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PoP 2 PC Demo?


Console Market Analyst
dark10x said:
Holy shit, it's almost 500mb.


For me, the Indiana Link from 3Dgamers is twice as fast as the Filerush link. Although, people may have better luck with the Torrents.



Console Market Analyst
My first download was corrupt. I hope you guys have better luck.

Trying again, and will, of course, post pics and impressions if I can.


Some combat

Woops! *rewind*

Bow to my great POP2 skillz :lol


Well, I just played through the fight tutorial and the 2nd demo stage. Play pretty well with Keyboard and Mouse but I'd rather have Xbox pad. The combat is much better than PoP but doesn't much the furiosity of Ninja Gaiden. The new moves at disposal are pretty cool. I like hopping off one guy and flying into another to slice at him. However, it does seem too easy to use the 'flip over back slice off head' move on the enemies in the demo....The dual weapon attack wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. Seems like it forces you to use one button for dual attacks causing the same attack animation to be used over and over. Having said that, I had more fun using combat in this demo than I ever did with PoP.

You can definitely tell UBI wanted to upgrade the "hardcore edge' to this game with PoP2. Haha, wow. I never thought I'd be playing a PoP game where there is hardcore butt metal playing in the background (On the pr8 ship when being attacked). Blood and gore everywhere. Even the prince calling that chick he is fighting a bitch! Some of it seems forced and over the top. :/ Hell, they got Godsmack playing in the background in the menu screen! Ah well, at least the combat is better.

Graphics look great. In fact, I may go buy one of those PS2/Xbox wannabe PC pads just to play this game on my PC. Game looks fantastic.

Stupid question. How do I post and host screens?


music is terrible and they are really forcing this muture crap, sad really but the game is still very good.

some screens







Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
This demo is a buggy mess.

-Glitched out several times on the pirate ship as the prince fell through the environment into the drink somehow.

-First fight with Bloodray...err stacked pirate girl, was awash with awkward collision issues during the whole blocking and countering affair. Horrible fight that was.

-The boss pictured above with the prince riding on its head completely got stuck in a corner after dashing at me, and after spending ten seconds trying to wrestle with the walls and jam itself out into the open room, the game just threw up it's arms and the model sat there frozen in time. The price would just walk right through it as if it wasn't there. I couldn't even figure out a way to kill myself and restart at the checkpoint(placed stupidly at the very beginning of the level mind you!) No saves, no option at the menu as far as I can tell. Yep, I was fuxxored and forced to restart the entire demo from the pirate ship again. wonderful...

-Combat is massively expanded over the first game, and you can whip out any random set of buttons to pull off some deadly combat move now. Didn't help save it from feeling equally as redundant 5 minutes later as in Prince 1. Maybe it's just me, but I just can't seem to get into the spirit of just killing stuff in this franchise. Spent the whole demo waiting for the puzzles and traps which barely showed. I really began to detest when 'closet' demon pirates emerged everytime I entered a new room. Didn't work for Doom 3 and I don't dig it here.

I've always been idly fond of the -edgy- art plastered on the forums over the past several months and have given the game the benefit of the doubt hoping it wouldn't lose it's vaguely ethereal and fantastical stylings, but fuck this is more IN YO FACE than EA TRAX! Appealing to the socially awkward middle-america teens with loud obnoxious riffs and leather boobies is crap.

Just...ugh. Wholly dissapointed here. (It does save me $50 come November tho!)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
DaCocoBrova said:
To you.

I don't like that hazy look. It hides detail.

Detail that isn't there, this is a multiplatform game afterall.

The first one made use of that same hazy filter as well.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

Not bad, but it sure as hell isn't what I wanted. It feels totally different now. I dislike the new atmosphere...

At least it runs at 60 fps on my PC...


This game may have an identity crisis. If you want to make an action game, make an action game. If you want to make a puzzle game, make a puzzle based game. But don't make it inbetween as it makes both efforts seem half assed. I'm not saying this is the case with the full version but the demo, while decent, didn't amaze me. I wanted the combat improved from PoP, but I don't want a PoP game that focuses as much on combat as it does on puzzles.

What I mean by that is the demo seemed totally devoid of cool puzzles you could find in PoP. At the same time, the action is better than PoP, but that really isn't saying much. The new attacks are cool, but they seem a bit clunky with the game engine in place. I dunno how to explain it better, but everything in the attacking seems a bit off. The attack moves seem a bit slow. And if you are going to have a game focus on action, don't you want it fast and furious? I dunno, maybe I just play too much Gaiden...??

The music on that pirate ship battle, heh, I still can't believe that. It sounds like something out of Dynasty Warriors. :p


Can someone record the music from the game? I've listened to the 4 samples at the official site and the musical style seems very similiar to the first one, so I don't understand all the complaints. :p It's not like PoP1 was filled with folkoric middle-eastern music.

Protip: It had none.

Really, the first PoP was already "angsty", I don't get why some people don't see that. They just took an extra step with this one. :p


I was impressed with the improved combat. Can flip over guys now and flow into new moves easily and quickly. Can pick up there weapons and zip around everywhere very quickly. Will make fighting large rooms of guys more fun then usual.

For awhile.

Just like the 1st PoP the vault over the guys head move is super strong and seems to work on every guy. Almost feel stupid for not doing it if you get hit because you know it's so effective. Control felt choppy, but I'm hoping that's because of a crappy video card. If it's like this on the consoles then it will easilly be ignored by me this season.

Animations also seem a bit too dramatic. Like when hopping off a wall...the huge arc he takes while flipping makes the move a little less useful to me, because it affects the timing. And fast action games like this should be all about timing.

There wasn't anything really in the puzzle sense, but I doubt this game will be ALL combat. Not with all the running on wall shit he can still do.

I'm not a PoP purist. Don't mind more action if the action is good. But it doesn't feel "tight" yet like DMC/Ninja Gaiden, but I hope that's due to it being unfinished and on a crappy PC



The hell... what's with the rewind? I thought he didn't have the time dagger in this one. Have I gone crazy or didn't he give it to Farah at the end of SoT?


raYne said:

The hell... what's with the rewind? I thought he didn't have the time dagger in this one. Have I gone crazy or didn't he give it to Farah at the end of SoT?

I believe he had a medallion filled with the sands of time.


And this medallion you're referring to is what gives him said power in PoP2 then? If that's the case.... *sigh*
Letme just say that the Jade engine shines most on one particular console(that means aside from PC)...

Figure it out by yourself.

That don't mean it doesn't look great on other consoles.


Godsmack isn't composing the music of the title, they just used one song of theirs in the menu(apparently). Really, the music is very similiar to the first game(Nu-metali-ish with a few "middle-eastern" motifs), only heavier.
Rainbow L33T said:
POP game were always made with Xbox in mind first.Like Splinter Cell.

Letme instruct you.

The Jade engine has been built around, NO particular platform in mind.

POP's engine is a modified Jade engine. Montreal's engineers rewrote part of the engine, and were able to get a 15% performance gain on each platform. POP, unlike games like Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six, was developped simultaniously on each platform.

Rainbow Six games and Splinter Cell games are different. Reason is: They run on a modified Unreal warfare engine. Since the Unreal engine was built on PC's, the best idea was to make it work on Xbox and PC first.
Well,I don't really want to engage in a pissing contest.You probably know programmers or work yourself there,but I have my own reasons and they're probably as good as yours.

Your quite right about what you said in your previous post,although the Jade engine was modified,how many gain in % each platform got is pretty much in the air.That's an estimation and the Xbox got the better share of it for the most part.


The Bookerman said:
Oh yeah.
How do you know?

He works for UBI. Or I thought he did. He did at one time.

Interesting choice for music in the demo if the final version isn't a reflection.


not an idiot
There is an option in this demo to turn off the fog, I highly recommend it. I can post some screens with the fog off (which is a huge upgrade in the look of the game IMO) if someone has some space and can host it.


Supposedly this game scored a 10 in OPM.

Is that out of 100?

Ok, that may be a bit harsh. But I remember last year with all those gushing PoP reviews and when the game came out most people thought the game was scored highly overrated. I"m wondering if the same thing is going to happen again. The demo screams 6/10 at best.


Tag of Excellence
Yusaku said:
Pretty much confirms I'll be passing on this. Still doesn't support 1280x1024 either.
I never understood the desire for 1280x1024. I actually don't know, not trying to be a smart-ass, I'd appreciate if someone could explain it to me. The way I see it, 1280x1024 is at an odd display rate in accordance to everything else, ie: the common pixel resolutions. From the lowly 800x600 to the high-end 1600x1200, and everything else in between, the ratio is always 1.3333~. 1280x1024 gives you an odd ratio of 1.25, the correct one would be 1280x960 which the game does support.

The demo makes me cry, I hate the atmosphere and character redesigns of this game. If it does help to dramatically increase sales then I guess I can look past it. After spending a good 5 minutes with the game I got used to the keyboard controls but they're a poor second choice for a nice controller in hand. The PC port is pretty decent, it seems like everything was transferred flawlessly and the game runs at a decent clip, not much else I can ask for. Only drawback is the demo is a bad example of what the entire game is like, well atleast I'm holding out for that. It was worth the download but it doesn't make me excited for the game. I still respect what the team has done, I just wish something better was shown.


Even with my PSX controller, I couldn't even play this game as smoothly as the first game. I'll wait until the console versions are released for this one, then give it a rent at least.


Sigh* It's only a demo, and the developers did say people shouldn't worry, because there will be puzzle solving and platforming in WW. I think the art style looks great. Throwing in the bloom lighting effects in a dark, foggy environment looks great.
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