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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Kolgar said:
Now we get to see what she can do. My guess is she's something kind of special. If you think about it, it really doesn't make sense that John McCain would choose Palin just to siphon Hillary supporters. The two women differ on almost every viewpoint. No, there's something else about Sarah Palin, and I can't wait to see what it is.
So, you'd agree that it was a dumb move if that turns out to be the truth? :)

That said, if what's been said about McCain only meeting her twice, ever, is true... uh oh. But hey, maybe he has seen what's so special about her in the few hours they had right before he made his decision?

Pretty unlikely, though.


Kolgar said:
We shall see. John McCain may have met with Palin only once, but I don't think anyone here has ever met her at all.

As I said, this thread isn't the best place for me until we all get to see a little more of Palin and learn more about why McCain made the selection. Some here may think they know, but that's really only about as far as it goes.

Carry on.
What do you mean think? She has ADMITTED to not knowing what is going on in Iraq.


So, just to add my day late opinions on this. Shocker pick, but from what I know, she's done half a term as governor of a state with about 1m ppl in it. Eh. Lame pick. Got some headlines though, which McCain needs I guess.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Which ticket are we talking here?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
(Today, 09:51 AM)
Reply | Quote

Poor guy. Never had a chance.

That's what I meant. I was saying he's either "Banned" or got a new "Banned" tag a la Drinky Crow. Twas a joke. And now said joke is ruined. I hope you're happy.

Neo C. said:
Did she kill the bear with her own hands?
No, with her bare legs. That's one sexy wave of destruction.


I'm still shocked by the choice. I mean in a field with Bloomberg, Crist, Guiliani, Mittens and a bunch of other formidable VP choices that would carry weight just with their name he picks Palin. I mean regardless how great she could be, she has to go up hill to prove herself, I'm sure that the VP frontrunners are secretly shaking their heads especially after their whole point of their campaign was "inexperience" the more I think about it the more I'm befuddled.
Amir0x said:
yes. guy from gallup on MSNBC earlier said the numbers will be in line with yesterday, probably ~8-9 points

Cool. The numbers will include any effect Obama's speech had, and tomorrow's numbers will show initial effects of the Palin choice


Amir0x said:
yes. guy from gallup on MSNBC earlier said the numbers will be in line with yesterday, probably ~8-9 points

Bummer, I was hoping the gap would widen even further considering how many people watched Obama's speech. I guess the announcement of Palin muddied the waters some.


A lot of the Republican arguments in this thread seem to be about how Palin can help McCain win votes, when the important argument should be how can she help him run the country?

After a day to let this sink in, it's like he picked a second First Lady for the ticket.


Lemonz said:
ST. PAUL (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama begins airing an ad Saturday that responds to rival John McCain's selection of a running mate, carefully avoiding any direct criticism of Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor whom McCain chose for the GOP ticket.

Obama's campaign promptly created the spot in advance of next week's Republican National Convention. The ad, called "No Change," sought to sustain the theme that Obama and Democrats worked to cultivate at their own convention this week - that McCain represents a continuation of the policies of an unpopular President Bush.

"Well, he's made his choice," the ad states. "But, for the rest of us there's still no change. McCain doesn't get it, calling this broken economy 'strong.' Wants to keep spending ten-billion-a-month in Iraq. And votes with George Bush 90 percent of the time."

The ad continues: "So, while this may be his running mate..." as an image of McCain and Palin appears on the screen. The image then shifts to a shot of McCain with Bush. "America knows this is John McCain's agenda. And we can't afford four more years of the same."

They need to be more aggressive.

-Admitting not too long ago that she doesn't even know what a VP does
-Details of investigation and her lying on tape
-Praising Obama's energy plan at just the beginning of August
-Contradicts McCain's experience message
-Laughing at jokes about a cancer survivor

The Democrats MUST hammer these five points from now until election day.
Krowley said:
If you see the quote in context, you will see that she's merly making fun of the office because most of your job is sitting there waiting for the president to die. It's not exactly an action packed position. She is saying that she's hesitant to take the position because she wants to stay busy doing important things.

That's how I interpreted it as well. "Vice President? Why should I care about that? I've got work to do in a REAL job, people!"

And now she's on track to possibly take that position?

If that popularity survey was correct, Alaska loves her and thinks she is doing a wonderful job as Governor. So why can't she stay in Alaska and take care of business?

Not since Blackwell ran for Governor of Ohio have I seen such a weak pander for history.


Diablos said:
They need to be more aggressive.

-Not knowing what a VP does
-Details of investigation
-Contradicts McCain's experience message
-Laughing at a cancer survivor

The Democrats MUST hammer these four points from now until election day.

Expanding on what TheKingsCrown already said, McCain also sufered from cancer. How does he feel about that.


She is a total airhead and it's scary that she is going to possibly be veep.

I seriously think the McCain campaign didn't spend any time vetting this woman. There are so many things about her that could bite them in the ass; it's unbelievable how incompetent this decision was.


Republicans please explain how a creationist with a degree in Journalism who has been governor for half a term of a state with less than half a million people who didn't even know what a VP does just a month ago(!) and has apparently met McCain twice prior to being selected is a good and wise choice? Is this the kind of decision making McCain has after all his experience? This is the same style of irresponsible decision making of Bush where he placed to tried to place extremely unqualified people to high government posts. Please explain. If someone with her qualifications had been picked by Gore or Kerry, you guys would have torn them apart.


syllogism said:
I wonder how many RNC speaker has had to revise speech due to the pick.

I would imagine close to all of them.

New talking points:

Son in Iraq = foreign policy experience

not aborting downs syndrome baby = a brave choice

less than 2 years as Governor of 700,000 people = maverick


People magazine scored one of the first interviews with McCain and his vice president pick Sarah Palin. In the interview they discussed Palin's resume, being a mom, her child's down syndrome and her message to woman. People also asked her about her readiness to be president:

Do you feel ready to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? SARAH: Absolutely. Yup, yup. Especially with a good team around us.

Shes sounds so adorable,how can you not vote for her
and fuck her

Funky Papa

avaya said:
Expanding on what TheKingsCrown already said, McCain also sufered from cancer. How does he feel about that.
He probably didn't even know. I doubt McCain researched her full record -- with every minute that passes it looks more and more like she was an "oh-shit-oh-shit" kind of emergency pick. Naming Lieberman was suicide and the other candidates had too much baggage, so it had to be Sarah from Alaska.

Although to be honest, I think hers was a nervous laughter. Of course she should have called out the DJ, but still.
To be fair, I think she seems like a fairly competent person to be governor of Alaska and might have been a decent idea for VP if she had been actively preparing herself for national leadership. Even then, though, her education leaves a lot to be desired. I think she may be used as bait against Biden, sadly. Biden can absolutely tear into people, but doing so against a hockey mom would anger a lot of people. Hopefully Joe can tone it down a bit and just state his case, politely state while she's wrong, and avoid any damning sound bytes.


Saying the Dems have been taken over by the far crazy left is ridiculous. If that were true then Obama wouldn't be inching towards the center, and Kucinich/Gravel would be in more prominent positions :D

<3 Gravel


The Dems really need to act quick to put out some ads about how terrible of a pick she is. They need to be more aggressive, it's the perfect chance.

Funky Papa

Formless said:
Saying the Dems have been taken over by the far crazy left is ridiculous. If that were true then Obama wouldn't be inching towards the center, and Kucinich/Gravel would be in more prominent positions :D

<3 Gravel
It only looks like that because the Republican Party took a turn to the far right years ago. From their position everything looks dangerously socialist.


RiZ III said:
The Dems really need to act quick to put out some ads about how terrible of a pick she is. They need to be more aggressive, it's the perfect chance.

And if the GOP dare criticize such attacks, Dems could proclaim that she's fair game while showing footage of how tough she is (i.e., target practice footage).


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I still think its a great pick and that she will prove herself as time goes on.

Why is it a great pick? She effectively neutralizes McCain's biggest talking point: inexperience. I don't regard her with any sort of contempt mind you, not like I do with McCain, and I applaud the direction we seem to be headed--that anybody can be President, really, even black guys and women (though this was always the case, it always seemed like lip-service)--I still don't understand what she brings to the table.

Understand that I say that attempting to analyze it all sans cynicism/snark and I'm just drawing a blank.

She rallies the base.

She's blue-collar.

She's a woman.

Well, that's about it.


Astoundingly, Sarah Palin has denied that climate change is man-made--not in 1996, not in 1998, not in 2000, not in 2002, but in an interview posted on August 29, 2008.

In response to this question: "What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country?" Palin answered: "A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."

In making this statement about one of the central issues of our time, Palin has rejected the view not only of the overwhelming majority of scientists, but also of the Environmental Protection Agency (under George W. Bush) and John McCain.

--Cass Sunstein


bob_arctor said:
Why is it a great pick? She effectively neutralizes McCain's biggest talking point: inexperience. I don't regard her with any sort of contempt mind you, not like I do with McCain, and I applaud the direction we seem to be headed--that anybody can be President, really, even black guys and women (though this was always the case, it always seemed like lip-service)--I still don't understand what she brings to the table.

Understand that I say that attempting to analyze it all sans cynicism/snark and I'm just drawing a blank.

She rallies the base.

She's blue-collar.

She's a woman.

Well, that's about it.
Thats all they need really.


In case anyone is curious, the duties of the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a job she held 18 months ago:

2.16.020 Power and duties of mayor.
A. The mayor is the chief administrator of the city, has the same powers and duties as those of a manager under AS 29.20.005, and shall:
1. Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the council, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie;
2. Act as ceremonial head of the city;
3. Sign documents on behalf of the city;
4. Appoint, suspend or remove city employees and administrative officials, except as provided otherwise in AS Title 29 and the Wasilla Municipal Code;
5. Supervise the enforcement of city law and carry out the directives of the city council;
6. Prepare and submit an annual budget and capital improvement program for consideration by the council, and execute the budget and capital program as adopted;
7. Make monthly financial reports and other reports on city finances and operations as required by the council;
8. Exercise legal custody over all real and personal property of the city;
9. Perform other duties required by law or by the council; and
10. Serve as personnel officer, unless the council authorizes the mayor to appoint a personnel officer.
B. The mayor may appoint a person to the position of administrative assistant and deputy administrator. If appointed, the positions may not be eliminated during the mayor’s term of office without prior consent of the mayor. (Prior code § 2.16.010)

God help us all.

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