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Pope Benny spouts more stuff on same sex marriage - "destroying essence of humanity"

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This is from io9, but the original story is from the Independent:



Original title is "Pope: gay marriage threatens foundations of family life and destroys the 'very essence of the human creature'"

Pope says same-sex marriage is destroying the ‘essence of humanity’

If Pope Benedict's Christmas speeches are of any indication, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Vatican has stepped up its assault on same-sex marriage. Speaking at his yearly address to Vatican officials, the Pope spoke out against marriage equality, saying that it's destroying the very foundations of the family and what it means to be human. The Pope also used the opportunity to express his willingness in working with other faiths who are similarly opposed to gay marriage.

In his speech, the Pope denounced people who he feels are manipulating their God-given identities to suit their sexual choices — what he says is destroying the very "essence of the human creature." He said:

People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given to them by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves. The manipulation of nature, which we deplore today where our environment is concerned, now becomes man's fundamental choice where he himself is concerned.

He also argued that the trend towards marriage equalization is a "crisis that threatens [the family] to its foundations — especially in the Western world. When such commitment is repudiated, the key figures of human existence likewise vanish: father, mother, child — essential elements of the experience of being human are lost."

During his speech, Benedict cited the work of the Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, who has argued that the campaign for granting gays the right to marry and adopt children is an "attack" on the traditional family. Bernheim's study, "Gay Marriage, Parenthood and Adoption: What We Often Forget to Say," contends that efforts to legalize same-sex marriage are being made for "the exclusive profit of a tiny minority" and are often supported on account of political correctness.

And in another example of the Catholic Church's increased emphasis on fighting gay marriage, the Vatican's newspaper L'Osservatore Romano recently described proponents of marriage equalization to 20th century communists. Gay marriage, said the newspaper, is a product of the same "egalitarian utopia that did so much damage during the 20th century... deceiving humanity as socialism did in the past."

Comparing same-sex marriage to communism is very telling indeed. Given Pope John Paul II's tireless efforts to fight communism in all its forms during his tenure, it would appear that the Catholic Church has found a new cause in these early parts of the 21st century.

Original article:

Pope Benedict has used the beginning of the Christmas period to ramp up his assault on gay marriage, stating that the very foundations of the family were threatened by same sex partnerships.

In his annual Christmas address to Vatican officials – one of the most important speeches of the year – he decried moves to allow same sex couples to marry and indicated that the Vatican would be willing to forge an alliance with those faiths who are also opposed to equal marriage rights.

His comments come amid mounting concern in Rome that the Catholic Church’s teachings on homosexuality are falling on deaf ears, with pro-gay marriage movements gaining ground most recently in Britain, the United States and France.

During the speech the Pontiff referred to a recent study by the Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, who said the campaign for granting gays the right to marry and adopt children was an “attack” on the traditional family.

“There is no denying the crisis that threatens it [the family] to its foundations – especially in the Western world,” the Pope said. “When such commitment is repudiated, the key figures of human existence likewise vanish: father, mother, child – essential elements of the experience of being human are lost.”

The speech is the second time this week that the Pope has spoken out on gay marriages and his liberal quoting of Rabbi Bernheim’s work against gay marriage is an indication of how determined the Vatican is to use ecumenical alliances with other faiths.

In France, where President François Hollande vowed to enact his “marriage for everyone” plan within a year of taking office last May, Rabbi Bernheim has become a vocal critic of gay marriage. His study, Gay Marriage, Parenthood and Adoption: What We Often Forget to Say, argues that plans to legalise gay marriage are being made for “the exclusive profit of a tiny minority” and are often supported because of political correctness.

In the speech, the Pope also denounced what he described as people manipulating their God-given identities to suit their sexual choices – and destroying the very “essence of the human creature” in the process.

“People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given to them by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being,” he said. “They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves. The manipulation of nature, which we deplore today where our environment is concerned, now becomes man’s fundamental choice where he himself is concerned.”

Franco Grillini, a prominent spokesman for Italy’s gay community, called the Pope’s words “great foolishness,” adding: “Where gay marriage has been approved, there has been no consequence on heterosexual marriage.”

Merry Christmas from the Vatican!



why are there still soooo many catholics in the world?
atleast go protestant for fucks sake

with a figurehead like that i would have bailed long ago


Commit a crime, say "god told me to do it" and they'll say you're crazy.

Wear a funny hat, say god only speaks through you, say "god told me to do it" and you'll get 100,000 in a crowd cheering your every word.
Are they dumb enough to think that lots of people are going to decide to become gay just because it is more socially acceptable?

I mean really . . . WTF are they worried about? Gay people exist. They have always will exist. They will exist whether or not it is legal or socially sanctioned. But straight people are not just going to become gay because it is socially acceptable or you can legally get gay married.

Get the fuck over it already. Jesus.


Old people are resistant to change. News at 11.

Like what much of the pope says now a days I will just ignore it.

P.S. Pope you still got those pedo priests hanging over your head. Don't even get started at 'destroying humanity essence' shit.


I never understand why the Pope and other religious leaders never addresses the actual problem of how everyone is getting divorced leaving children in loveless, broken families who scar them far more emotionally than whatever fucked up fantasy they have about how a loving homosexual family unit functions.

Less people get married today, more than half of all marriages end in divorce... maybe there's something wrong with the institution of marriage itself?
why are there still soooo many catholics in the world?
atleast go protestant for fucks sake

with a figurehead like that i would have bailed long ago
1) Promise every lasting after life if you follow their rules
2) Command that you can't use birth control
3) COmmand that you can't have an abortion.

Boom . . . lots of new little followers.

It is a well-evolved mind-virus.


Old people are resistant to change. News at 11.

Like what much of the pope says now a days I will just ignore it.

P.S. Pope you still got those pedo priests hanging over your head. Don't even get started at 'destroying humanity essence' shit.

more like the bible cannot be retconned
if the book says gay marriage is not allowed then future popes will still keep this position untill infinity or untill the religion goes extinct
why are there still soooo many catholics in the world?
atleast go protestant for fucks sake

with a figurehead like that i would have bailed long ago

I think a lot of people just stick with whatever religion/denomination they were born into even if they don't agree with the policies of church.


As I keep reminding to all my (mostly liberal) Catholic friends -
The church had changed its mind on bigger things than gay marriage.
This too shall pass.


So he seems to believe the essence of the human creature is hatred and bigotry, then?

And to think Atheists are supposedly the cynical, nihilistic ones!


Black Canada Mafia
Since when did the Pope become the absolute authority on the human condition? Seriously annoying when people peddle their empty and vague subjectivity as objectivity.
I never understand why the Pope and other religious leaders never addresses the actual problem of how everyone is getting divorced leaving children in loveless, broken families who scar them far more emotionally than whatever fucked up fantasy they have about how a loving homosexual family unit functions.

Less people get married today, more than half of all marriages end in divorce... maybe there's something wrong with the institution of marriage itself?

Not to defend the Church or anything, but divorce has always been and still is prohibited by the Catholic Church, except for annulment in a handful of cases. Divorced people who have a new partner "live in sin" and shouldn't even be given the sacraments.


I never understand why the Pope and other religious leaders never addresses the actual problem of how everyone is getting divorced leaving children in loveless, broken families who scar them far more emotionally than whatever fucked up fantasy they have about how a loving homosexual family unit functions.

Less people get married today, more than half of all marriages end in divorce... maybe there's something wrong with the institution of marriage itself?
If you take your stats from the early nineties or something...sure.
Not to defend the Church or anything, but divorce has always been and still is prohibited by the Catholic Church, except for annulment in a handful of cases. Divorced people who have a new partner "live in sin" and shouldn't even be given the sacraments.
And to further defend them, Jesus did call divorce & remarriage adultery. But that is quite impractical these days. That made more sense back then when people had lifespans of 40 years or so.


Man if I were a practicing Catholic (and sane), I'd be so mad I'd want to change Church, maybe for one of those tolerant Protestant churches, the guy consecrates his Urbit et Orbi to hating gays, how fucked up is that?Does he really think it's going to stop Europeans from becoming more secular?
And to further defend them, Jesus did call divorce & remarriage adultery. But that is quite impractical these days. That made more sense back then when people had lifespans of 40 years or so.

Just to be clear, it's not like opposing divorce gives them some moral leverage. It's the opposite.


No Scrubs
Yes GAF, let the hate flow through you! Embrace the dark side!

Seriously though what an old shit. Let people love who they want.
more like the bible cannot be retconned
if the book says gay marriage is not allowed then future popes will still keep this position untill infinity or untill the religion goes extinct

And that is why we still have slavery.

They'll adapt or go extinct. I suspect the former. They've proven quite flexible over the years while denying it. They've adjusted to dealing with plenty of stuff including Nazis.


listen to the mad man
pope said:
People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given to them by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them,

I absolutely agree with this. People should not fight against who they are. If someone knows, deeply, that their natural identity is that of a gay male or a trans-person, they should embrace who they are and live and love who they are instead of denying their identities. The Pope is very progressive here, practically an LBGT icon.


Felium Defensor
This mothafucka...not surprising though. Just sad that millions of people actually "believe" and follow this guy.


Amazing how an institution for supposed good can be so evil.

So how old is this guy? Is there a chance the next pope won't be evil?


If only he spent half the energy he uses on battling gay marriage, on defending children and battling Catholic prominent pedophiles instead...

wishful thinking, i know
Amazing how an institution for supposed good can be so evil.

So how old is this guy? Is there a chance the next pope won't be evil?

To be Pope, you need to adhere completely to the very foundations of the Catholic Church. Some of the very foundations of the Catholic Church are evil.

So no.



more like the bible cannot be retconned
if the book says gay marriage is not allowed then future popes will still keep this position untill infinity or untill the religion goes extinct

We should really get going on stoning all these women to death who aren't virgins on their wedding day...


You know how when large scale aliens attack in hollywood movies, people who would otherwise not see eye to eye form alliance to fight the common enemy that poses a greater threat than each other? Well it looks like gay marriage has become that common enemy, the platform on which he is trying to use to unite all other religions that feel the same way. To this, I say, bravo because while finding common grounds on which segments of people can be maligned may be easy, it is rather bold to actively and publicly seek alliance with other faiths.

I hope Pope is successful in garnering support of religious heads and their followers from other religions. And I hope it's public. Because this way we'll know exactly who these people are that stand against public policy.
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