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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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KamikazeChick said:
This absolutely amazes me. Does she not have a quite capable husband who could stay at home full time to take care of a special needs child? As a woman whose husband put his career on hold for 2 years to stay home with our daughter, I absolutely cannot understand this backlash.

Are we stuck in the stone ages where only the Mother can care of the child? Absolutely incredible. Where is the liberalism that is so rampant in NeGaf?

edit - beaten like 100 times... shows me not to answer someone so far back in the thread :)

No prob, got a touch of a personal story to hammer it home. Unfortunately, it seems on gaf that liberalism takes a break for political convenience at times. That or liberalism just means hating your parents and voting for the other guy.


Biden should walk into the debate, ask "Isn't it true the speck of a town you were Mayor of 18 months ago is now $20 million in debt racked up during your tenure", then drop the mike and walk off stage.

It's frankly an embarrassment he will be forced to share a stage with this woman.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Maher: "I mean, five kids? Does anyone in that party understand the concept of pulling out??"


Dude was ON.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
HolyStar said:
Hold on let me get this straight about Palin her town of under <10,000 people went $20 million in debt during her term in office, she couldn't make it halfway through one term as governor of an empty wasteland without getting into a corruption scandal that's still ongoing and she was Miss Congeniality.

Funny, ain't it?


I think I now know how Hillary fans felt during the primaries....

They always worried and got angry due to Obama's lack of experience but it never phased me because I felt judgement, intelligence and education was more useful in the end. Palin's total lack of interest and understanding of foreign affairs (not her yearly alotment in govt.) FRIGHTENS ME, not her right-wing stances but her sheer lack of knowledge of the world, her lack of education(a bachelors in journalism...jesus) and interest in learning (based on her total lack of interest in learning about the Iraq War). I am honestly scared shitless if she got in the white house.

:( The election really changed for me, I adored Obama and did not like McCain's policy or his attitude about most things. But now its imperative to me this women does not get elected, she doesn't seem able to serve by any means to me on a non-partisan level.

Ugh, this election just became something that really really worries me despite the fact I think McCain will lose. The sheer CHANCE she could be elected is already too much.

I would be equally scared if a dem nominee picked someone who claimed they didnt know what the job of VP was and didnt have any opinions on foreign policy.

I'd rather have Bush for 4 more years than someone as lacking as Palin be a heartbeat away from the job.
Odrion said:
Thank you.

It's always fucking stupid to ignore a Republican. People said the exact same thing about ignoring John McCain and he managed to bring the race neck-to-neck.

Nobody's saying ignore John McCain. But quite frankly I can't see any reason to address Palin as an issue other than her having a vagina and having the title "Republican".


Also about the clip where Palin gives a nervous laugh to the host will not get much play and is nowhere as bad as GAF is claiming it to be.

As if that uncomfortable chortle followed by an audible "no" compares at all to Biden's overtly racist comments or past plagiarisms. One of these VP candidates has a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth, and it isn't Palin. It was funny that when Biden became the candidate, he transformed into a beyond-reproach saint second only to the other beyond-reproach saint.

If you think that clip is going to get any play to people other than the alternate-reality-dwelling denizens of Neogaf, you're out of touch.


Tobor said:
It's frankly an embarrassment he will be forced to share a stage with this woman.
I feel the same way. Biden has met with hundreds of world leaders and one of the most important people in american foreign policy in the last 50 years. And he has to be put on the same level as a governer of alaska who said she hasn't had time to ever think about Iraq? It disgusts me.

And this isn't a issue of ideology to me, it's a issue of sheer competence.


Tobor said:
It's frankly an embarrassment he will be forced to share a stage with this woman.
I feel the same way. Biden has met with hundreds of world leaders and one of the most important people in american foreign policy in the last 50 years. And he has to be put on the same level as a governer of alaska who said she hasn't had time to ever think about Iraq? It disgusts me.

And this isn't a issue of ideology to me, it's a issue of sheer competence.


"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser


Yeah I mean when McCain saying "That's an excellent question" to the woman in a townhall saying "How are we going to beat the bitch?" doesn't get airplay, I don't think Palin will:p

Yeah Charlie Black just stepped in it I think:lol :lol


syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser
McCain this spring said a VP has to be read to be president on DAY ONE and point blank said there cant be any on the job training. This contradicts that point.

I love that he said "most doctors" like there are some doctors who claim he'll die in office.
Cheebs said:
I think I now know how Hillary fans felt during the primaries....

Sort of but not quite. Personally I like experience. Always do. It's a factor. But it's not the only factor. Most hillary fans, myself included were inclined to link Hillary to the Clinton's 90. Therefore it wasn't just pure experience but a call back to a time period they quite liked.

Most Hillary fans weren't scared of Obama in the sense of "oh my god, what will he do?"


syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser

WTF :lol


Cheebs said:
McCain this spring said a VP has to be read to be president on DAY ONE and point blank said there cant be any on the job training. This contradicts that point.

I love that he said "most doctors" like there are some doctors who claim he'll die in office.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to a President, not a VP. I could be totally wrong though.
syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser


Link! Please!

This is gonna be the best SNL season EVER!!!

syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser
:lol So, there's a pretty good chance McCain will survive the first term?


Cheebs said:
I feel the same way. Biden has met with hundreds of world leaders and one of the most important people in american foreign policy in the last 50 years. And he has to be put on the same level as a governer of alaska who said she hasn't had time to ever think about Iraq? It disgusts me.

And this isn't a issue of ideology to me, it's a issue of sheer competence.

Precisely. And some Republicans are in agreement. Michael Savage accused McCain of throwing the election last night. He sounded genuinely depressed. At least some of the Republican shills are being honest and calling this what it is. An embarrassing pander.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Maher: "I was so proud of my country for the first time last night, and right back this morning, I was embarrassed."
Actually, for those who don't know, 30 Rock is shot in Queens, NY. So there's a very good chance that Tina Fey could be readily available to play Palin on SNL whenever necessary, the way they had John Goodman come in to play...shit, I forget. But he always guested just to play her.

Anyway, yeah. Best season ever. And you know she'll do such a fucking wicked impression.
Tamanon said:
Yeah I mean when McCain saying "That's an excellent question" to the woman in a townhall saying "How are we going to beat the bitch?" doesn't get airplay, I don't think Palin will:p

Yeah Charlie Black just stepped in it I think:lol :lol

That's the hilarious and insulting part. I had problems with sexist liberals on this board and in the media but the Republicans have been doing it for 20 years against Hillary. For Palin to step up and invoke Hillary Clinton's name yesterday was the ultimate slap in the face. Just pull any clip from Rush Limbaugh, the Republican debates, or any Republican talking head in recent times and you have a good picture of what many of these national republicans think about Hillary Clinton and often women in general.

Truly mind-boggling.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
BenjaminBirdie said:
Actually, for those who don't know, 30 Rock is shot in Queens, NY. So there's a very good chance that Tina Fey could be readily available to play Palin on SNL whenever necessary, the way they had John Goodman come in to play...shit, I forget. But he always guested just to play her.

Anyway, yeah. Best season ever. And you know she'll do such a fucking wicked impression.

Tripp, Linda Tripp.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser
LOL. How does The Onion come up with this stuff? Classic.


have there been much discussion of the Bristol baby compiracy ? quickly searched this thread and couldnt find any mention

so what does everyone make of the rumours going round about the origins of the baby? much of the speculation seems to be based on this image showing 16yo Bristol Palin with what appears to be a suspicious looking tummy and aparently a complete lack of photographic evidence that Sarah was pregnant - combined with a very dodgy claim to have taken a flight home to alaska after her waters had broken. Bristol also missed the last 5 months of school due to illness, which nicely ties in with the timeline of the birth


if she wasnt knocked-up I wouldnt mind giving it a shot myself :D (she is legal where I am)
does anyone get the distinct feeling that

is in the same boat as

in terms of being placed in a situation wildly above their head, being driven solely by ideology, facts/the law be damned?


qwertybob said:
have there been much discussion of the Bristol baby compiracy ? quickly searched this thread and couldnt find any mention

so what does everyone make of the rumours going round about the origins of the baby? much of the speculation seems to be based on this image showing 16yo Bristol Palin with what appears to be a suspicious looking tummy and aparently a complete lack of photographic evidence that Sarah was pregnant - combined with a very dodgy claim to have taken a flight home to alaska after her waters had broken. Bristol also missed the last 5 months of school due to illness, which nicelt ties in the the timeline of the birth


if she wasnt knocked-up I wouldnt mind giving it a shot myself :D (she is legal where I am)

Ruh roh. McCain's going to have to bring in Maury Povich for some additional vetting.
Door2Dawn said:

There you have it folks,if she can take on Ted Stevens,she can take on the russians.

"If she can take him on, she can take on the Russians.



And that's why I can't see how in god's name they will be able to use the experience angle anymore.

They have two arguments now.
Alaska is next to Canada and Russian so that means she has foreign policy experience.
And Mccain is now Yoda to Palin's Luke Skywalker.

They basically have to double and triple down on the maverick thing but Palin is hard right and Mccain is only a maverick in gestures in recent times.



Interview with Palin talking about energy policy (including criticism of obama and biden) on cnbc. She seems extremley conversant on this issue. Doesn't come off as an empty suit at all. She definitly isn't a "moron" as some people seem to be insisting. She may not know Foreign policy, but if she's smart enough, she'll get the basics down pretty quickly. There have been plenty of governers from smaller states that have become Presidents, and they all got the hang of it eventually.

Perhaps the interview will relax the more worried among you. She definitly comes of as totally competent.


Stoney Mason said:
And that's why I cant see how in god's name they will be able to use the experience angle anymore.

They have two arguments now.
Alaska is next to Canada and Russian so that means she has foreign policy experience.
And Mccain is now Yoda to Palin's Luke Skywalker.

They basically have to double and triple down on the maverick thing but Palin is hard right and Mccain is only a maverick in gestures in recent times.

That's why this is such a desperate move. It's like throwing a hail mary at the end of the first quarter.

Interesting analysis on Politico:


1. He's desperate.


Krowley said:

Interview with Palin talking about energy policy (including criticism of obama and biden) on cnbc. She seems extremley conversant on this issue. Doesn't come off as an empty suit at all. She definitly isn't a "moron" as some people seem to be insisting.

Perhaps it will relax the more worried among you.
It's kind of hard to criticize Obama when she praised his energy plan..


qwertybob said:
have there been much discussion of the Bristol baby compiracy ? quickly searched this thread and couldnt find any mention

so what does everyone make of the rumours going round about the origins of the baby? much of the speculation seems to be based on this image showing 16yo Bristol Palin with what appears to be a suspicious looking tummy and aparently a complete lack of photographic evidence that Sarah was pregnant - combined with a very dodgy claim to have taken a flight home to alaska after her waters had broken. Bristol also missed the last 5 months of school due to illness, which nicely ties in with the timeline of the birth


if she wasnt knocked-up I wouldnt mind giving it a shot myself :D (she is legal where I am)

One of the many, many problems with this theory is that if it's not true (and c'mon, it isn't), then we're basically calling some poor 16 year old girl a fatty.


Krowley said:

Interview with Palin talking about energy policy (including criticism of obama and biden) on cnbc. She seems extremley conversant on this issue. Doesn't come off as an empty suit at all. She definitly isn't a "moron" as some people seem to be insisting.

Perhaps it will relax the more worried among you.

I don't know if the Republicans want Palin discussing energy too much, considering she's actually enacted some of the oil policies that Obama has pushed for and McCain has shot down.


Talka said:
One of the many, many problems with this theory is that if it's not true (and c'mon, it isn't), then we're basically calling some poor 16 year old girl a fatty.

hey im not calling her a fatty, she pretty cute I would help her work off some of the winter fat :D


Samantha B summed it up perfectly. It's like republicans think women are completely retarded and they'll vote for someone who is against everything they have earned and stand for just because that someone has a vagina.

Btw this was the funniest Daily Show of the year.
Tamanon said:
I don't know if the Republicans want Palin discussing energy too much, considering she's actually enacted some of the oil policies that Obama has pushed for and McCain has shot down.

I think they have to and want her to and will deal with the spin later. I have to assume that part of the reason she was brought on was because the whole drilling and gas thing and Alaskan oil. She will conform her opinions to Mccain's and basically be used to speak as someone who knows about oil and energy at least on the domestic scene. I'm not saying there aren't avenues to attack her that but along with being a women, being pro-life with a kid with downs, and being the governor of an oil state. Those are the three tent poles of her selection I would assume.
Krowley said:

Interview with Palin talking about energy policy (including criticism of obama and biden) on cnbc. She seems extremley conversant on this issue. Doesn't come off as an empty suit at all. She definitly isn't a "moron" as some people seem to be insisting. She may not know Foreign policy, but if she's smart enough, she'll get the basics down pretty quickly. There have been plenty of governers from smaller states that have become Presidents, and they all got the hang of it eventually.

Perhaps the interview will relax the more worried among you. She definitly comes of as totally competent.

I would hope that nobody thinks that she's an outright dimwit. But even from what I watched of that video (this PC can't hold a connection for long) the interview was confined to her level of expertise. This woman is going to be repeatedly asked about the Iraq War and foreign policy in general, and no matter how smart she is chances are she will be eaten alive if pushed.


qwertybob said:
have there been much discussion of the Bristol baby compiracy ? quickly searched this thread and couldnt find any mention

so what does everyone make of the rumours going round about the origins of the baby? much of the speculation seems to be based on this image showing 16yo Bristol Palin with what appears to be a suspicious looking tummy and aparently a complete lack of photographic evidence that Sarah was pregnant - combined with a very dodgy claim to have taken a flight home to alaska after her waters had broken. Bristol also missed the last 5 months of school due to illness, which nicely ties in with the timeline of the birth


if she wasnt knocked-up I wouldnt mind giving it a shot myself :D (she is legal where I am)

that is mad suspect, and the girls figure actualy lends itself to the theory.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
New Rule: "It's a convention, not a gay pride parade. I didn't even know Hulk Hogan was a democrat. <picture of a guy resembling Hogan at the DNCC dressed in drag> You know there's a place for flamboyant displays of homosexual pride. <picture of a bunch of gay republicans> The Republican convention."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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