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Politico: John Kelly's personal phone has been compromised for months

Hari Seldon

Man in cold war days it would have been the biggest spy win of all time to get someonoe that high level to flip info, now you don't need to flip him you can just hack his phone and open up his mic 24/7 lol.


If you are a high ranking official, wouldn't a malfunctioning phone be an alert. I mean, the government can afford to replace it, I am sure

You have to remember that he is 67 years old. How many of your parents will recognize their phone/computer has malware rather than just acting being annoyed at technology not working as they want it to.
You have to remember that he is 67 years old. How many of your parents will recognize their phone/computer has malware rather than just acting being annoyed at technology not working as they want it to.
Other 67 year old people aren't in one of the highest executive positions of the American government.


You have to remember that he is 67 years old. How many of your parents will recognize their phone/computer has malware rather than just acting being annoyed at technology not working as they want it to.

recognize malware? ok sure i'll give you that. not taking it to IT because shit ain't working right immediately instead of waiting months? nah, that's gross negligence.


Kelly told the staffers the phone hadn’t been working properly for months, according to the officials.
Tolerates phone not working properly for months before going to IT.

Sounds about right.


How long until they blame Soros or Hillary ....?

One of these things is not like the other. And the other isn't like the first.

The latter is a moderately to highly corrupt, yet extremely effective and competent politician.

The former is the Anti-Christ's less wholesome cousin.
I love the smoke screen about him not actually making calls with the compromised device - the relevant question is whether he carried it with him into secure meetings because it still HAS VIDEO, AUDIO AND GEOLOCATION RECORDING on it.

Also his contact list is a treasure trove of targets and there's the issue whether it's hooked up to his private email accounts because, chances are, those also contains work content and contacts.

Game Guru

I still don't get it. How does someone in that position wait months to tell IT something is up with his phone?

That's about right in terms of how IT is treated in Western nations. The West is not prepared at all for full-on cyberwarfare. I mean the whole business of Western governments wanting backdoors through encryption is exactly the proof needed of how unprepared for cyberwarfare they are. If your country has a backdoor to bypass your country's encryption, then EVERY country has a backdoor to bypass your nation's encryption, including your adversaries.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I would be stunned if Trump's unsecured Android phone he as been tweeting from since becoming president WASN'T hacked for at least a year.

It's a near certainty at this point, right?
That's about right in terms of how IT is treated in Western nations. The West is not prepared at all for full-on cyberwarfare. I mean the whole business of Western governments wanting backdoors through encryption is exactly the proof needed of how unprepared for cyberwarfare they are. If your country has a backdoor to bypass your country's encryption, then EVERY country has a backdoor to bypass your nation's encryption, including your adversaries.
I do wonder how much we do this to Russia and China. At least I hope we have the same abilities. Otherwise in the modern world we are just handing over a lot of power to them.

I would be stunned if Trump's unsecured Android phone he as been tweeting from since becoming president WASN'T hacked for at least a year.

It's a near certainty at this point, right?
Wouldn't even be surprised he uses a random phone he got during a Russian meeting at this point.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Is there a reason this is only 2 pages and hasn't hit MSM yet? This seems yuge.

This SHOULD be a big deal, yea. But there are too many other 'big deals' happening. It's a constant problem. Too much shit being thrown on the wall to be able to cover any of it as much as should be.


This is fucking insane. You have to presume it was comprised. Can Kelly get in serious trouble for this please? And can Mueller demand his and trump's phone be confiscated?


I love the smoke screen about him not actually making calls with the compromised device - the relevant question is whether he carried it with him into secure meetings because it still HAS VIDEO, AUDIO AND GEOLOCATION RECORDING on it.

Also his contact list is a treasure trove of targets and there's the issue whether it's hooked up to his private email accounts because, chances are, those also contains work content and contacts.

Let’s not forget his geolocation tag advertises Facebook friends or anyone he has come into contact with. Essentially he could have given away the email/phones of staffers working in DHS, the White House, NSA, DIA, or FBI.

Those staffers could become more effective and inconspicuous targets for Russia.
If he kept that phone on him, as I would assume he did, whoever had that phone compromised probably has recordings of everything that has been said in his vicinity.


Personal phones and personal emails for conducting official work of WH.

This administration doing all right data security plays.

That seems like a stop gap measure; are they scanning all the devices people turn in at the entrance? How will this work in Mar-a-Lago, Bedford and Trump Tower?

They've also done nothing to dispel the notion this is part of a greater espionage effort and they've been investigating since last month.

The flagrant disregard for operational security in this White House is maddening.

Off the top of my head, they left Flynn in a top secret clearance job after the IC warned about his ties to foreign governments and blackmail vulnerability, Jared Kushner still has his clearance after lying on his screening forms and being under suspicion of collusion with a foreign adversary, Russian photographers brought their own equipment into the Oval Office, Trump met a foreign head of state and his entourage without any US nationals present, Trump took nuclear threat briefing / crisis meeting in the middle of his own restaurant with unvetted staff and guest around, Trump burnt an Israeli intelligence operation in casual conversation with Russian officials, several top staffers have admitted to using private email for White House business...

...and that's just what we know about.
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