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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
None of the big channels have taken off their "BREAKING NEWS" logo the entire day, simply because every hour they are reporting something new about Palin.




Guy Legend

Alcander said:
Wow that woman on CNN didn't even make any sense.

Carville: "shes not ready to lead, look at the city hall where she was mayor, etc"

Woman: "you're hating on American women!!"

Carville: "I supported a woman in the primary"

Woman: "thats why Americans will support Palin!"




Hootie said:
As much I can't stand the Larry King show, at least it's FINALLY off Gustav.
Tomorrow should be full-on Palin/RNC stuff.

SNAP. Steph Miller stabs at Abstinence Training, How's that goin'?




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
If SNL wants to bring the funny back, all they have to do is get Tina Faye to be Sarah Palin for one sketch.

But that's not where the funny is: they shouldn't even bother rewriting anything - they should just reenact McCain picking her as VP exactly as it played out.


On larry king some conservative talking head just said in response to Sarah Palin putting her family through this by accepting nomination:
Well, they have a strong family and they just put out a statement today that they are a loving family...
WHAT? :lol They put out a press release letting us know they are a loving family? Do these people think before they speak?


Wait a minute, Palin's daughter was sixteen when she got pregnant...and her boyfriend is over 20 years old. Isn't that illegal?


the pregnancy is small potatoes. what needs to be pushed is the AIP issue. if republicans find out she STILL supports a group that hates America, this will not end well.
johnsmith said:
James Carville says she didn't even have a passport until she became governor.

Who cares do you know how many Americans don't have a valid passport (or no passport at all)??

It's a simple matter of going to the post office big fing deal.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Solideliquid said:
Who cares do you know how many Americans don't have a valid passport (or no passport at all)??

It's a simple matter of going to the post office big fing deal.

I've been a citizen for two years and even I have a passport.
CharlieDigital said:
So, as it turns out, she's made no decisions :lol :lol :lol
Oh man, it just keeps getting better.

You know, you have to give it to McCain. By picking Palin he really helped heal the Democratic Party and unite them towards a shared cause, which they had trouble doing themselves.


And now that he's picked her he'll look (rightfully) like he's incapable of exercising good judgment under pressure if he turns around and tries to drop her. There won't be enough lulz in the world if the investigation into her abuse of power turns up something incriminating less than a week before the election.


VPhys said:
Carville is tearing this bitch a new one. :lol :lol

She is completely delusional.

:lol Indeed, this women is absolutely nuts. Her facial expression has total brainwashed on it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Secessiongate - Sarah Palin was originally a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a third-party in Alaska that advocates Alaska leaving the Union. She addressed the party as recently as this year in a video to their convention.

Nearly-Recalled-gate - Sarah Palin was nearly recalled as Mayor of Wasilla for firing the Police Chief and Library Director without probable cause. She only fired them because she "felt" like they weren't supportive of her.

Small-Town-Big-Money-gate - Sarah Palin ran up a $20 million debt for a town of only 5,400 people. That's $3,700 per person. This from somebody who claims to be against pork barrel projects.

Bridge-To-Nowhere-gate - "I was for the bridge before I was against it." Palin was originally for the Gravina Island bridge in her 2006 gubernatorial run.

Troopergate - Palin allegedly fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan for failing to fire a state trooper who had divorced her sister. The investigation is ongoing.

Babygate - Despite being an evangelical Christian for abstinence-only sex-ed, Palin's 17 year-old daughter had sex before marriage and is now 5-months pregnant. This was after allegations that Palin's son Trig (the down's syndrome baby) was her daughter's and not hers.

Pledge-Of-Allegiance-gate - Sarah Palin thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers with the phrase "Under God". "Under God" was added to the pledge during the Cold War to put space between the atheist Soviet Union and America.

Stevens527-gate - Sarah Palin was a director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc", a 527 led by Senator Stevens, now under trial for corruption charges.

Mother-In-Law-gate - Sarah Palin's mother-in-law is an Obama supporter and doesn't understand what she brings to the McCain ticket.

Global-Warming-gate - Sarah Palin believes that climate change is not man-made.

Creationism-gate - Sarah Palin supports Creationism being taught in public schools.

Inexperience-gate - Presidential scholars say that Palin is the most underqualified person to join a presidential ticket in the modern era. Her presence undermines the central argument of the McCain campaign, that Obama is not ready to the lead because of his inexperience.

Vetting-gate - John McCain didn't do jack to vet her. He talked with her once.

Champion-for-Big-Oil-gate - Like McCain, Palin believes that oil drilling is the only solution to our energy problems. “I beg to disagree with any candidate who would say we can’t drill our way out of our problem,” she says. She supports more drilling in protected areas of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Alaska Natural Wildlife Refuge, once attacking McCain for his “close-mindedness on ANWR.” Palin rejects clean renewable energy that is an alternative to oil. Earlier this month, she claimed that “alternative-energy solutions are far from imminent and would require more than 10 years to develop.” Gov Palin recently sued the Interior Department over its decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species. Why is that a problem? Well those polar bears get in the way of oil drilling.

What's-A-VP?-gate - Palin is quoted for not knowing what a VP does, a mere month before being chosen.

Hillary-Is-A-Whiner-gate - Despite siphoning from Hillary Clinton in an endeavor to woo former Clinton supporters, Palin called Hillary a "whiner" for complaining about her treatment in the primaries.

Laugh-At-Cancer-gate - Palin has repeatedly feuded with the state's Senate president, Lyda Green, over a wide range of legislation. Last January, Palin appeared on "The Bob and Mark Show," whose host Bob Lester despises Green. Palin laughed as she was called a "Bitch," "Cancer," and was mocked for her weight.

Earmark-gate - The state of Alaska requested 31 earmarks worth $197.8 million for next year's federal budget. And according to Citizens Against Government Waste, Alaska received $379,669,715 in pork during fiscal year 2008, nearly $100 million more than any other state.


Touchdown said:
Wait a minute, Palin's daughter was sixteen when she got pregnant...and her boyfriend is over 20 years old. Is that rape?

Positive on the ages? She supposedly got pregnant while she was out of school, sick with mono. And that was end of Junior year. She is now in beginning of Senior year. Did she turn 17 this summer? In any case that's legal in Alaska I believe...? Is the guy 20? or 18?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Solideliquid said:
Who cares do you know how many Americans don't have a valid passport (or no passport at all)??

It's a simple matter of going to the post office big fing deal.
likewise the vast, vast, vast majority of the people in this country are, like Mrs. Palin, not qualified to be the VP.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Uh Oh...that could be problematic.
They were saying on the news less than an hour ago that the BF is 18. The Post earlier of some University of Montana student was not the person. Shit that page said last updated 2006.

The father is 18-year-old Levi Miller of Wasilla.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wolffen said:
Why is it that no one did this before I did, especially when they can do it better (Lord knows, I suck at Photoshop)?

Took a golden picture and turned into fucking PLATINUM :lol


Does anyone else think Palin's whole role is to set a fire under Evangelical's butts? They weren't really rallying around McCain, but now they've got their Palin to protect from the heathens of the world (you know, pro-choice dems and the leftist media).

Palin news items are getting so damn annoying, I don't even know who's running for President anymore. She's been the top story since Friday, outside of a Gustav.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Stephanie Miller is an idiot.

edit: the cognitive dissonance in supporting both abstinence-only programs and a limit on contraceptives and sex-ed in the midst of teen pregnancies must be an awesome power to have.
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