negatively) after her speech to the RNC, and CERTAINLY after the VP debate.

after the long drawn out primaries.. and the time between the end of the primaries and the DNC.. people/media kept saying that we still didnt know enough about obama and his family. how the hell will this unknown be able to do it in less time?


quadriplegicjon said:
after the long drawn out primaries.. and the time between the end of the primaries and the DNC.. people/media kept saying that we still didnt know enough about obama and his family. how the hell will this unknown be able to do it in even a shorter time?

Because she's white.


quadriplegicjon said:
after the long drawn out primaries.. and the time between the end of the primaries and the DNC.. people/media kept saying that we still didnt know enough about obama and his family. how the hell will this unknown be able to do it in even a shorter time?
She's white


quadriplegicjon said:
after the long drawn out primaries.. and the time between the end of the primaries and the DNC.. people/media kept saying that we still didnt know enough about obama and his family. how the hell will this unknown be able to do it in less time?

Because she's the VP candidate, not the President. Fair or not, the threshold for knowledge is a lot lower. Heck, look at Dan Quayle.
The Most Sarah Palin will do is pull misinformed independents, PUMAs (who were voting McCain anyway), or Rebublicans who were wary of McCain. Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton, in fact, other than being female she is the antithesis.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Police raided a rental hall used by a group organizing protests at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday.

The RNC Welcoming Committee, which describes itself as "anarchist/anti-authoritarian," accused St. Paul police of trying to disrupt their protest planned for Monday, the day the GOP convention is set to begin.

While no one was arrested, the group said police temporarily detained and photographed at least 50 people who were inside the building.

St. Paul Police spokesman Tom Walsh said they were executing a search warrant.

"The cause for the search warrant is not public at this time," Walsh said.

As many as 30 police officers entered with guns drawn, according to witnesses in the building.

"The convergence center is simply a gathering place and is not used for illegal actions -- it is a place for workshops and trainings," a statement from the protest group said. "Tonight, we were watching films and sharing food."

"We are now accused of a simple fire code violation," the statement said.

Oddie Miller, a 19-year-old from Fort Collins, Colorado, said it was "just a space to get food, free Internet, community organization."

"There were no bombs or anything in there," Miller said.

thats pretty fucked :(


this is such a deliciously bad gamble hahahahahahah

also when she was mayor she brought the town of 9,000 people into 20 million dollars in debt.




:lol McCain campaign.

Look I don't care how clean she appears on the surface, she's an Alaskan politician, before picking her I'd go through EVERYTHING with a fine-tooth comb. They're pretty much kings of corruption.
A stupid pick from a stupid man. No shocker there.

What the hell was McCain doing with his fingers during her acceptance speech? Could he not find some kid to pull his fingers himself? Old fart.


Lemonz said:
oh, oh...

BREAKING: McCain Campaign heading to Alaska to investigate

A very reliable source overheard Republican spokesperson McHugh Pierre state TODAY that he had spoken to the McCain Campaign. They are coming to Alaska tomorrow to check out the "Troopergate" investigation.


So, I wonder what else they may not know...like why Bristol Palin may be holding a blanket over her abdomen in public when she's turned to the side towards the cameras?


"reliable sources" are usually neither. (especially from partisan blogs)


When we get real, no one is gonna give a shit about Biden & Palin on November 4th.

It'll be "Do I want POW 7 house, or the celebrity secret muslim?"
Lemonz said:
oh, oh...

BREAKING: McCain Campaign heading to Alaska to investigate

A very reliable source overheard Republican spokesperson McHugh Pierre state TODAY that he had spoken to the McCain Campaign. They are coming to Alaska tomorrow to check out the "Troopergate" investigation.



Brilliant judgment McCain. I'd imagine they'll be doing as much covering up as investigating. Kicking your VP off the ticket would be a disaster


Lemonz said:
oh, oh...

BREAKING: McCain Campaign heading to Alaska to obstruct/cover up/buy off
Come on. Let's be honest. Unless he wants to use this as an easy out of his disastrous pick and picks a good candidate like Mittens.
Can we talk about Poli-stuff other than Palin in this thread? I notice the 232 page topic was closed...this is the only poli thread listed and it's title only mentions Republicans. BOO!


ErasureAcer said:
Can we talk about Poli-stuff other than Palin in this thread? I notice the 232 page topic was closed...this is the only poli thread listed and it's title only mentions Republicans. BOO!

Um yeah, all PoliGAF threads are freeform.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ErasureAcer said:
Can we talk about Poli-stuff other than Palin in this thread? I notice the 232 page topic was closed...this is the only poli thread listed and it's title only mentions Republicans. BOO!

i posted an article concerning the RNC but it seems to be ignored. :(

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Odrion said:
this is such a deliciously bad gamble hahahahahahah

also when she was mayor she brought the town of 9,000 people into 20 million dollars in debt.

Going by those figures, she'll help america add an extra 6 trillion dollars in debt in the same time frame.

She's even better than the current government!


Tobor said:
Expansive powers over 8500 people, sure. And she was able to hire an assistant!

As compared to Obama's... staff. (senators don't have all that much power at an individual level, they have pretty broad powers in terms of legislation, personal perks and privileges and such). Though really my point was you acted like that was somehow a bad thing (her powers)


ErasureAcer said:
Can we talk about Poli-stuff other than Palin in this thread? I notice the 232 page topic was closed...this is the only poli thread listed and it's title only mentions Republicans. BOO!
Very well, let's discus this


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Lost Fragment said:
So the PETA vote is going Obama, I guess.

That picture of her sitting next to a bear is not going to turn off PETA. There's plenty of women that will find it offsetting and weird looking.


Uncooked said:
So would you guys honestly say the chances of Obama winning now are 100%? That is the vibe I am getting from the posts lately.

A republican candidate, no matter how bad, will always has a good chance at the presidency


Why, why, why do people attempt to equate their experience?

I agree that both Obama and Palin are relatively inexperienced if you compare the number of years either has been in politics; the problem is that I can forgive Obama for that because I know he's bloody brilliant (you don't become the editor of HLR and graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law if you are dimwitted, after all), I've seen him day in and day out for nearly two years show a firm grasp of the issues, and I've seen him make claims on foreign policy for months that he is eventually vindicated on - and not because he got lucky, but because he could explain why the position he had taken was the first one.

Palin could well be bloody brilliant herself for all I know; perhaps the ditzy, "What is it that the Vice President actually does everyday?" routine is just that, and she actually has a firm grasp of issues unrelated to evolution, global warming, and foreign policy.

But I doubt it.




this... can't include yesterday, right? it's just not possible
Uncooked said:
So would you guys honestly say the chances of Obama winning now are 100%? That is the vibe I am getting from the posts lately.

Of course not. But I think people are more confident now than they were a week and a half ago for instance. The DNC+Palin look very promising


To be honest I'm not sure why experience is such a huge issue. How much did experience help Bush Jr. who was a two time governor of Texas or even Bush senior who had a ton of experience. They were both shitty presidents. What you need is rational thinking and an open mind which most people tend to lack. That is the biggest reason I support Obama, he is the most open minded and forward thinking politician I know of. His opposition to the Iraq war from the very start gives him major points in my book. If McCain or Palin had been in the same boat, I wouldn't have minded either but McCain was too busy war mongering and Palin was probably busy making babies.

I agree that both Obama and Palin are relatively inexperienced if you compare the number of years either has been in politics; the problem is that I can forgive Obama for that because I know he's bloody brilliant (you don't become the editor of HLR and graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law if you are dimwitted, after all), I've seen him day in and day out for nearly two years show a firm grasp of the issues, and I've seen him make claims on foreign policy for months that he is eventually vindicated on - and not because he got lucky, but because he could explain why the position he had taken was the first one.

This man said it a lot better than me.
Mumei said:
Why, why, why do people attempt to equate their experience?

I agree that both Obama and Palin are relatively inexperienced if you compare the number of years either has been in politics; the problem is that I can forgive Obama for that because I know he's bloody brilliant (you don't become the editor of HLR and graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law if you are dimwitted, after all), I've seen him day in and day out for nearly two years show a firm grasp of the issues, and I've seen him make claims on foreign policy for months that he is eventually vindicated on - and not because he got lucky, but because he could explain why the position he had taken was the first one.

Palin could well be bloody brilliant herself for all I know; perhaps the ditzy, "What is it that the Vice President actually does everyday?" routine is just that, and she actually has a firm grasp of issues unrelated to evolution, global warming, and foreign policy.

But I doubt it.

Experience is a serious thing and lack of it deserves to be scrutinized. but if the GOP is going to blame our guy for not being ready for the job, and then pick a soccor mom with 1.3 years of ceremonial governing experience to run the country... there's no credibility in that.


Uncooked said:
So would you guys honestly say the chances of Obama winning now are 100%? That is the vibe I am getting from the posts lately.

No, but they certainly are higher now than they were on, say, Thursday morning, when you look at Obama's speech that night and the Palin choice.
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