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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Frank the Great said:
I love how neither the Obama campaign or Hillary has done a damn thing about this whole Palin fiasco. Really brilliant move on their part to let it just implode on itself.

Yup. It's remarkable. I almost do feel bad that McCain might not even get reelected as a Senator after this. The GOP is going to completely demolish him for this once it's over. I don't want him to be president, but I don't think he deserves to have his lifetime of public service ended.
WickedAngel said:
If this election is lost, there really isn't much that the Democrats will ever be able to do in the future to win. If one didn't have any polling data, it would make sense to believe that the election had been given to the Democrats on a silver platter.

It's unlikely that the Democratic party will have such a charismatic and inspiring persona in conjunction against such a weak opponent who is the member of a near universally-despised administration in the foreseeable future. Almost every aspect of McCain's campaign has been within the Average~Poor range.

If the Democrats lose this time, what can possibly be done to win?

Funny thing is, Obama-Hillary was an UNBEATABLE ticket, and they let Obama's wife get in the way - no way she wants to play #2 female in Washington, hence the Biden pick.


What kind of name is Bristol anyway? Sounds like some car oil brand.
Gaborn said:
Calling opponents of Obama racist should be a bannable offense imo. (at least without evidence they're actually racist)

He didn't.

I'm one of the last people on this board that you will see pulling the race card, but honestly...it's not a hard pill to swallow when you take everything into consideration.

Our economy is a mess, we're involved in at least one war whose foundation was built on a lie, and the Republican nominee is following a very ineffective administration. You have a Democratic nominee who has bested one of the largest household names in politics (In the primaries) and who, whether you find him inspirational or not, is a great speaker, relatively modest, straightforward, and capable of running one of the most efficient campaigns of our time. He's facing a Republican candidate who is generally considered to be a lackluster persona and poor public speaker. His campaign has stumbled over itself a number of times (Even while the Democratic primaries were shielding him from the attention of those candidates) and he is surrounded by special interests. As with his Democratic counterpart, he's gone back and forth on a number of issues. He supports (And has supported in the past) many of the ill-advised policies of the former administration.

You're right; it's inexcusable to throw a blanket generalization out there and say that everyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist (Which nobody here is doing). As I said earlier, I don't know how it can be that the election is still competitive. What I do know is that the people who don't "trust" Obama rarely ever give me a straight answer as to why and I can't help but wonder if they're being evasive because they're too embarrassed to say it out loud.


reilo said:
Clinton was the same age as Obama when he ran for president.

John F Kennedy was even younger.

Carter was only 53.

Sure, but you can't ignore that young presidents energize some people and turn others off, whether that's fair or isn't fair.


Ether_Snake said:
What kind of name is Bristol anyway? Sounds like some car oil brand.

I think there is a raceway named that. Bristol Speedway or something. I'm sure others will find the pun in that.
someone needs to come out and say it. At this point based on judgement alone dems need to stop the McSame talk... McCain is NOT Bush!

Seriously, think about it a little bit. McCain is worst. :(

Mavrick is too scary...


WickedAngel said:
If this election is lost, there really isn't much that the Democrats will ever be able to do in the future to win. If one didn't have any polling data, it would make sense to believe that the election had been given to the Democrats on a silver platter.

It's unlikely that the Democratic party will have such a charismatic and inspiring persona in conjunction against such a weak opponent who is the member of a near universally-despised administration in the foreseeable future. Almost every aspect of McCain's campaign has been within the Average~Poor range.

If the Democrats lose this time, what can possibly be done to win?

My thoughts exactly. If the Dems don't win this election, they might as well just give up hopes of ever winning the presidential elections.


Onix said:
Exactly what is wrong with the AIP thing? She didn't seem to say anything wrong; sounded like a typical BS address a governor would give for a major group in her state?

Or is she an active member?

EDIT : just read the article, ah, she was a member for 2 years in the 90's. Could be used against her for certain ... though if it was almost 20 years ago, I wouldn't expect it to really have legs.

there's a lot wrong with it. the fact that she's addressing their convention means she still thinks highly of them. imagine if Obama addressed al quaeda, and spoke glowingly of them.


I think Obama handled the Anderson Cooper interview really well. Especially the explanation that the secret service distraction of landing in a disaster zone would be more of a distraction from helping people than a help, just for a photo op.
WickedAngel said:
He didn't.

I'm one of the last people on this board that you will see pulling the race card, but honestly...it's not a hard pill to swallow when you take everything into consideration.

Our economy is a mess, we're involved in at least one war whose foundation was built on a lie, and the Republican nominee is following a very ineffective administration. You have a Democratic nominee who has bested one of the largest household names in politics (In the primaries) and who, whether you find him inspirational or not, is a great speaker, relatively modest, straightforward, and capable of running one of the most efficient campaigns of our time. He's facing a Republican candidate who is generally considered to be a lackluster persona and poor public speaker. His campaign has stumbled over itself a number of times (Even while the Democratic primaries were shielding him from the attention of those candidates) and he is surrounded by special interests. As with his Democratic counterpart, he's gone back and forth on a number of issues. He supports (And has supported in the past) many of the ill-advised policies of the former administration.

You're right; it's inexcusable to throw a blanket generalization out there and say that everyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist (Which nobody here is doing). As I said earlier, I don't know how it can be that the election is still competitive. What I do know is that the people who don't "trust" Obama rarely ever give me a straight answer as to why and I can't help but wonder if they're being evasive because they're too embarrassed to say it out loud.

Friend Hug ;)

Me and WickedAngel use to butt heads on a regular basis on race issues ( A good deal of which was my fault)
Gaborn said:
Because the only way Obama could possibly lose is racism, right? Geez, that's a little bit ridiculous.

Shiggie - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/02/us...l?ref=politics

To be honest, Obama IS going to lose because of racism. I live in a HEAVY union area, and despite the fact that most of the large Unions (Teamsters, UAW) will publically endorse Obama from their leadership, they are mostly made up of lower educated white guys who have racist tendencies.

Think of your average white truck driver or line worker - you think these guys are pulling the lever for Obama? :lol

It's sad, but true.


Just to keep the Palin circus in perspective, remember:

Dubs was a cokehead with a DUI whose entire list of professional achievements consisted of drilling empty holes and bankrupting like 75 different oil companies, and acting as a front man for a baseball team.

And he was at the top of the ticket.

And won.


Yeah, I need a drink.



All of a sudden, Laura Bush doesn't seem so bad.

Cindy McCain annoys the hell out of me. Nice dress, just singing in the New Orleans rain?



RiZ III said:
My thoughts exactly. If the Dems don't win this election, they might as well just give up hopes of ever winning the presidential elections.

There was a 12 year gap between Carter and Clinton. If Mcain wins, and a Democrat wins in 2012, it would be... a 12 year gap.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
King_Slender said:
Funny thing is, Obama-Hillary was an UNBEATABLE ticket, and they let Obama's wife get in the way - no way she wants to play #2 female in Washington, hence the Biden pick.

What the fuck?


Frank the Great said:
These are the names of her kids:


I think Bristol is the best name out of those.

What. The. Fuck.

I was 100% sure you were joking when you wrote that. You know, "car oil brand" and "track", but I actually checked Wikipedia and this is really the name of her kids.

What the McFuck?!?!

And that Cindy McCain sounds like some sort of MILF Paris Hilton. Less class ever in the White House no doubt.
King_Slender said:
Funny thing is, Obama-Hillary was an UNBEATABLE ticket, and they let Obama's wife get in the way - no way she wants to play #2 female in Washington, hence the Biden pick.

Hahahah, wtf are you talking about? Where do people come up with shit like this?
Ponn01 said:
HOLY SHIT. Does that ever paint her as a quickie, bottom of the barrel VP pick or what.
Well . . . there wasn't much in the barrel to choose from. Magic-underwear guy? Exorcist guy? Guy from the other party? I thought Pawlenty would have been his smartest pick.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Ponn01 said:
I think there is a raceway named that. Bristol Speedway or something. I'm sure others will find the pun in that.

Palin wanted to work for ESPN, their headquarters is Bristol, Connecticut
Stoney Mason said:
Friend Hug ;)

Me and WickedAngel use to butt heads on a regular basis on race issues ( A good deal of which was my fault)

I always seem to insert myself into that confrontational role so it wasn't just you. I still have a habit of doing it (As seen a few pages back).

I'm just argumentative by nature.
Juice said:
I think Obama handled the Anderson Cooper interview really well. Especially the explanation that the secret service distraction of landing in a disaster zone would be more of a distraction from helping people than a help, just for a photo op.

I liked how they showed McCain filling boxes with a pained face of mild confusion when he gave that answer.


*drowns in jizz*
I think, for me, this has been the most entertaining day in the history of GAF.
Sarah Palin, I thank you.


Tobor said:
There was a 12 year gap between Carter and Clinton. If Mcain wins, and a Democrat wins in 2012, it would be... a 12 year gap.

Uhuh and? The comments I was responding to were saying that we've had the worst president in a long long time with terrible approval ratings followed up by a terrible campaign by McCain vs an amazing campaign by Obama the likes of which has never been seen. One would think that there is no way the dems could lose this, but if they do how could they ever win it because the situation(economic/political/etc.) right now is so heavily favoring Obama.
Onix said:
Exactly what is wrong with the AIP thing?

In reality? Nothing. In bullshit-politics-land? SHE HATES AMERICA!

We are talking about a party that has gone absolutely bat-shit over not wearing a flag-pin or supposedly not putting his hand over his heart during the pledge of alligence . . . here she was fomenting open revolt and wanting her state to leave the USA. TRAITOR!


speculawyer said:
Well . . . there wasn't much in the barrel to choose from. Magic-underwear guy? Exorcist guy? Guy from the other party? I thought Pawlenty would have been his smartest pick.

He should have just gone with jesus. Cut out the middle man and all that.


RiZ III said:
Uhuh and? The comments I was responding to were saying that we've had the worst president in a long long time with terrible approval ratings followed up by a terrible campaign by McCain vs an amazing campaign by Obama the likes of which has never been seen. One would think that there is no way the dems could lose this, but if they do how could they ever win it because the situation(economic/political/etc.) right now is so heavily favoring Obama.

I agree with you, I've been arguing the same points. I was just saying that as big of a drought as it would seem to be, it's pretty normal for the modern era.


shoplifter said:


honestly, I feel badly for the kid, he didn't deserve all of this media scrutiny.

edit: what the christ, someone made a parody site for him already? http://levijohnston.com/Blog/?page_id=5

I actually just found this and posted it in the other thread. You should read the comments.

Edit: And now it's dead. DAMN. Comment gold? "Awesome job slipping one past that ultimate goalie — the cervix!! LOL Broseph, you are made now, in like flynn with them rich peeps."


Edit - It's a joke site. DAMN.


WickedAngel said:
He didn't.

I'm one of the last people on this board that you will see pulling the race card, but honestly...it's not a hard pill to swallow when you take everything into consideration.

Our economy is a mess, we're involved in at least one war whose foundation was built on a lie, and the Republican nominee is following a very ineffective administration.


You have a Democratic nominee who has bested one of the largest household names in politics (In the primaries) and who, whether you find him inspirational or not, is a great speaker, relatively modest, straightforward, and capable of running one of the most efficient campaigns of our time.

Mostly true, the problem is that Hillary ran as the inevitable candidate from the beginning, something that tends to irk voters. Throw in that Obama's young and fresh and appealed to the youth vote as well as peeling away african americans (who are overrepresented in several key states) not to mention his early upset win in Iowa which heavily white (and solidly gave him the black vote in an odd twist once they "knew he could win") and that's not that surprising. Obama had a little luck, an opponent that thought she already won, and a couple of key demographics and so he won.

He's facing a Republican candidate who is generally considered to be a lackluster persona and poor public speaker. His campaign has stumbled over itself a number of times (Even while the Democratic primaries were shielding him from the attention of those candidates) and he is surrounded by special interests.

The difference is that McCain has consistently historically appealed to moderates on both sides, people like him a lot more than the average GAFfer does. I agree McCain isn't the best speaker, doesn't have the best disposition, isn't the best looking which matters in politics these days, etc. Yet he's just got something about him that people respond to, and he came back from essentially the political dead to win the nomination, his campaign was on fumes before he recovered and won.

As with his Democratic counterpart, he's gone back and forth on a number of issues. He supports (And has supported in the past) many of the ill-advised policies of the former administration.

As you say, they both flipped, though I'd point out that with McCain's longer record in the senate compared to Obama any issue where Obama changed is going to be a little more glaring because there's slightly less of a record (again, fair or not that's reality).

You're right; it's inexcusable to throw a blanket generalization out there and say that everyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist (Which nobody here is doing). As I said earlier, I don't know how it can be that the election is still competitive. What I do know is that the people who don't "trust" Obama rarely ever give me a straight answer as to why and I can't help but wonder if they're being evasive because they're too embarrassed to say it out loud.

I can understand that too. I trust Obama on a personal level... actually more than some gaffers seem to. I've had gaffers at different times try to tell me he doesn't REALLY mean his current stance on drugs, that he doesn't REALLY mean his stance on same sex marriage, that he won't ACTUALLY pass a windfall profits tax... not that I'm saying you believe that, but I mean, I basically take candidates at their word and tear them down later (or cheer them as the case may be) when and if they break what they campaign on depending on if I disagree or agree with it.

Edit - Oh, and on FISA... I trusted that he wouldn't support that too. Oops.
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