Oh, it's gonna.ZeroTolerance said:Man, this shit could go on for the whole freaking day..
Michigan hasn't been discussed yet.adg1034 said:Don't have cable right now. What's been decided on Uncommitted?
!!!!!lexdysia said:Ausman accepts half delegate seating, but wants full superdelegate reinstatement.
Wexler representing Obama accepts the Ausman proposal.
Bill Clinton says Hillary will accept fully the RBC decision.
**Ausman is a Florida representative and superdelegate.
Fucking OWNED. :lolAmir0x said:holy shit :lol
"The concept of fair reflection? Mr. Ickes, you'll have to educate me on the concept of fair reflection."
:lol :lol
datruth29 said:Concept of Fair Reflection??? WTF is that shit???
She got 19 delegates from both Penn and Ohio.lexdysia said:What does Penn. and Ohio have to do with Florida? I'm a little bit lost.
The Lamonster said:!!!!!
That is HUGE. It basically says she isn't going to appeal the decision and this won't go to the convention.
scorcho said:i do find it interesting that Wexler is being grilled far longer and more intensely than any other representative who came before him.
the first two were Florida representativeslexdysia said:He is the first Obama supporter after three Clinton people. The first area of clear conflict. I don't think it's anything more.
scorcho said:i do find it interesting that Wexler is being grilled far longer and more intensely than any other representative who came before him.
scorcho said:the first two were Florida representatives
GhaleonEB said:
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