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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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So, more anecdotal.. My dad who is pretty conservative, although more recently has labeled himself "moderate", told me today that he thought the choice of Palin essentially threw away McCain's chances of winning. He was pretty disgusted that McCain would put someone who he believes would be entirely incapable of running the country so close to that actual position.

He also told me he is going to start reading in depth about Obama's plans, for whom he may vote! Woo
gluv65 said:
3 days have passed since the S. Palin announcement and do you know who has been invisible since that time as far as audio and video. Joe. Lieberman. Is it possible he's reconsidering his all out fanboyism for John S. McCain?

Lieberman was on Face The Nation this morning with the talking points memo in hand.


Alcander said:
So, more anecdotal.. My dad who is pretty conservative, although more recently has labeled himself "moderate", told me today that he thought the choice of Palin essentially threw away McCain's chances of winning. He was pretty disgusted that McCain would put someone who he believes would be entirely incapable of running the country so close to that actual position.

He also told me he is going to start reading in depth about Obama's plans, for whom he may vote! Woo

Good call. That's what got me onto the Obama side- he's got a great stage presence, but he's also got a ton of good ideas. And it does my heart good to see he's interested in what a candidate stands for. Happens far too rarely these days.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Shoo shoo. Stop baiting us.
I really don't mean to bait, but I've run the story by a couple of my friends (who, like me, grew up steeped in the conservative, religious culture of the south) and they all think it would be neutral or positive thing if true. (hooray for anecdotal evidence!)

killakiz said:
The fact that she ignored her body with a baby in it, to forward her political career is bad judgement in my opinion.
Well, that's fair, but weren't you listing the negatives of the baby coverup story before? Or did you just mean how she hid her own pregnancy until a fairly late point in it?


gluv65 said:
3 days have passed since the S. Palin announcement and do you know who has been invisible since that time as far as audio and video. Joe. Lieberman. Is it possible he's reconsidering his all out fanboyism for John S. McCain?

LOL, yeah right. Nope, he's still there. C'mon he's gotta keep latched to the man who will keep troops in the Middle East for as long as possible.


CharlieDigital said:
Holy shit. The kicker is that he's playing with his ring while he does it. What does this mean!?!

We need some psychologists in here NOW!

I guess they meant it when they said he was tapping her for VP.


CharlieDigital said:
Holy shit. The kicker is that he's playing with his ring while he does it. What does this mean!?!

We need some psychologists in here NOW!
I'm sorry, all the body language experts are currently busy trying to determine whether the Clintons really meant their support for Obama or not.

He's totally looking at her speech, btw.


Ionas said:
I really don't mean to bait, but I've run the story by a couple of my friends (who, like me, grew up steeped in the conservative, religious culture of the south) and they all think it would be neutral or positive thing if true. (hooray for anecdotal evidence!)

Well, that's fair, but weren't you listing the negatives of the baby coverup story before? Or did you just mean how she hid her own pregnancy until a fairly late point in it?
Everything just looks fishy to me, but even if the baby IS hers the whole airplane, hospital thing is just very wrong. It should be game to criticize her for it.
Haunted said:
I'm sorry, all the body language experts are currently busy trying to determine whether the Clintons really meant their support for Obama or not.

He's totally looking at her speech, btw.

Yeah, this. He's checking out the speech.
When asked whether he'd drag Hill's "skeletons out of the closet":

Barack Obama said:
We don't play that. One of the rules was that we will be fierce competitors, but we will have some ground rules. And one of the ground rules for me is that we battle on policy differences and if we draw contrasts between Senator Clinton and myself, then it is based on fact. We're not going to fabricate things. We're not going to try to distort her positions.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gary Whitta said:
The scandal stuff may be sexy but it's ultimately far less important than the real issue, which is that 18 months ago she was in charge of a town the size of my street, .

There may actually be more people in your gated community than in Wasilla.


killakiz said:
I'd dont see why talking about the baby coverup is a bad, how different is it from the Edwards misstress? All the evidence seems legit, we should keep discussing it until the truth comes out.... If all else fails this show how much of a selfish mother she is, along with crappy judgement.

Probably because Hitokage (an admin) said to drop it until you have ACTUAL evidence beyond a Daily Kos diarist's wishful thinking?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gaborn said:
Probably because Hitokage (an admin) said to drop it until you have ACTUAL evidence beyond a Daily Kos diarist's wishful thinking?

And because the primary piece of "evidence" is a photo of a poor young girl with regular old puppy fat, who's probably going to be traumatized into an eating disorder by public scrutiny of her pooch.
It's funny I was watching Rove on Fox a few days ago, and they asked if he had any advice to McCain about picking his running mate, and basically he said his only advice was to pick the person he wants and don't do it for political reasons.

Other than conflicting reports that Rove insisted on staying away from Lieberman (IMO, McCain's first choice if he could pick anyone) he chose someone he had NO prior relationship with for completely political purposes. Interesting.

Can I also take this time to rant? Palin keeps going on about "cracking that glass ceiling", but here's the problem: she didn't accomplish anything and this would do nothing for women in politics. At least Clinton garnered tons of support in her election bid and really elevated herself to being seen as a presidential figure. This woman has achieved NOTHING. Women in general have achieved nothing by this pick.

In fact I could argue the opposite is true, that picking a woman for the sole fact she's a socially conservative (and somewhat attractive) woman is a stick in the eye to Clinton and what she's achieved this year. Palin is simply pandering to women to try and garner support, and unless they're idiots, it won't work. But I get puzzled when I here how this is a great step for women, or it is breaking barriers; it's none of those things.
killakiz said:
Everything just looks fishy to me, but even if the baby IS hers the whole airplane, hospital thing is just very wrong. It should be game to criticize her for it.

Its even more "game" when we have some solid facts from trusted sources. Until then its hearsay of the worst kind. If you're seeking "change" this election season then its time to look in the mirror before you keep this up.


CharlieDigital said:
Holy shit. The kicker is that he's playing with his ring while he does it. What does this mean!?!

We need some psychologists in here NOW!


i think he's looking at the speech.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.


Setec Astronomer


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.
Wow. Fox News distilled.
140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

*rolls eyes*
140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

You can't be serious? You just turned Obama into a radical religious terrorist, all by association. *gobcmon!.gif*


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.
Holy shit! This guy is still doing the thing from months and months ago!!

Wow, how fresh and exciting GOP attack bullet points! Why, you're all right, man, for always bringing up stale, pointless, GOP pundit bullet points!

You're so fresh, hip, and cool!


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Freedom = $1.05 said:
You can't be serious? You just turned Obama into a radical religious terrorist, all by association. *gobcmon!.gif*

No. I'm questioning the judgment of associating yourself with such folks. Nice try though.


Okay, someone tell me NotHerBaby-gate is fake, because at the moment I'm getting serious "too unbelievable to not be true" vibes.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
140.85 said:

Your tag couldn't be more appropriate. Your prior post was a sarcastic critique of Obama's lack of experience.

So which is it? Limited experience is fine, or it's bad?


140.85 said:
No. I'm questioning the judgment of associating yourself with such folks. Nice try though.
Yeah, he TOTALLY should've gone the Mccain route and not done anything about education.
140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

Sean, how'd you find GAF?
140.85 said:
No. I'm questioning the judgment of associating yourself with such folks. Nice try though.

As opposed to being under investigation over possible abuses of power and having led a state with a smaller populace than the suburb I live in?

See, at least I'm using some facts here.


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

Ladies and gentleman, dummy of the day.


Remember, you can only judge someone's personal life if you're talking about their preacher or some guy on a board they served with.


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

I lol'd.

BTW, if racism is your hot button, you might wanna ask McCain his opinion of the Vietnamese.


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

130 times out of over 4000 votes! thats what, oh, i dont know, like a little over 3%! Not to mention if you didnt just mirror talking heads and eat everything force-feed to you, you would learn that 45 of those present votes were because republicans were trying to force no votes on democrats in conservative districts on controversial subjects using some of the most silly measures ive ever seen. If you even did more research you may find out that present votes in Illinois are used differently than in other states. Like as a protest or as a way to step aside a bi-partisan issue you may feel different about but accept the consensus. Thanks, try again next time!

But try this one! Bet you cant guess who the most absent senator, missing over 65% of the votes in the last two years?


Price Dalton said:
Sean, how'd you find GAF?
:lol Seriously, I've seen about 5 minutes of that douche bag's show about three or four times in the last couple months and heard him parrot that same tired garbage at least a dozen times every time. The man could be a drinking game.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
140.85 said:
No. I'm questioning the judgment of associating yourself with such folks. Nice try though.

Sorry, but Obama has proven himself in plenty more ways than just having larger numbers in the 'years of experience in senate' field.

His political accomplishments are several magnitudes greater than 'mayor of bumblefuck town nowhere'... and more importantly... he's laid out in great detail what he intends to do to fix the country, backed up by detailed analysis and historic precedents.

It's like comparing a college MVP (of which he was the academic equivalent) to someone that plays in her local sports club, and citing that because neither of them had enough NBA experience, that they're on equal grounds.


Trakdown said:
I lol'd.

BTW, if racism is your hot button, you might wanna ask McCain his opinion of the Vietnamese.

Aside from the fact it'd be an unwise line of questioning by Obama for obvious reasons, the context of his comments are not exactly what you seem to think they are. Keep in mind McCain worked with the Vietnamese for decades after the war regarding recovering soldiers bodies.

Jak140 - No one would survive that drinking game.


*drowns in jizz*
Poor 140.85. He hasn't goten any new memos and is stuck with the talking points of 6 months ago. Pitiful.


Matthew Gallant said:
We've already got one!

If elected, HNNNNNNGGG

:lol :lol :lol

I don't really find that scenario funny, what I found most funny was that "HNNNNNNGGG" is probably the best way to transliterate someone having a heart attack.

And McCain is clearly looking at her speech script in that video.

After seeing Obama's acceptance speech, and a decent amount of the Democratic Convention, I don't see how anyone who considers themselves an intelligent person not vote for him.

I'll be keeping an eye on the Republican convention. The question is, will it be delayed until the entire Hurricane is over? Or are they just dropping the first couple days for show?
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