Particle Physicist
between a quark and a baryon
Why do you assume that people who voted for Trump are ok with that? Are you ok with people lashing out against people who voted for Trump? Did you think it was a possibility that some may lash out if Hillary didn't win?
OK, here's some context:
In this thread, what I assume are Hillary voters condemning it while even on the first page people are asking for context on why that white dude is getting the everloving shit kicked out of him and then gets driven off while his arm is stuck in the window while people are yelling he voted for Trump.
Are you okay with this? I bet you aren't.
Why are you assuming that everyone who voted for Trump is ok with any of this?
This one video will be used by Trump defenders for eternity won't it? Anyway. People were asking for context because it's the bystanders yelling about Trump. The people actually involved in the altercation show absolutely no hints at motivation.