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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Amir0x said:
So... you think it's perfectly Ok to react that way, even though assuredly you'd be pissed if this reaction happened to Obama/Biden? I thought people hated those Republican tactics.

Clearly PoliGAF doesn't real care about that.

The point is republicans would flip their shits, whereas the response to this scenario thus far has not been overboard.


The Blue Jihad said:
I loved Carville when I saw him in Old School and Wedding Crashers.

He was also good as the Governor of Missouri in The Assassination of Jesse James. I especially liked it because his Cajun drawl makes him sound extra old timey.


It doesn't help that the CNN headline sounds like a high-school opinion headline.

EDIT: God is helping the Democrats. He aligns the pieces to show how the conservatives are ridiculous. God made a funny (actually, he made a whole party of them).
Trakdown said:
Well, McCain wanted the pissed off Hillary supporters....

Edit: @Tommiehustle: She'd kinda have to be. She's nowhere near 9 months and she's now 17. It's a nonstarter, and besides, as Obama said, that's not important.

Noted, I was off. God I hate the fact I got caught up in the hype. My apoligies to the forum for bringing down the level of discussion.


reilo said:
I think demeaning her daughter for getting pregnant is off limits, and the parents should not be chastised for supporting their daughter in a time of need.


This brings up the issue of that abstinence only programs clearly DO NOT WORK. And no, Bristow Palin is not the only example to go by - there dozens of studies that say the exact same thing. Bristow Palin has just become the gateway into this debate - as unfair as it is to no fault of her own - a debate that we should be having as this current administration and possibly future administrations have clearly used OUR tax dollars to promote those abstinence only programs.

When Obama spoke about finding ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy so that we have less abortions in this country, teaching contraceptives is how you do it. That's where the issue comes in with a presidential and vice-presidential nominee being huge abstinence only advocates.

When I first heard about this I thought the very same thing. It really is not fair to attack her family; but at the same time when Palin preaches abstinence and her daughter is pregnant at 17... well... It makes it very difficult to keep her family off limits when her policies and her family intertwine like this. Especially when this is seen as such a "blessing" to the Palin family, yet there are so many people who don't have near the same ability to cope with this as they do.


Amir0x said:
So... you think it's perfectly Ok to react that way, even though assuredly you'd be pissed if this reaction happened to Obama/Biden? I thought people hated those Republican tactics.

Clearly PoliGAF doesn't real care about that.

I wouldn't say their "Republican tactics", they just use them more effectively. And can we just stop with all the "I can't believe you're doing it because the other guys do it"? Of course we're going to do it, gossiping seems to be a naturally human reaction for some reason. We're better off just accepting it's going to happen and start debating it one way or the other.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dartastic said:
When I first heard about this I thought the very same thing. It really is not fair to attack her family; but at the same time when Palin preaches abstinence and her daughter is pregnant at 17... well... It makes it very difficult to keep her family off limits when her policies and her family intertwine like this.

Not only that, but pregnant out of wedlock. A big sin from their perspective.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
BTW, the person the McCain camp hired for Palin to help her acclimate to the national game, Tucker Eskew....the same Tucker Eskew that smeared McCain in the 2000 campaign. The guy behind the black baby calls.
My brother was just bull shitting me on this the other day, that McCain would have a team prepping him (like Obama wouldn't have one at all). i can't wait til he has to swallow this shit.:lol :lol




No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
scorcho said:
this puts things in better context - the only teen pregnancies that should be avoided are those from minority, poor or Democratic communities.
That's really the only stuff that should be discussed by us about this whole pregnancy angle. It's a window into the failure of their sex-ed policies.

Also, makes me think about that Fox News creep, John Gibson (?), who went on that tirade insisting that white people should make more babies.
reilo said:
Not only that, but pregnant out of wedlock. A big sin from their perspective.

It's OK, Christianity is cool like that. You just have to repent and it's like it never happened...except for that whole baby thing, you know?
-Kees- said:
He was also good as the Governor of Missouri in The Assassination of Jesse James. I especially liked it because his Cajun drawl makes him sound extra old timey.

I personally like him courtside at Washington Bullets games.
Dartastic said:
When I first heard about this I thought the very same thing. It really is not fair to attack her family; but at the same time when Palin preaches abstinence and her daughter is pregnant at 17... well... It makes it very difficult to keep her family off limits when her policies and her family intertwine like this.
This. And I think that most people feel this way too.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
heliosRAzi said:
This. And I think that most people feel this way too.

No, there is no logical political connection, only a chance for the nation to use a 17 year old girl for their own political gain.

I am curious how many of you really believe these justifications.
Amir0x said:
So... you think it's perfectly Ok to react that way, even though assuredly you'd be pissed if this reaction happened to Obama/Biden? I thought people hated those Republican tactics.

Clearly PoliGAF doesn't real care about that.

There is only so much fighting with one hand tied-behind your back that one can deal with.

These are admitted facts (that her 17 year-old daughter is pregnant) and relevant policy issues (whether one is for abstinence only education, etc.). I think Obama did the proper thing to stay out of it.

But as third parties interested in discussing the election? This is fodder for discussion.

And if the people on the right want to take the issue off the table, they could agree to implement policies that are proven to work instead of foisting their superstition & faith-based crap. They have no objective data to support such policies . . . just subjective anecdotal evidence. If you live by the anecdotal evidence then prepare to die by it.


GashPrex said:
no this is like crazy right wing partisian, the scary kind, only in internet form and on the other side.
Please define what exactly you find scary. This Bristol stuff I agree is too far, but the rest is just...well...funny.
GashPrex said:
no this is like crazy right wing partisian, the scary kind, only in internet form and on the other side.

If juicy details would just stop coming out for one day, maybe there would be little to get crazy about.

I personally think America with its two-party system deserves a better candidate/campaign than what the Republicans have right now, but I generally despise Republicans, so fuck em when they screw up.
What's amazing about this whole affair is that no matter watching the Republicans flounder is so funny; it's like straight out of an SNL skit (except it's funny).

They'll do anything to avoid answering the actual question posed by the interviewer and spout random shit until the interviewer gives up :lol :lol :lol I can't believe there are women in the Republican party who really can't see through this and aren't insulted by her nomination. It's just too much man :lol


TheGrayGhost said:
Being sarcastic? Because I honestly want to know. How could she, at the very least, a polarizing choice (and that's being modest!), be energizing anyone?

Well, according to Andrea Mitchell it really has energized the base at least judging from fundraising, where they've raised the most ever online for them since the announcement.
The Reps trying desperately to spin Palin's selection as a positive in the face of all these scandals coming out is priceless.

Larry King was gold tonight and is just the beginning.

Politics is the best fucking show on television.

You can't write this shit!!!
GashPrex said:
No, there is no logical political connection, only a chance for the nation to use a 17 year old girl for their own political gain.

I am curious how many of you really believe these justifications.

Both sides are jockying around this issue regardless. This isn't a political issue this is a watercooler issue. Just like if you had a co-worker who's kid was in high school and was having a kid. We would have the same discussion it doesn't evolve the political discussion but, it does suck the air out of the room.

The REAL issue goes back to join McCain. This isn't a dig on Palin or her family no one gives a shit about it in reality. We all know that issues like the Palin issue will suck the air out of the room while people process it. Knowing that McCain would have been wise to put this information out about two weeks ago so that we could have finished up this discussion before the announcement and the long weekend to crawl the interwebs. As a politico you want to keep people on your message. Now people are on any message and any piece of dirt they can dig up on Palin.

I blame John McCain for this. Guess what if she wasn't picked no one outside of Alaska would give a shit about the Gov. of Alaska.


Wallach said:
Palin is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.

God bless America.
John McCain Maverick Status: Confirmed.

Infiltrating the Republican ranks and paving the way for a Democratic Victory.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
King_Slender said:
Since he's voted against drilling there consistently, don't you think he would at least visit the place to see what's there?

Well, she keeps talking shit about Washington, then maybe she should visit it first?

EDIT: Damn you scorch.


King_Slender said:
Since he's voted against drilling there consistently, don't you think he would at least visit the place to see what's there?

You do know what the "WR" part of ANWR stands for, right?
Hint: Not wide receiver


Fragamemnon said:
Was that Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota? She's one of the most odious fundies in the entire Republican party and an embarassment to that state's fine heartland traditions.

What's ridiculous is she claimed that Obama has spent his entire life running for president while Palin is the one with experience. Palin has only been governor for roughly the time Obama has run for president. She ignored Obama's senate career, state legislature etc... How can she do that but then rely on Palin's mayoral and PTA experience.

People need to consistently call these people out on that kind of thing or just quit getting them on for interviews because I think these talking points are persuasive to low information voters and its destructive to any rational debate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I just realized, Obama has 1/3 the amount of staffers working for his campaign as Palin had citizens of the town she was a mayor of.
CharlieDigital said:
That's pretty telling right there :lol

Exactly! Now John McCain has forced me to care about the Gov of Alaska and now that I'm engaged THIS is the first story I've gotten about her? That's pretty fucked up. If McCain is going to be in charge of his message the best he should do is give us something that extends the message that he wants to promote. I don't give a shit how pro-life you are THIS is not the first story you want engage when introducing the second most powerful person in the world.


reilo said:
I just realized, Obama has 1/3 the amount of staffers working for his campaign as Palin had citizens of the town she was a mayor of.

Chicago is bigger than all of Alaska. By a fuckton!
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