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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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PHOTOS: OBAMA/BIDEN rally in Dublin, Ohio


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, left, D-Ill., waves to a crowd of supporters as his vice presidential candidate, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., stands behind him during a campaign stop Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008, in Dublin, Ohio. (AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks to a crowd of supporters during a campaign stop Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008, in Dublin, Ohio.
(AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks to a crowd of supporters during a campaign stop Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008, in Dublin, Ohio.
(AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)


U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks at a rally in Dublin, Ohio August 30, 2008. REUTERS/Matt Sullivan


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, left, D-Ill., speaks to a crowd of supporters as his vice presidential candidate, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., sits behind him during a campaign stop Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008, in Dublin, Ohio.
(AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)


Arde5643 said:
THe biggest problem with democracy is that it lets anyone vote.


acksman said:
So, who would you like to emulate or what type of system would you like to emulate?


Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that. This test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an improvement.

Shall I continue? I don't get it, do you hate freedom?


Please, go back to watching Fox News.


PhoenixDark said:
It's her baby. The chances that a 44 year old woman would conceive a child with downs syndrome are significantly higher than those for a 16 year old girl

So she, a 44 year old woman, had a baby that she knew had Down Syndrome weeks into pregnancy and still decided to have the baby? Seems irresponsible on several fronts...


AniHawk said:
There was the wrongful firing, bridge to nowhere, the radio show thing, and the focus goes on, "maybe it's not hers?"

There's no way this doesn't backfire. And as Deus Ex Machina said, it closes off legit criticism because it'll be seen as targeting that poor woman again.

Seriously i made a huge post chronicling all the reasons palin should raise eyebrows, and I didn't even mention her investigation or her bridge to nowhere flip flop, but internet folks still grab onto the baby thing.

Whether suspicious or not, this conversation about it must end until it becomes something substantive. Let someone else do the work, do not contribute to the smear campaign. It's dirty and wrong. That is why I am banning for it.


Chrono said:
Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that.

The second test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and that Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an improvement.
Azih said:
Alright can someone link me to JayDubya's meltdown? GAF search feature doesn't really do the job.

It's around page 170-180 of the previous PoliGAF thread. Basically, he starts insulting people directly and acting like a 7 year old.
Azih said:
Alright can someone link me to JayDubya's meltdown? GAF search feature doesn't really do the job.

In the previous political thread, with the posts made on Thursday before and after Obama's speech. Jaydubya's meltdown stretches for several pages before he was banned.
Jak140 said:
I don't know why the whole internet chose to run with the pregnancy thing instead of the legitimate wrongful firing investigation she's under. Even if the pregnancy thing turns out to be true, it might just backfire and win McCain the election. The narrative will go something like "that poor women, she put her career at risk just to protect her daughter, what a good mother." Then boom Nov. 4th, she wins the election. Jesus Christ.

Because the unmarried 16yr old story would be more damning amongst the conservative base.
harSon said:
So she, a 44 year old woman, had a baby that she knew had Down Syndrome weeks into pregnancy and still decided to have the baby? Seems irresponsible on several fronts...

She made the decision as a mother, I can't judge it. She's more than capable of raising the child - it certainly is a healthy environment. My only question is one that my mom brought up, and I'm sure other mothers have as well: does she think she can run for office with an infant at home? A father can raise an infant obviously but I don't think anything can substitute a mother's love/care/etc.


Chrono said:
Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that.

The second test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an improvement.

Flip this around. There should not be tests for voting, but there should be strict requirements to be a candidate. Like someone said earlier, you have to go through so much education, test, certifications, to become something like a doctor or lawyer.

Politicians on the other hand, what do they have to do? Be popular?

Justin Bailey

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Chrono said:

Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that. This test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an improvement.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with this at all. Especially since the ones administering the test would be omnipotent beings, because they are the only ones that could do it without bias or corruption. Someone call Jesus.
guess said:
Flip this around. There should not be tests for voting, but there should be strict requirements to be a candidate. Like someone said earlier, you have to go through so much education, test, certifications, to become something like a doctor or lawyer.

Politicians on the other hand, what do they have to do? Be popular?
Obama passes that test with flying colors.
CNN POLL: More From CNN/Opinion Research,

Is Sarah Palin qualified to serve as president?

Yes: 45%

No: 50%

No opinion: 5%

Do you think John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin reflects favorably or unfavorably on McCain’s ability to make important presidential decisions?

Favorably: 57%

Unfavorably: 40%

No opinion: 2%

“John McCain chose Sarah Palin because he thought having a woman on the ticket would help him get elected?”

Agree: 75%

Disagree: 25%



Setec Astronomer
All this talk about literacy tests and poll taxes misses the fucking point. If you have a problem with the people voting, then work to improve them, not exclude them.


harSon said:
So she, a 44 year old woman, had a baby that she knew had Down Syndrome weeks into pregnancy and still decided to have the baby? Seems irresponsible on several fronts...
Dude...the only irresponsible thing about it that she would go on the campaign trail with an extremely young child with Down Syndrome.


That poll makes no sense whatsover.

Majority think that it reflects well on McCain's ability to make presidential decisions, but then 3/4 think he just picked her because she was a woman.:lol


Chrono said:

Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that. This test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an improvement.


Please, go back to watching Fox News.
agreed, fully.


Setec Astronomer
PhoenixDark said:
She made the decision as a mother, I can't judge it. She's more than capable of raising the child - it certainly is a healthy environment. My only question is one that my mom brought up, and I'm sure other mothers have as well: does she think she can run for office with an infant at home? A father can raise an infant obviously but I don't think anything can substitute a mother's love/care/etc.
Working mothers, LULZ AMIRITE?


Jak140 said:
There is a vehemently pro-life VP candidate who was just announced. I don't see how the discussion isn't relevant as long as it remains civil. If a mods state otherwise, fine, but I don't see how it's your place to state what should and shouldn't be allowed discussion.

That's what everyone always says before the ban hammer drops. There's a difference between discussing abortion in a politically relevant context and then full on discussing abortion as an issue. Some posters are skewing to the latter. I have no authority to change the subject, but I'm just throwing out a piece of advice. If you want to talk about the morality of abortion, go right ahead. Just hope JayDubya's ban doesn't expire soon.


RobotChant said:
Because the unmarried 16yr old story would be more damning amongst the conservative base.
You're forgetting that logic doesn't apply to them; if they can spin this into the story of a good mother under attack, they will. Watch. This story breaks, and they will rally even more behind her.


Deus Ex Machina said:
CNN POLL: More From CNN/Opinion Research,

Is Sarah Palin qualified to serve as president?

Yes: 45%

No: 50%

No opinion: 5%

Do you think John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin reflects favorably or unfavorably on McCain’s ability to make important presidential decisions?

Favorably: 57%

Unfavorably: 40%

No opinion: 2%

“John McCain chose Sarah Palin because he thought having a woman on the ticket would help him get elected?”

Agree: 75%

Disagree: 25%


The fact that 32% of the people who agreed with the third question also thought it reflected positively on his ability to make presidential decisions worries the fuck out of me.
CNN opinion polls always seem to come up with especially funky results..

Based on these results, a majority believe McCain picked an unqualified VP to appeal to women voters but it reflects well on him.



Deus Ex Machina said:
CNN opinion polls always seem to come up with especially funky results..

Based on these results, a majority believe McCain picked an unqualified VP to appeal to women voters but it reflects well on him.

Makes me almost empathetic to Chrono's suggestion for pseudo-poll taxes.


I work somewhere where we conduct telephone surveys and the people who take these things are honestly some of the fucking dumbest people imaginable. And probably 80% of the people who agree to do these surveys are over 60. They contradict themselves constantly and they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. For example, we recently did a survey and one section of it said something along the lines of "We are going to name a politician and you tell me whether they're liberal, moderate, or conservative." And you would not believe the number of people calling McCain and Bush liberal while calling Obama conservative.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I just got back from the McCain ralley in O'fallon Missouri today. Last stop before the convention! It was pretty awesome. Romney and Huckabee were there as well. Both of the spoke to open it up and did a great job.

They passed it to McCain and he was quick to pass it to Palin. Palin delievered a 25 minute speech that was awesome. Was a great time even though it was way to fucking hot.

I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Jak140 said:
You're forgetting that logic doesn't apply to them; if they can spin this into the story of a good mother under attack, they will. Watch. This story breaks, and they will rally even more behind her.

My point is that logic doesn't apply to them. She's still a "patriot" even if the corruption allegation turns out to be true. However, her 16yr old having sex and getting pregnant could hurt her immensely in right wing circles.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Hitokage said:
All this talk about literacy tests and poll taxes misses the fucking point. If you have a problem with the people voting, then work to improve them, not exclude them.




Chrono said:

Democracy... but with a test. Sort of like a license for voting.

One is only taken once, sort of like a driving test. It'd be for overall intelligence. Some basic logic, reading comprehension, and maybe some history and political science.

Another is taken at every election, before you vote. It tests you on each candidate's positions on all issues and what they plan to do. All candidates agree on these descriptions, but there's a limit to any particular candidate's stupidity. So if McCain thinks Obama will raise taxes on poor families, he can lie about it all he wants on the campaign trail and in front of the Freedom Fries Media, but not on that test as experts will examine each plan and prevent deceptions like that. This test would also include biographies. So in this election for example, everybody would know that McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class and Obama went to Harvard.

This system wouldn't be perfect, and lots of morons would still filter through, but it's an

Agreed. Screw the Civil Rights movement and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



Crayon Shinchan said:



RobotChant said:
My point is that logic doesn't apply to them. She's still a "patriot" even if the corruption allegation turns out to be true. However, her 16yr old having sex and getting pregnant could hurt her immensely in right wing circles.

Yeah, but the ones pulling the strings wouldn't give a shit if she raped babies as long as they could spin it into a positive. They're just using the social conservatives to get elected, so the dems won't go after their filthy rich asses with taxes.

If this pregnancy thing breaks, they will easily spin it into good mother under attack from evil dems. And it will play. Sad, but true.


Jak140 said:
The fact that 32% of the people who agreed with the third question also thought it reflected positively on his ability to make presidential decisions worries the fuck out of me.
Me too. Let's wait for more polls though.


Jak140 said:
You're forgetting that logic doesn't apply to them; if they can spin this into the story of a good mother under attack, they will. Watch. This story breaks, and they will rally even more behind her.

To be honest, I'm shocked that so many people are "spinning" it as a bad thing...
Diablos said:
Me too. Let's wait for more polls though.

These polls came out at a time when no one knew who she was. That's one of the major reasons she's seen so favorably, along with the mom/5 kids/etc stuff. Once this is chewed up and spit out in the media people will begin to form more concrete opinions, whether they remain positive or become negative.


vumpler said:
I just got back from the McCain ralley in O'fallon Missouri today. Last stop before the convention! It was pretty awesome. Romney and Huckabee were there as well. Both of the spoke to open it up and did a great job.

They passed it to McCain and he was quick to pass it to Palin. Palin delievered a 25 minute speech that was awesome. Was a great time even though it was way to fucking hot.

I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Too bad Palin has less foreign policy experience than everyone in this thread to be VP.


typhonsentra said:

What is there to "Dude..." about? Women over 35 have a much greater risk of having a child with Down Syndrome than those who are younger do. She was obviously aware of these risks considering she had early tests done, since she received a conclusive answer I'm guessing she had an Amniocentesis done? Which is strange since she's profoundly against the idea of abortion and there is a chance (Albeit a small one) that it could cause a miscarriage. Why risk a miscarriage when you're obviously going to have the baby regardless?


I don't think a license to vote is necessary, but I think an independent organization should review each candidate, and put the top 10 issues/facts on an easy to read chart. Something simple that everyone can understand, and plaster it in every voting booth in the country. The problem with this is finding a properly independent organization to do this.


Voters don't pick a candidate. They answer 10-20 questions on the issues themselves, and the candidate that matches their answers more closely receives the vote. It would never happen because it is so radical, but IMO that is the only way to get an intelligent vote out of unintelligent people.


Cheebs said:
Too bad Palin has less foreign policy experience than everyone in this thread to be VP.

Hey, I like her stance on foreign policy. It means that I can be an ambassador to Mexico and all countries south. Sure, I've never been there, but I lived on a bordering state for most of my life!


harSon said:
Why risk a miscarriage when you're obviously going to have the baby regardless?
So that the parents (as well as their doctors) would have a good amount of time to prepare for the practical and emotional implications of raising a special needs child. Amniocentesis isn't just a "let's see if there's a reason we should abort" test.


sk3 said:
I don't think a license to vote is necessary, but I think an independent organization should review each candidate, and put the top 10 issues/facts on an easy to read chart. Something simple that everyone can understand, and plaster it in every voting booth in the country. The problem with this is finding a properly independent organization to do this.


Voters don't pick a candidate. They answer 10-20 questions on the issues themselves, and the candidate that matches their answers more closely receives the vote. It would never happen because it is so radical, but IMO that is the only way to get an intelligent vote out of unintelligent people.

Not everyone cares about all the issues. Nor do they have to.

Requiring a knowledge/intelligence test is effectively eliminating a substantial number of voters who grew up in unfavorable economic conditions. No one but the people within that group are going to (likely) vote with the unfortunate in mind. They tried crap like this before and it was horribly abused and rightfully overturned.
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