- Date: May 31, 2008
- Expected Result: Some preliminary ruling on what happens to delegates from Michigan and Florida, who both broke the rules of the Democratic Primary process by moving their states primary dates forward.
- Why it's important: Because it's Hillary's only remaining possible avenue to the white house, even though the probability of it going her way and changing the result is 0.1%.
- ACTUAL Result: Florida = 105/67. Both Pledged and Supers cost half. Michigan = 69/59 Clinton/Obama delegate split. Also half vote. Harold Ickes says he was authorized by Clinton to take the Michigan ruling to the credentials committee. And Obama resigned from Trinity Church.

- Date: June 1, 2008
- Expected Result: Hillary Clinton will win this large island U.S. territory by a significant margin. Finally, though, it's a place that ACTUALLY DOESN'T MATTER BY ANY METRIC in the general election.
- Why it's important: Because Ricky Martin endorsed Hillary Clinton, and that's the only vote that counts. Without the Ricky Martin vote, how can Obama expect to win in the general?
- ACTUAL Result: She won, big. 2-to-1.

- Date: June 3, 2008
- Expected Result: Obama is leading Clinton in polls in both states by a fairly significant margin. Can't be arsed to look for the data, but he should win both.
- Why it's important: It's THE END. Of all the primary. Primary season is over, onward to the general election! Of course, in the meantime, we'll get to see Hillary Clinton's epic final hour.