And those girls wearing tight jeans are just asking to get raped, right? And the black kid stealing cigars and mouthing off to cops is just asking to get shot and killed, right?
I have a feeling that you're letting your emotions post for you, those are very extreme examples of harm coming to people. As long as people with malicious intent exist on this planet, there will be people who want to rape, and there will be murder.
As long as people like Phil Fish exist to complain, berate and spout off foolish stuff, there will be individuals that exist who will want to silence him or harm him too.
He drew that attention, or it would seem.
All I have heard is negative opinions on him, viewing comment sections at different websites, different forums and such. The consensus to me is that most dislike him,but like his game.
Some dislike him and his game and don't understand his infamy.
Cause and effect went into play here, simple as that. I punch you, you punch me back. I come to shoot you, you run, or you shoot back at me.
This is the internet, and quite frankly, people have been hacked for less.
It's why I reduced my own internet foot print over the years and don't daisy chain my devices, ridiculous passwords, etc.
Lastly, I never said he deserved it, but if you step outside of your bubble for a moment, you can see it as a likely scenario to occur given the environment on the internet.
I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, also the extent of information that was gathered.