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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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speculawyer said:
Well . . . apparently, he knew about the issue. I'm not sure how to interpret that. When one considers that she's got incredibly little experience (20 months as governor of the 3rd from last state in population size), trooper-gate, and this issue . . . . I start to wonder if he is trying to sabotage his own campaign.

It's his ultimate gesture of maverickism. Win the primary, and reach across the aisle by making sure Obama wins.


WickedAngel said:
Oh cute, a clever link in place of an actual argument.

It's quite simple, really; if you don't find irony in a conservative having a pregnant teen daughter, you don't know what irony means. If you don't see hypocrisy in the assertion that you're somehow a better leader in spite of that and other things (The dozen or so that have come out today), you don't know what hypocrisy truly is.

Hurling accusations in place of an argument = failure.


Post Count: 9999
Alcander said:
Haha come on. There is no way she would be a VP nominee if it wasn't for McCain cherry picking her for political reasons. I'll give her credit for becoming governor of Alaska of course, but otherwise...

:p I know.

The original statement kind of made it sound like she was picked up off the street though.

BTW - To be honest, I don't think McCain cherry picked her, it looks like it was somewhat out of his hands.


Hsieh said:
All of this making fun the Wasilla City Hall and ragging on small towns is the Democrats falling for the elitism trap the Republicans set for them. In the past several days, the hick, flyover country, and smalltown attacks seem to be flying all over the place. Palin was picked to be elitism bait and despite the obvious trap, the Democrats seem to be taking it.

I have to agree with this to a point. On the other hand, it's borderline insanity that anyone outside of Alaska now has to know who this woman is. She's clearly out of her element, and any potential sympathy bump she creates will hopefully be negated by a wave of realism.


PrivateWHudson said:
It's his ultimate gesture of maverickism. Win the primary, and reach across the isle by making sure Obama wins.

It's called a Strait. I would think a Gaffer would have there berings here.
You know, at this point, I think McCain needs to ask himself, "How far does the rabbit hole go?"
Hsieh said:
All of this making fun the Wasilla City Hall and ragging on small towns is the Democrats falling for the elitism trap the Republicans set for them. In the past several days, the hick, flyover country, and smalltown attacks seem to be flying all over the place. Palin was picked to be elitism bait and despite the obvious trap, the Democrats seem to be taking it.

Yes because Republicans never talk about elitist, latte sipping, hybrid driving, big town, celebrity liberals. Get outta here with that crap.


Lost Fragment said:
Honestly, I think Lieberman would've been a better choice for McCain. Sure, with Palin you "excite" the ultra nuts on the far, far right, but in doing so, you repel independents on a massive scale. Really, if you're on the far, far, right like the folks who Palin is supposed to appeal to, you're going to vote McCain anyway.

McCain played chicken and lost.

Also, Obama has been eating at the Republican's centrists, so the choice of Palin was even more retarded. Proof the guy and his entourage would be terrible in the White House.

The way you run a campaign is the way you run a country. Look at how it was with Bush, Cheney and Rove.


Stoney Mason said:
Yes because Republicans never talk about elitist, latte sipping, hybrid driving, big town, celebrity liberals. Get outta here with that crap.

Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

Obama's official response will definitely help, though.


wave dial said:

...the party looks like something out of the movies--really slick and expensive looking

I wonder what it read on the invitation?

"Special guests: Hookers and Blow"
Tobor said:
Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

Obama's official response will definitely help, though.

It was all going to happen anyway. They do it anyway. All the time. It's the same drumbeat. Remember when Bill Clinton wasn't good enough to be president because he was governor of a small state like Arkansas. It doesn't matter. They will spin whatever narrative they want but this chick having no real experience is a story whether people want to admit to it or not and I'm not going to pretend it isn't especially when their candidate is running on that same exact platform.


Tobor said:
Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

Obama's official response will definitely help, though.

Does anyone know if they've aired Obama's response on Fox News, or are they going to blame this story breaking all on him?
Tobor said:
Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

It will work, and everyone will panic, but no one will realize what me and Mike Murphy already know. The base of the GOP is smaller and thus all the people McCain is "convincing" daily are irrelevant. In this election they are a minority.
Tobor said:
Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

Obama's official response will definitely help, though.

I think it would be more like the 'they don't get small town America and important values like raising your kids and being in the PTA and..." heh I can't keep going. I don't know what the hell they're going to do.


Media is bullshit. They are still covering the preggo story when in the end its not gonna matter. And yet to hear a peep about this AIP thing which should be pretty crushing. I wonder if we will end up hearing anything about it in mainstream media at all. I mean come on, you have people trying to connect dots between a preacher and painting Obama as a country hater yet ignore this silver platter?


BenjaminBirdie said:
It will work, and everyone will panic, but no one will realize what me and Mike Murphy already know. The base of the GOP is smaller and thus all the people McCain is "convincing" daily are irrelevant. In this election they are a minority.
And Rush and his ilk just preach to the converted, anyways.

My first draft had "elk" instead of "ilk". Damn you, Palin!
Tobor said:
Come on, you know Rush and company will be banging the sympathy drum for the next two months. I'm confident it won't work, but there it is.

Obama's official response will definitely help, though.

It will be no different than how the Republican's were always able to separate themselves from their attack dogs in the past. It always ends up being something to the effect of;

"Our official stance is that *inserttopichere* shouldn't be an issue but there are certain parties that operate beyond our control."

Obama has distanced himself from the subject with his statement but obviously won't put much effort into trying to squash the stories as they're ran. He gets to play both roads and come out looking like the honorable candidate.

In the end, this preggo story is insignificant; I would much rather see them hone in on the National Guard story because that is what is truly disturbing as far as her experience goes.


Ponn01 said:
Media is bullshit. They are still covering the preggo story when in the end its not gonna matter. And yet to hear a peep about this AIP thing which should be pretty crushing. I wonder if we will end up hearing anything about it in mainstream media at all. I mean come on, you have people trying to connect dots between a preacher and painting Obama as a country hater yet ignore this silver platter?

Breaking too fast for them. That'll be tomorrow.


Post Count: 9999
WickedAngel said:
If he's going to purposefully play the dolt, why shouldn't I call him on it? It doesn't take a genius to look at a Conservative VP with a pregnant, unmarried teenage daughter and see the irony/hypocrisy in that (Let alone to drag it out across several posts).

I can see it being considered ironic, but hypocritical?

Its not like she got knocked up out of wedlock. She didn't pull a Spitzer (preach a platform against organized crime, and then be involved in it) ... her daughter is the one that fucked up.

Unless there is evidence that she actually wasn't practicing what she preached (say, she was letting them fuck in her house or something), I really don't see this as being hypocritical.
GhaleonEB said:
And Rush and his ilk just preach to the converted, anyways.

My first draft had "elk" instead of "ilk". Damn you, Palin!

Exactly. The majority of independents and democrats aren't going to fall for the snowjob.


Can someone explain this AIP thing to me or link me. Shit is going way to fast but man is this interesting and fun to read.


ninj4junpei said:
You know, at this point, I think McCain needs to ask himself, "How far does the rabbit hole go?"
Frankly, it should be the other way around (John/White Rabbit, leading Palin/Alice down the maverick-hole). But I like the intent -- political wonderland.
Ponn01 said:
Media is bullshit. They are still covering the preggo story when in the end its not gonna matter. And yet to hear a peep about this AIP thing which should be pretty crushing. I wonder if we will end up hearing anything about it in mainstream media at all. I mean come on, you have people trying to connect dots between a preacher and painting Obama as a country hater yet ignore this silver platter?

Agreed. The AIP story reflects on judgment and associations which is what the whole Rev Wright thing I was told was supposed to be about. I want to hear a quick why she joined explanation story.

Once again don't really care about the issue personally. Just turnabout is fair play.
Onix said:
I can see it being considered ironic, but hypocritical?

Its not like she got knocked up out of wedlock. She didn't pull a Spitzer (preach a platform against organized crime, and then be involved in it) ... her daughter is the one that fucked up.

Unless there is evidence that she actually wasn't practicing what she preached (say, she was letting them fuck in her house or something), I really don't see this as being hypocritical.

It was more or less a question of her ability to pull the Conservative base while keeping that under wraps. I was leading into her assertion of experience and leadership with the "hypocrisy" label but it got mixed up in the preggo story (Which I really don't find all that compelling in the grand scheme of things).

To the rest of you; I apologize. I'm a little to anxious to be scathing and vicious to all these Republican after spending the last few months defending my beliefs against mouth-breathing evangelicals who are parrot the sekrat mooslim terrurist line that they've received in their Yahoo forwarded emails.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Onix said:
I can see it being considered ironic, but hypocritical?

Its not like she got knocked up out of wedlock. She didn't pull a Spitzer (preach a platform against organized crime, and then be involved in it) ... her daughter is the one that fucked up.

Unless there is evidence that she actually wasn't practicing what she preached (say, she was letting them fuck in her house or something), I really don't see this as being hypocritical.

Well, I don't like picking on the kids of candidates - gaf would shit a brick if anyone went after Obama's kids - however, there are a ton of studies showing that preaching abstinence not only doesn't work, but results in higher rates of pregnancy and STD. So while not terribly relevant, it is at least pertinent - it's not her hypocrisy being pointed out here, but rather that of the pro-abstinence crowd. And I suppose it shows error more than hypocrisy.
PrivateWHudson said:
So what happens if McCain doesn't last until November? Does Palin go to the top of the ticket, or does the runner-up from the primaries get thrown on the ticket? Also what if he makes it to November and wins, but doesn't make it to January?

IF (and that if is getting more tangible by the hour it seems) she gets past the nomination whichever day it is, then she becomes the top of the ticket.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Exactly. The majority of independents and democrats aren't going to fall for the snowjob.
It's one of the reasons I'm so glad so many people saw Obama's speech. For everything that's going to come in this campaign - they know what they saw.
Amir0x said:
CNN: "We went to investigate the allegations of Trig not being Governor Palin's baby, but then McCain's camp released this statement saying 'look, Trig IS Sarah Palin's child but Bristol is pregnant."

I bet they were all: "wut" at that

Yeah, I thought the way they brought it out was kinda weird. Clearly they knew it was something that would not reflect all that well on their campaign. So they instead came out on the offensive and tried to make it all about the mean left-wing bloggers. "We are just releasing this to refute the stories from those mean left-wing bloggers!"

I guess I don't read these sites but I hadn't heard anything about that previous story. It seems they brought both the rumor and the true story into the political spotlight.
johnsmith said:
Huckabee, who would have been a million times better and less controversial pick than Palin.
Yeah, I was thinking they avoided him because he was too much of a wacky fundamentalist . . . . I guess that wasn't the reason?


So get this, right? A guy walks into a comedy club, grabs an open mike and lists all the Palin info released today. He gets immediately kicked out for telling corny jokes that have already been rehashed over and over.

Ba dum bum!
speculawyer said:
Yeah, I thought the way they brought it out was kinda weird. Clearly they knew it was something that would not reflect all that well on their campaign. So they instead came out on the offensive and tried to make it all about the mean left-wing bloggers. "We are just releasing this to refute the stories from those mean left-wing bloggers!"

I guess I don't read these sites but I hadn't heard anything about that previous story. It seems they brought both the rumor and the true story into the political spotlight.

Now imagine if a Democrat had kept this a secret and it came out post election. You would have moralists up in arms about how immoral this was and how deceitful this was.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Ponn01 said:
Media is bullshit. They are still covering the preggo story when in the end its not gonna matter. And yet to hear a peep about this AIP thing which should be pretty crushing. I wonder if we will end up hearing anything about it in mainstream media at all. I mean come on, you have people trying to connect dots between a preacher and painting Obama as a country hater yet ignore this silver platter?


We are getting there.


frankthurk said:
I think it would be more like the 'they don't get small town America and important values like raising your kids and being in the PTA and..." heh I can't keep going. I don't know what the hell they're going to do.

This is what I getting at. But BB and Stoney are right, it's preaching to a smaller choir.


remember me
speculawyer said:
Yeah, I was thinking they avoided him because he was too much of a wacky fundamentalist . . . . I guess that wasn't the reason?

Nope, Palin has pretty much the exact same views. Only difference is Palin has a vagina.
Amir0x said:
And while I am certainly against abstinence-only education, it is clear to see that this specific event cannot be used as some argument against it.
It is as strong of an argument against it as the arguments that are presented as for it.
speculawyer said:
Yeah, I was thinking they avoided him because he was too much of a wacky fundamentalist . . . . I guess that wasn't the reason?

I'm pretty sure Huckabee didn't WANT the VP spot, and instead is going to chill until 2012.

Why else would he sign on with Fox News?


Post Count: 9999
OuterWorldVoice said:
Well, I don't like picking on the kids of candidates - gaf would shit a brick if anyone went after Obama's kids - however, there are a ton of studies showing that preaching abstinence not only doesn't work, but results in higher rates of pregnancy and STD. So while not terribly relevant, it is at least pertinent - it's not her hypocrisy being pointed out here, but rather that of the pro-abstinence crowd. And I suppose it shows error more than hypocrisy.

I agree, though in reality, using one anecdote really doesn't substantiate an 'issue' with abstinence-only teaching (note, I think abstinence-only is ridiculous).

That said, its obviously very damaging to how most people read in to such things - valid or not.
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