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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Can you find where babies are born and who they are born to, legally or is that covered under hippa? Cause if you can, then you guys are grasping at straws.. someone else would have alread discovered the girl is the mother.

Also on the Palin energy interview.. she came off as a state advocate speaking about her area of expertise. I mean if getting on the nation stage and talking about Alaska is all she's going to be able to true, she's going to be in trouble.


Byakuya769 said:
Can you find where babies are born and who they are born to, legally or is that covered under hippa? Cause if you can, then you guys are grasping at straws.. someone else would have alread discovered the girl is the mother.

I'm pretty sure birth certificates are covered by HIPAA, I don't really care about this "scandal", even if true, it doesn't matter. She's still insanely unqualified and unprepared to be the Veep.


While that Palin baby story sounded like tabloid bullshit at first, it isn't completely baseless. There's a lot of weird circumstances during that pregnancy.

First there's the fact that she didn't announce until she was seven months along, when she looked like this (she gave birth a month early):

Here's the story on the surprise announcement:


For comparison, here's Halle Berry at 7 months. And the whole birth story did sound kind of fake to me. Here it is:


Sarah, 44, had her water unexpectedly break (just a slow leak of amniotic fluid, she shared) while attending an energy conference in Texas, but checked in with her doctor, was able to stay, deliver a 30 minute speech, and then get on a plane to return to her home state in time for the delivery (which ended up needing to be induced) early this morning.

Of course, it could all be the absence of information and internet bullshit, but there's definitely something fishy going on.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Krowley said:

Interview with Palin talking about energy policy (including criticism of obama and biden) on cnbc. She seems extremley conversant on this issue. Doesn't come off as an empty suit at all. She definitly isn't a "moron" as some people seem to be insisting. She may not know Foreign policy, but if she's smart enough, she'll get the basics down pretty quickly. There have been plenty of governers from smaller states that have become Presidents, and they all got the hang of it eventually.

Perhaps the interview will relax the more worried among you. She definitly comes of as totally competent.

so what you are saying is that... mccain and co's attacks on obama's experience have been complete garbage?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Zabka said:
While that Palin baby story sounded like tabloid bullshit at first, it isn't completely baseless. There's a lot of weird circumstances during that pregnancy.

First there's the fact that she didn't announce until she was seven months along, when she looked like this:

Here's the story on the surprise announcement:


For comparison, here's Halle Berry at 7 months. And the whole birth story did sound kind of fake to me. Here it is:


Of course, it could all be the absence of information and internet bullshit, but there's definitely something fishy going on.

That's not a picture of a woman that is 7-months pregnant, no way.


reilo said:
New Rule: "It's a convention, not a gay pride parade. I didn't even know Hulk Hogan was a democrat. <picture of a guy resembling Hogan at the DNCC dressed in drag> You know there's a place for flamboyant displays of homosexual pride. <picture of a bunch of gay republicans> The Republican convention."

The new Real Time was good all around, save for when Maher put his foot in his mouth over the war in Afghanistan and Matt Taibbi returning as Maher's sidekick.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Macam said:
The new Real Time was good all around, save for when Maher put his foot in his mouth over the war in Afghanistan and Matt Taibbi returning as Maher's sidekick.

Yeah, I don't agree with Maher on his issue of Afghanistan. The operation in Afghanistan is a small time affair compared to Iraq and resembles more of a police action rather than a full out war.


in line to see Obama and Biden at Dublin Coffman high school's football stadium.

Great weather to wait in line outdoors. I'm about #500 out of #3500 or so, with 6000 total tickets available.

Just three more gorram hours. :p


quadriplegicjon said:
so what you are saying is that... mccain and co's attacks on obama's experience have been completely garbage?

Not exactly, but I'll agree that this pick undermines McCains ability to make that argument. I expect him to become the "reform" candidate from here on out and drop a lot of the inexperience talk. He'll go back to his older style, and pick some fights with the GOP.

Also, I have to say I find her a very compelling personality. I instantly liked her, but I'm not going to deny that the dems have a fair argument about her experience. It's a legitimate concern. She inspires some sort of strange trust in me (which may not be deserved) but I can understand if others don't feel the same. The idea of her as president doesn't worry me at all.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Krowley said:
Not exactly, but I'll agree that this pick undermines McCains ability to make that argument. I expect him to become the "reform" candidate from here on out and drop a lot of the inexperience talk. He'll go back to his older style, and pick some fights with the GOP.

Thanks for the offer McCain, but we'll go with the smart black man that's offering a more meritable change ticket.
Juice said:
in line to see Obama and Biden at Dublin Coffman high school's football stadium.

Great weather to wait in line outdoors. I'm about #500 out of #3500 or so, with 6000 total tickets available.

Just three more gorram hours. :p

How early did you get there?


supposedly that pic was taken around super tuesday, which doesn't make sense cuz theres no way that woman was 7-8 months pregnant in that pic. also in this video in february she's hiking?I suppose it could have been taken prior? probably just tabloid type bs, but who knows. someone will come with a pic of her during her pregnancy sooner or later, and this will probably be debunked.


thekad said:
What do you mean, "not exactly." Were the attacks relevant or not?

I added it in my edit but I'll expound a little further.

Attacking her experience and his are both valid. He's a bit more disconcerting because he's running for president, but at least he's had years of running to get himself up to speed, and obviously he's a very smart dude.

At the same time, neither attack is really legitimate enough to completley disqualify either of them. I expect she will know as much as she needs to know by the time she takes office, and he's obviously already well within the minimum knowledge requirments.

In the end, both tickets will have a very experienced staff of advisors if they get elected. I have more problems with Obama's judgement and political positions than I do with his experience.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
syllogism said:
"She’s going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long." - Charlie Black, chief Mccain campaign adviser
That's a hell of an internship.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Imm0rt4l said:
supposedly that pic was taken around super tuesday, which doesn't make sense cuz theres no way that woman was 7-8 months pregnant in that pic. also in this video in february she's hiking?I suppose it could have been taken prior? probably just tabloid type bs, but who knows. someone will come with a pic of her during her pregnancy sooner or later, and this will probably be debunked.

She's wearing the same shirt and there isn't any notice of a bump in the stomach


Just a correction. I believe that picture was at six to seven months, not seven to eight. Super Tuesday was a month earlier than the article I posted.

That also means that this video was taken after the image posted above. You can get a good look at her from all angles in it.


Its probably not true but if it is true....

I personally can understand the reasoning behind it - to protect the daughter and allow her to go to college etc. this goes on all over the country all the time.

However if she has been using the baby as a policatical tool to prove how 'pro-life' she is then its fair game for people to attack her.


Goddamn, none of this shit made the news yet. Laughing at fat jokes and a woman being called a bitch and a cancer survivor being called a cancer and calling Hillary a whiner sounds like the kind of thing that would majorly drive those fabled pissed off Hillary fans away from the Republicans.

Do you guys think the media will run with any of this at all?
KamikazeChick said:
Are we stuck in the stone ages where only the Mother can care of the child? Absolutely incredible. Where is the liberalism that is so rampant in NeGaf?
I've been a stay-at-home dad for 6 years. :D


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
At two critical junctures this month, the McCain campaign has totally outmanuevered Obama's, first was when he returned from Europe and McCain hit him with the 'Celebrity' ads, and Obama really had no answer, and now with the Palin announcement once again they're caught flat-flooted. I don't know why Obama's campaign is so reactive, did they think McCain utterly incapable of taking a risk? Why would the fact that McCain might pick a woman, and most likely this woman never even enter their minds? Many more misjudgements like this one, or if they are still reacting instead of acting in late October, and they will be well on their way to losing this election.


capslock said:
At two critical junctures this month, the McCain campaign has totally outmanuevered Obama's, first was when he returned from Europe and McCain hit him with the 'Celebrity' ads, and Obama really had no answer, and now with the Palin announcement once again they're caught flat-flooted. I don't know why Obama's campaign is so reactive, did they think McCain utterly incapable of taking a risk? Why would the fact that McCain might pick a woman, and most likely this woman never even enter their minds? Many more misjudgements like this one, or if they are still reacting instead of acting in late October, and they will be well on their way to losing this election.



Krowley said:
I expect she will know as much as she needs to know by the time she takes office, and he's obviously already well within the minimum knowledge requirments.

In 5 months, she'll have the competency to form intelligent positions on a host of national issues she, to this day, had no opinion on? You really do have an insane amount of trust for a woman you never heard of until yesterday.

In the end, both tickets will have a very experienced staff of advisors if they get elected. I have more problems with Obama's judgement and political positions than I do with his experience.

Judgement? Tell me you're not going to bring up his pastor.


Dax01 said:

Oh and I notice that McCain shakes hands with people in a weird way. He puts his elbow out to the side.
Its because he broke both shoulders in a crash during Vietnam (when he got captured) and they didn't have advanced enough medical technology to enable them to heal remotely correctly.

He basically can't raise his arms above his shoulders now. He's also got a large scar on the left side of his face, which is why he is almost always shot dead center or from the right.


Setec Astronomer
capslock said:
At two critical junctures this month, the McCain campaign has totally outmanuevered Obama's, first was when he returned from Europe and McCain hit him with the 'Celebrity' ads, and Obama really had no answer, and now with the Palin announcement once again they're caught flat-flooted. I don't know why Obama's campaign is so reactive, did they think McCain utterly incapable of taking a risk? Why would the fact that McCain might pick a woman, and most likely this woman never even enter their minds? Many more misjudgements like this one, or if they are still reacting instead of acting in late October, and they will be well on their way to losing this election.
I know, and Kerry should have known better than to push his wartime credentials when he was just going to get swiftboated on it!
Rev. Wright got my appetite going for church voyeurism. I really want to see some footage of the folks back at her church rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues.



For nearly two weeks, Democrats have repeatedly hit Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., for saying he is unaware of how many houses he owns, calling the presumptive Republican presidential nominee out of touch with everyday Americans. In his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on Thursday, Democratic nominee Barack Obama turned up the heat on McCain, saying he "doesn't know" about the lives of middle-class Americans.

"I'm offended by Barack Obama saying that about my husband," said McCain's wife Cindy.
When asked if Obama went too far in his criticism of McCain, Cindy responded, "I do. I do. I really do."




Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Hitokage said:
I know, and Kerry should have known better than to push his wartime credentials when he was just going to get swiftboated on it!

Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.


capslock said:
Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.

You're right, obviously they should've planned for McCain to find the only candidate that's both younger, has less experience, no national name and no national policies. Because you've gotta attack that one right out of the gate, that's just a game-changer, there!

Not to mention, I think Palin's dossier really is only 2 pages.


Setec Astronomer
capslock said:
Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.
Maybe because they assumed McCain would be sane in his decision making? Besides, it seems the McCain campaign doesn't have anything beyond two pages either.
So much confidence that she'll be well versed in issues that she's shown no interest in. This does come from the party who brought you "The President you can see yourself having a beer with". Now we might get "the Vice-President who can bring your kids orange slices for their soccer game"
capslock said:
Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.


Why attack when the media is doing the job? And if the reaction nationwide (polling doesn't look good...) to Palin's selection is anything like it is here (especially among women), then the Obama campaign doesn't have too much to worry about, anyway. Why beat a dead horse?

This was a terrible, off-the-cuff selection. It reinforces McCain's age and destroys their main line of argument against Obama. Although watching conservatives contort themselves into pretzels to defend this selection sure is funny...
capslock said:
Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.

Yeah, sorry, there's nothing else in ANY dossier about Sarah Palin.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Tamanon said:
You're right, obviously they should've planned for McCain to find the only candidate that's both younger, has less experience, no national name and no national policies. Because you've gotta attack that one right out of the gate, that's just a game-changer, there!

Not to mention, I think Palin's dossier really is only 2 pages.

If you put together the reaction of the MSM, the PUMA idiots, and the Obama's campaign's dithering response, it IS a game changer, Obama's brilliant speech got completely overshadowed in way that it would not have been had Romney or Pawlenty or even Lieberman had been picked. And how many Replublican women governors are out there anyway? There's even been a Draft Palin site up for months now.
Sarah Palin's dossier is thinner than an EA Sports instruction manual

capslock, if McCain picked Bill O'Reilly for vice president it would've been a shocking game changer that would be tough to respond to as well. Doesn't exactly make it a wonderful pick.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
syllogism said:
41+m households saw the speech, covering the speech all friday/weekend wouldn't have made much of a difference

Wait, I thought it was 38 million PEOPLE, where are you getting this figure from? That's half the households there are in the country.


Junior Member
i leave for 3 hours and a bunch of dudes are acting like they understand pregnacy. good lord this is just pitiful
syllogism said:
41+m households saw the speech, covering the speech all friday/weekend wouldn't have made much of a difference

PLUS his pick, no matter who it was, was scheduled for 11 AM. No one at the Obama camp expected to own the weekend.

Which, again, makes McCain's making a decision based in any way on "DOOD PWNING THE NEWZ CYCLE" all the more colossally stupid.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
soul creator said:
Sarah Palin's dossier is thinner than an EA Sports instruction manual

capslock, if McCain picked Bill O'Reilly for vice president it would've been a shocking game changer that would be tough to respond to as well. Doesn't exactly make it a wonderful pick.

I never said she was a wonderful pick, she's a fucking terrible pick, but it makes everyone reasses McCain, and not all will do it in a negative way, and it keeps the media talking about his choice. That's what McCain needs, that's what he wants, the celebrity ads were stupid as hell, but the MSM picked up that bullshit and ran with it for almost a month.
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