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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
Rugasuki said:
What's ridiculous is she claimed that Obama has spent his entire life running for president...
the Clinton campaign tried doing that once, highlighting a report that Obama wrote in Kindergarden on becoming president. the 'attack' was so ludicrous that once the press mocked the charge Wolfson had to back peddle and claim that the campaign was simply joking around.


King_Slender said:
Since he's voted against drilling there consistently, don't you think he would at least visit the place to see what's there?

Uhh, no I would only demand that he do that if he wanted to pull off some shitty Halliburtonesque crap like bombing it or dumping nuclear waste or something. Since "leave it the fuck alone" should be the default position, I don't expect him to do extra work to support it.


Amir0x said:
..Shat Bricks.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
Chicago is bigger than all of Alaska. By a fuckton!

Dude, Obama's DISTRICT has more people living in it than all of ALASKA.


King_Slender said:
Thank you, and Palin has been to Kuwait. If Dems are going to check Palin's passport as a litmus test for her credibility on making decisions about other parts of the world, shouldn't Biden been held to the same standard on domestic issues?

Why do you support a country where your passport is stamped when crossing state lines? Why are you un-American?



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Just for reference & comparison
and shitting on my brother
, how much better run was Illinois when Obama was in Senate? Population numbers would help too.
GashPrex said:
No, there is no logical political connection, only a chance for the nation to use a 17 year old girl for their own political gain.

I am curious how many of you really believe these justifications.

If you can't see the correlation between preaching conservative values and having a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant out of wedlock, you can't be helped.

Is it a nice subject to bring up? No. Is it relevant to the discussion? Entirely. Is it especially relevant to John McCain and his judgment? Absolutely. This is what happens when you act brashly and fail to properly vet a candidate.


Smiles and Cries said:
what if after all of this McCain still wins? :|


I would laugh just for the sheer hilarity of it. Gaf would certainly balance out politically as half of Liberal-Gaf would commit suicide
WickedAngel said:
If you can't see the correlation between preaching conservative values and having a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant out of wedlock, you can't be helped.

Correlation? What's that supposed to mean in this case?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Ether_Snake said:
I think she will step out from the VP position.

McCain has been running the worst campaign I have ever seen.

Thank you "Universal Law of LOL".

Yeah with this AIP thing there is NO WAY she officially accepts the role of VP for this republican ticket.

Mittens, Huckabee, or Pawlenty will probably really be the VP pick.


laserbeam said:
I would laugh just for the sheer hilarity of it. Gaf would certainly balance out politically as half of Liberal-Gaf would commit suicide

I think I'd move to Canadia, where people are slightly more sane. Unfortunately, from what I understand, there is no internets there.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah with this AIP thing there is NO WAY she officially accepts the role of VP for this republican ticket.

Mittens, Huckabee, or Pawlenty will probably really be the VP pick.

I don't know, they could still weather the storm, so to speak, but it all depends on how ambitious/determined she is and how much baggage remains to be uncovered.

I can't see a VP candidate refusing the nomination at a political convention. It would be a huge embarassment.
GashPrex said:
no this is like crazy right wing partisian, the scary kind, only in internet form and on the other side.
Instead of just calling people names, could you cite some examples so they could be discussed? Just calling people names without pointing to specific things you find are wrong doesn't exactly make you any different than what you are complaining about.
WickedAngel said:
Irony/hypocrisy/Ineffective Leadership. I didn't write out the entire sentence; watching TV is detrimental to writing clarity.

Irony - I'm missing it. Funny maybe.
Hypocrisy - if she had done it perhaps, but otherwise... no.
Having a teenage daughter not doing what you want them to do doesn't mean much either I would think.

There's this weird idea that if you believe and are striving for something then if you ever falter you're a hypocrite. That's not generally what it means, it just means you fucked up.


Wow, the media is really hitting the Republicans hard.

I wonder if they all realized that after Palin his candidacy would doom them all and they decided "fuck it!"
frankthurk said:
Irony - I'm missing it. Funny maybe.
Hypocrisy - if she had done it perhaps, but otherwise... no.
Having a teenage daughter not doing what you want them to do doesn't mean much either I would think.

There's this weird idea that if you believe and are striving for something then if you ever falter you're a hypocrite. That's not generally what it means, it just means you fucked up.

You can't be helped.
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