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Pope Francis Says the Ban on Women Priests Will Last Forever

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Pope Francis told reporters Tuesday that the Roman Catholic Church’s restriction on women entering the priesthood is likely to remain in place forever.

On the ordination of women in the Catholic Church, the last word is clear,” Francis said, referring to an apostolic letter written by Pope John Paul II in 1994. The letter holds that ordaining women was not possible because Jesus chose only men as his apostles.
Not sure why anyone would expect the Catholic Church to suddenly become this beacon of modern values. Personally I don't like the ban on female Priest and the ban on Priest getting married and having sex.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well that's a dumb way to think about it. Several things Jesus or his apostles never accounted for in ancient times that required the Church to change and update its rules as the world advanced.
The Catholic Church continues to be disappointing. It's not particularly surprising though that an almost 2000 year old organization would cling to outdated traditions.
The letter holds that ordaining women was not possible because as far as we've let you know, Jesus chose only men as his apostles.

How can they demand consistently following a book that's contents have been so inconsistent?


And now the "I thought he was good" to "what did you expect it's the pope" circle jerk can begin as it does every time he opens his mouth.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What happened Francis, you used to be cool.


Forever is a long time.

Why are people expecting an institution that has been around thousands of years to completely change they way they operate in a few years?

Give it some time. They will come around.


Catholicism has had a tendency to be pretty good about following the adapt or die approach, albeit doing so while being dragged kicking and screaming. I'm surprised they said this so overtly. Oh well, if it helps to herald the end of the religion sooner rather than later, I'm not complaining.




What happened Francis, you used to be cool.

Not really. He was always just slightly less conservative/stuck in centuries old thinking than previous Popes, but he was never cool and the "This Pope gets it and will make positive changes" feeling that was so common early in his reign were way over-hyped.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
When was he ever cool? I have always found him to be all talk.

He has done quite a bit to shake things up in the Vatican but its most likely things that won't really bear fruit for a long time.


Nothing lasts forever, papi, not your reign, and especially not a reactionary argument as incredibly thin as that.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
O don't see what the problem is. It's their church, no one is forcing anyone to believe in catholicism. If that is a major tenet of the church, then so be it, judge it based on that. I am more perplexed that priests are still expected to be celibate. "Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the eyes of the Lord" or whatever that verse reads. It's unnatural to be celibate, we are made to love one another and have sexual relations, it's unhealthy to believe otherwise and turns a lot of people into monsters, unfortunately.
When was he ever cool? I have always found him to be all talk.

Yea, he removed the golden throne that prior popes sat on because it wasn't what the clergy should do, he's embraced the sick and dying, he's washed feet. He does nothing at all, just talk.

Not religious at all, and I think he's been pretty positive.
Obvious. He's not changing anything about the religion. He can't.

Sometimes, I think because Gaffers treat religion as if it's something that isn't serious, they have really off-base expectations of their practitioners. Like "keep your religion to yourself and you'll be fine" - except religious people legitimately believe that they are saving people from a dark eternity. Why would they *not* bother you?


Yea, he removed the golden throne that prior popes sat on because it wasn't what the clergy should do, he's embraced the sick and dying, he's washed feet. He does nothing at all, just talk.

Not religious at all, and I think he's been pretty positive.

Seems symbolic. Wash someone's feet, hate their lifestyles and encourage your believers to make their lives worse from afar.

I mean listen he is better than where past Popes have been, no doubt. And he has made some decent, working steps to improve aspects, especially punishing hyper conservatives in America and South America. But the reality is he is still preaching hate, still encouraging dangerous bullshit on contraceptives, still being on balance a religious being bound by the shitty practices of many of his Biblical beliefs. Less shitty, sure.


O don't see what the problem is. It's their church, no one is forcing anyone to believe in catholicism. If that is a major tenet of the church, then so be it, judge it based on that. I am more perplexed that priests are still expected to be celibate. "Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the eyes of the Lord" or whatever that verse reads. It's unnatural to be celibate, we are made to love one another and have sexual relations, it's unhealthy to believe otherwise and turns a lot of people into monsters, unfortunately.
That's something they won't get rid of. That was not at the beginning of the church and most Christian denominations don't have that prohibition. It was instituted so the church would receive all the property when the priest passed. They may say it's not but it is what it boils down to .
Yea, he removed the golden throne that prior popes sat on because it wasn't what the clergy should do, he's embraced the sick and dying, he's washed feet. He does nothing at all, just talk.

Not religious at all, and I think he's been pretty positive.
He also told people it's okay to hit children as long as it doesn't show on their face.
Okay, this sounds bad, right?
But before you jump to "fuck you Pope", imagine what would happen if there were women priests (in the same churches as male priests).

That celibacy thing? It wouldn't happen.. Or it would be extremely difficult every day.. Unless all priests ARE actually gay pedophiles.. And that might be possible.

They'd have to keep men and women separate. Maybe female priests at some churches, male at others. Can you imagine the results of housing men and women together, who haven't had sex for years, or even at all in their adult lives?

It would be the jungle, guys.


Catholicism has had a tendency to be pretty good about following the adapt or die approach, albeit doing so while being dragged kicking and screaming. I'm surprised they said this so overtly. Oh well, if it helps to herald the end of the religion sooner rather than later, I'm not complaining.

They didn't actually say it so overtly so that's probably why you're surprised.
This and the marriage ban for priest hurt the church more in the long run by making them irrelevant. There's plenty of ways for someone to get a sense of community these days that doesn't involve tiptoeing around strings.
Okay, this sounds bad, right?
But before you jump to "fuck you Pope", imagine what would happen if there were women priests (in the same churches as male priests).

That celibacy thing? It wouldn't happen.. Or it would be extremely difficult every day.. Unless all priests ARE actually gay pedophiles.. And that might be possible.

They'd have to keep men and women separate. Maybe female priests at some churches, male at others. Can you imagine the results of housing men and women together, who haven't had sex for years, or even at all in their adult lives?

It would be the jungle, guys.

plus none of their tailors know how to make those priest dresses for women. what would they even wear???


Fork 'em, Sparky!
That's something they won't get rid of. That was not at the beginning of the church and most Christian denominations don't have that prohibition. It was instituted so the church would receive all the property when the priest passed. They may say it's not but it is what it boils down to .

We shall see. Students in seminaries around the world are seeing drastically dwindling numbers. If you could be a priest, but still have a family, I could see a drastic increase in Catholic men becoming priests. As it is now, good luck finding people who are willing to do so for life.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Okay, this sounds bad, right?
But before you jump to "fuck you Pope", imagine what would happen if there were women priests (in the same churches as male priests).

That celibacy thing? It wouldn't happen.. Or it would be extremely difficult every day.. Unless all priests ARE actually gay pedophiles.. And that might be possible.

They'd have to keep men and women separate. Maybe female priests at some churches, male at others. Can you imagine the results of housing men and women together, who haven't had sex for years, or even at all in their adult lives?

It would be the jungle, guys.

Its not like they haven't had celibate women who dedicate their lives to god in the Catholic Church.


The letter holds that ordaining women was not possible because Jesus chose only men as his apostles.

Jesus also turned water into wine and I don't see you guys doing that either.
Jesus did not choose female apostles just like he never picked a pope.

Jesus did pick a pope though. Peter was the first one, chosen from the disciples by Jesus himself to found the church.

Anyway, it's a shitty thing to say but if that is the rule then that is the rule. There are plenty of branches of Christianity that do allow women to be preachers or ministers, but if you are a devout Catholic who also wants women Priests then you've come to an impasse. Though given the way the religion works it's a bit like asking why men can't be Nuns.


Okay, this sounds bad, right?
But before you jump to "fuck you Pope", imagine what would happen if there were women priests (in the same churches as male priests).

That celibacy thing? It wouldn't happen.. Or it would be extremely difficult every day.. Unless all priests ARE actually gay pedophiles.. And that might be possible.

They'd have to keep men and women separate. Maybe female priests at some churches, male at others. Can you imagine the results of housing men and women together, who haven't had sex for years, or even at all in their adult lives?

It would be the jungle, guys.
Yeah, imagine they had to relax that stupid pointless rule which was only designed to keep the church's wealth within the church by preventing the need to look after a priests' wife and children after he died. They're struggling to get by, they could never afford to do such a thing.


is now taking requests
Jesus did not choose female apostles just like he never picked a pope.

And I tell you, you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”


Okay, this sounds bad, right?
But before you jump to "fuck you Pope", imagine what would happen if there were women priests (in the same churches as male priests).

That celibacy thing? It wouldn't happen.. Or it would be extremely difficult every day.. Unless all priests ARE actually gay pedophiles.. And that might be possible.

They'd have to keep men and women separate. Maybe female priests at some churches, male at others. Can you imagine the results of housing men and women together, who haven't had sex for years, or even at all in their adult lives?

It would be the jungle, guys.

Something similar to this did actually happen. If I remember right I remember reading something about how secluded priests and nuns used to have orgies all the time until a bunch of people complained and the Pope had to issue a bunch of Papal Bulls about that.
Unsurprising, Holy See gonna Holy See.

Did anyone expect rules in Catholic religion to change?
Ecumenical Councils typically do that. It's a lengthy process but that's not unheard of. The Catholic Church doesn't exactly function nowadays like it did in 325.


I really have loved my time with the Episcopalians. They are like the crazy liberal cousins of the Catholics. Very traditional in setting and they follow many of the traditions of Catholicism but are inclusive and allow women to become priests and allow their priests to marry and embrace gay individuals (otherwise my boyfriend and I would not be attending regularly lol).
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