I refuse to back down from these things myself. Last year was the first time I heard my father admit that minorities probably have it worse than us when it comes to interacting with the police.
When it comes to politics, I'm not going for a full on conversion, though that'd be nice, just getting my family to be disillusioned enough to just not vote for shit candidates, even if it meant not voting at all, would be a win in my book. Hell, them voting 3rd party'd even be a step up.
Realistically I'm probably never going to flip them to liberals. I mean, honestly, a lot of liberal policies just don't effect them or benefit them at all. You got the normal stuff like Social Security, Medicare and the like, yeah, but from there the benefits are nil. All my family live in small towns, towns where there's just one school, for all grades, and few businesses. My father's home town's only "chain" like business is a Texaco gas station, which is new by the way, used to not have a place to get gas in town. Pretty much anything taken from them in taxes(not counting SS and Medicare) is not going back to them in any meaningful way unless FEMA has to show up because of a tornado or some shit. Don't even have police. To them it's all a waste of money. It's super easy to see why you'd be for little government when you live in a place with, like, no government presence at all. They don't even grow a crop that gets heavily subsidized like corn down there. Global warming will affect them but no way in hell I can break through that Fox News/Rush Limbaugh tag team of misinformation they get down there, I'll have to wait for their cotton to die before they'd change their mind.
And culturally, well, the Republicans fit that bill way more than the Democrats do.
So like I said, I'd be happy with them just not supporting Republicans, not aiming to get them to support the Democrats.
And honestly, one of the silver linings of this election loss in my opinion is that the electoral college kinda did work. I mean, take Clinton's job retraining proposal, on paper that'd benefit everyone, but was she going to build colleges in bumfuck Texas where the graduating class from high school's the size of one classroom in a city? I doubt it.
This country needs a more mature discussion about the urban/rural divide and what has to be the plan for the future. I honestly think at some point some of these towns that sprung up over an industry need to be relocated or downsized. I don't see any conceivable way we can actually help them at all besides offering them a real way out, and that'd probably have to include generous land purchases, relocation expenses, employment assistance and crap like that, the only other option's to turn them into cities themselves by sending a bunch of city dwellers to fill them up to make them attractive enough to entice other employers which I don't think is mathematically possible.