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Pope compares sexual abuse to "satanic Mass", says will meet victims

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ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Monday branded sexual abuse of children by priests a crime comparable to a "satanic Mass" and said he would show zero tolerance for anyone in the Catholic Church who abused children, including bishops.

Speaking to reporters on the plane taking him back from a visit to the Middle East, the pope also announced that he would have his first meeting with a group of abuse victims at the Vatican early next month.

Asked about whether he would move against bishops who were accused of sexual abuse, he said "there will be no daddy's boys" and no privileges, adding that three bishops were currently under investigation.

"Sexual abuse is such an ugly crime ... because a priest who does this betrays the body of the Lord. It is like a satanic Mass," he said in some of the toughest language he has used on a crisis which has rocked the Church for more than a decade." We must go ahead with zero tolerance" he said.

He said he would hold a meeting with around eight victims of sexual abuse at the Vatican early next month. It would be attended by Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley of Boston, who is head of a commission set up to study ways of dealing with the crisis.

Francis, who spoke to reporters for nearly an hour, said the victims, several from Europe, would attend his morning Mass and then he would meet with them.

It will be the first time for Francis to meet sexual abuse victims since his election in March, 2013.



Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.


Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

EDIT: I was replying to the post above me.


Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.

He's saying that a priest who abuses a child is like a priest who betrays God.

Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

A religious pediphile turns to the church to fight his desires and then learns how trusted priests are (were) alone with children. Eventually succumbs to temptation. I don't think most of them don the collar just to molest kids.


Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.

Are we reading the same story here?
Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.

I didnt get that from what he said at all...sarcasm?

JC Lately

Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.

He said 'like a satanic mass' Like.

Similes, how do they work?

EDIT; beaten. And several times over it seems.


Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.
Do some reading before posting next time.


Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.
I see we are starting the pope does good thing bashing early.



He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.


Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

EDIT: I was replying to the post above me.

Probably because children are more vulnerable, and because priesthood is pretty much guaranteed to make people detached from reality in various ways. It's a bit of a mentally torturous idea to tell someone he must lead people to the creator of the universe and never have sex. So it's not surprising that priests would turn out this way. Plus, some of them have probably been abused themselves when young.

The whole notion of priesthood is kind of silly, it doesn't turn people into exemplar figures. Maybe back in the days when people had nothing to do but toil the land and go to sleep the idea of not toiling the land but going to sleep and telling people to stay strong made you exemplar, but nowadays a person can actually try to contribute to his environment and to society rather than repeat theology.

JC Lately

Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

I think you have it backwards. Its not that not being allowed to have sex made them into pedophiles, its that the men in question were already pedophiles and the priesthood gave them an automatic position of authority and trust over so many children.


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

Because they are both acts against God in his eyes? I don't know if you're reading too much into the remarks or aren't reading enough into them...
He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

It's not an excuse. It's a derision of the behavior. He acknowledges it as an abominable human act as much as it is an affront to the God they worship. It's simple. There's no excusing or belittling going on.


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

Just put the fedora down and walk away. This is not a fight you think it is.


Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

EDIT: I was replying to the post above me.
I really think the main reason is that these kinds of predators gravitate to jobs that give them trusted positions with kids. There has been an ugly history of sexual abuse by scout troop leaders and hockey coaches in Canada for the same reason. The way the catholic church covered it up though...


Super Sleuth
Probably because children are more vulnerable, and because priesthood is pretty much guaranteed to make people detached from reality in various ways. It's a bit of a mentally torturous idea to tell someone he must lead people to the creator of the universe and never have sex. So it's not surprising that priests would turn out this way. Plus, some of them have probably been abused themselves when young.

The whole notion of priesthood is kind of silly, it doesn't turn people into exemplar figures. Maybe back in the days when people had nothing to do but toil the land and go to sleep the idea of not toiling the land but going to sleep and telling people to stay strong made you exemplar, but nowadays a person can actually try to contribute to his environment and to society rather than repeat theology.

Come on, the priesthood isn't turning people into pedophiles, pedophiles are choosing to become priests.
He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

Junior Member AND Satanic Mass attendee


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.
You're trying too hard.

JC Lately

It's not an excuse. It's a derision of the behavior. He acknowledges it as an abominable human act as much as it is an affront to the God they worship. It's simple. There's no excusing or belittling going on.

Furthermore, he is also saying that he is going to clean house of such filth and if you're guilty of diddling kids, your position in the church will not save you. I'm not sure what more you could want. It took far, far too long to get to this point, true. But we are here now, so lets not go shitting over the first guy in goddess knows how many years to actually do something about it.


Come on, the priesthood isn't turning people into pedophiles, pedophiles are choosing to become priests.

How can you make such a statement as if it was fact? People don't just decide and manage to become priest after looking up where they could abuse kids.

A lot of priests were pretty much raised by priests or in environments run by priests. It is known that people who have been sexually abused when young often end up doing the same when older, etc.


How can you make such a statement as if it was fact?

A lot of priests were pretty much raised by priests or in environments run by priests. It is known that people who have been sexually abused when young often end up doing the same when older, etc.
I've known 20+ priests, none were raised by priests. Anecdotal but if we are throwing around uncitated facts then my anecdotes count too.


But it's about fucking time that the church roll back clerical celibacy, it was mostly done to limit individual power and prevent dynasties, but I think it's doing more harm than good these days.

Not that there's any chance of that happening, but hopefully the church can start examine its views on sex.


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

Im sure we can find you something else to be annoyed about, cos this isnt working, maybe talk about Mother Theresa for a while would help?
How can you make such a statement as if it was fact? People don't just decide and manage to become priest after looking up where they could abuse kids.

A lot of priests were pretty much raised by priests or in environments run by priests. It is known that people who have been sexually abused when young often end up doing the same when older, etc.

Actually not really. The cycle of childhood sexual abuse is not as clear cut.

Causal factors
Causal factors of child sex offenders are not known conclusively.[126] The experience of sexual abuse as a child was previously thought to be a strong risk factor, but research does not show a causal relationship, as the vast majority of sexually abused children do not grow up to be adult offenders, nor do the majority of adult offenders report childhood sexual abuse. The US Government Accountability Office concluded, "the existence of a cycle of sexual abuse was not established." Before 1996, there was greater belief in the theory of a "cycle of violence," because most of the research done was retrospective—abusers were asked if they had experienced past abuse. Even the majority of studies found that most adult sex offenders said they had not been sexually abused during childhood, but studies varied in terms of their estimates of the percentage of such offenders who had been abused, from 0 to 79 percent. More recent prospective longitudinal research—studying children with documented cases of sexual abuse over time to determine what percentage become adult offenders—has demonstrated that the cycle of violence theory is not an adequate explanation for why people molest children.[127]

Offenses may be facilitated by cognitive distortions of the offender, such as minimization of the abuse, victim blaming, and excuses.[128]

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse#Causal_factors
He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

He's saying both are grevious offenses in the eyes of God + the church. That's how they're comparable. Try harder.

On the plus side, I've gotten to use "grevious" in a sentence.


Hopefully he's not all talk and actually does something. As far as what he says, this pope is great. I'll admit I haven't been paying much attention to him, but as far as real action and results I haven't seen much.


Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.

How in the world did this article offend you?


This guy before getting ascended to hugable pope had a less than stellar track record dealing with sexual abuse in his native country of Argentina.


Earlier this week, BishopAccountability.org released a report entitled “Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina.” The report focuses on Bergoglio’s stint as archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013, and includes a database with links to public documents and media reports about 42 priests in Argentina previously accused of sexual misconduct. Specifically, the report focuses on five cases of sexual abuse by priests in which it alleges that "Bergoglio knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants.”

Most notably, Bergoglio is accused of supporting Father Julio César Grassi, a priest convicted of molesting a boy in 2009. According to the report, which cites Argentine court documents and previous media coverage of the case, Bergoglio “commissioned a secret study to persuade Supreme Court judges of Grassi's innocence,” and helped him avoid prison for nearly four years after he was convicted.

Despite leveling very serious allegations against the Pope — essentially accusing him of covering up for child molesters — Doyle can’t help but admire some of his more appealing qualities. She uses words like “kind” and “warm” to describe him, and says she respects his leadership on other issues.

that's nice.


This guy before getting ascended to hugable pope had a less than stellar track record dealing with sexual abuse in his native country of Argentina.

that's nice.

Give it up lol, it's just sad now.

You're not going to convince anyone that a Pope actually taking a tough stance on sexual abuse within the Church is a bad thing.


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.
The stupidity of this post is daunting.
Satanists sexually molest children now? Why can't the pope and his church just admit they have a pedophilia problem and help do away with it rather than pretend the devil made them do it. What a bunch of scumbags.


Did you even read the article?
Honest question, why is pedophilia so prominent in churches? I know they aren't supposed to have sex, but why would that lead them to be attracted to children of all things?

I think there's a tendency to ally yourself with a higher power or sense of moral certitude to numb your own real sense of moral panic. It's a way of being 'good' by a kind of proxy or imitation without confronting the root of the problem, probably because it's something too big to confront that the only coping strategy left is to rely on a higher power. And of course that doesn't work.


He's comparing the sexual abuse of an innocent child to a priest partaking in a Satanic mass how are they even comparable? Because one is an offence to their god, human laws and the worst this you can do to a child and one is a pretend mass that up until the 60's didn't even exist as is mostly done to mock their mass? Really? Fuck their excuses.

I molest kids and praise Satan.
(Today 02:57 AM)
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