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Pope had secret meeting with Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk

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If the bible states that divorce is a huge sin, then why does it get a free pass but homosexuality doesn't?

I'm going to answer that, but view it only as me offering information and not agreeing that it is some sort of u forgivable so . I just want to say that up from before anyone gets the wrong idea, haha.

This is the main reason many Christians will give things like divorce, and even horrible acts such as murder, a pass while continuing to speak out against homosexuality.

For divorce, it is indeed viewed as wrong, and a sin, but it is a "one time" occurrence, even if you have multiple divorces. It happens that one time, forgiveness is then asked and believed to be given.

For homosexuality, it is also viewed as wrong and a sin by many, but it doesn't get a pass like other types of supposed sins because it is a constant, continuous, lifestyle. If someone was gay, but they ask for forgiveness for it and they move on and no longer take part in that lifestyle, it is "forgiveable". They don't believe you can ask to be forgiven, then continue to live in that lifestyle, and for it to be given a pass that way.

I do t agree with that, but that is why most view it in that, to many others, twisted hypocritical way.

I just realized this thread is 5 pages long now, so just ignore all of this if it has already been mentioned.

Mikey Jr.

Ohh man, come on Pope. Not cool.

She has every right to be against same sex marriage, but if your job says to give them licenses, you fucking do it or quit. Simple as that.
I'm Catholic btw.

Edit: fuck typing on a phone.


I'm not surprised he has this view, but I'm surprised he met with her. Her actions aren't religious they are legal. She does not personally approve marriages - she only executes the law. Her views on marriage are thus irrelevant. There is no question of morality here so I'm disappointed the Pope would take such vulgar stance. Being underhanded about it makes it worse.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Interesting analysis, but I think you're missing the general popularity of denigrating "the other". People who are vocally against homosexuality tend to have other groups of perceived "others" that they see themselves as better than, less sinful than, and so on.

Religion, for the most part, is used as a secondary tool to justify why you're better than them, and why they don't deserve the rights you enjoy. Hence the flagrant abuse of the Bible this way, while the same person ignores much of the rest of it.

Culture trumps all. Every Abrahamic religion has fairly similar demands clearly spelled out in their holy books, but they tend to only become important piecemeal. People use the Bible as am excuse to hate, rather than the original impetus to hate.

For the most part. Oddly enough I think people like the Pope are exceptions to this. He shows a good heart on so many topics but I don't believe he would have much positive to say on homosexuality OR divorce.

I'm not saying people don't abuse the Bible, they do all the time. Many people decides to just pick and choose what they believe and then apply. I'm just saying, for this one issue, that is why many of the believers legitimately do think that way.

The whole reason there are so may denominations in the first place is because of different groups picking this or that over the next thing. It's why individual churches (such as ones I fee up in) eventually splinter off from one another as well.
If the bible states that divorce is a huge sin, then why does it get a free pass but homosexuality doesn't?

Divorce doesn't get a huge pass, it's a mortal sin in the Catholic Church. Considering its a sacrament, priests will strongly urge for counseling before ever signing an annulment.


There's no real penalty for divorcees or for LGTQ folks to go to Mass or to practice in other Church activities, but I can understand why LGTQ folks will not go to church en masse.


Treat others as you would want to be treated. I see no problem with this. Yeah, what she did was wrong. But, The Pope is living his righteous ways. I'm not religious myself, but was brought up catholic growing up. One thing I did take away from all that was to treat others well even if they themselves are not doing right.

I'm sure she knows where The Pope stands on the LGBT thing. The woman is extremely religious and spent a few nights in jail for her beliefs. I'm sure The Pope being The Pope felt some sort of reason to recognize her for that.


Interesting analysis, but I think you're missing the general popularity of denigrating "the other". People who are vocally against homosexuality tend to have other groups of perceived "others" that they see themselves as better than, less sinful than, and so on.

Everyone does this. You can see it in this thread, with people turning on Francis because they perceive this as him aligning himself with the other tribe. Or objecting to the word "courage" because Davis is one of the bad people on the other team, and shouldn't have positive words like that ascribed to her. etc etc. Tribalism and othering are sadly a human universal.

I mention this not as some kind of tu quoque defense, but because while it can be helpful to notice when other people are doing this, it's vastly more important to be able to recognize when you're doing it yourself. Not easy, though.


And yet he lauded and emphasized with the bishops this past weekend over their handling of the issue... As they engage in protracted legal battles against the actual victims

Which is a terrible thing to say, but he has taken steps foward compared to his predecessors.
Welp, to be fair, I'm glad he tried to keep it secret. This could have been a much larger event.

I don't think he should get partial credit for at least keeping it a secret. His visit, itinerary and activities were all very public and televised. That he then chose to have a secret meeting with someone who is clearly an intolerant bigot makes it clear he knew that it wasn't going to jive with the "love everyone" tone of his visit and instead did it behind the backs of everyone.

It's hypocrisy at best. He knows he deliberately went out of his way to meet a bigot who perpetuates hate, who is delusional enough to continue her unlawful crusade against homosexual couples, and gave her all the more reason to keep stirring shit.

God damn, the more I think about it the more angry I get. This is an asshole move through and through and I hope more people call this shit out. I'm very disappointed in Francis.


We are only hearing from one side, The Pope could have very well told her not to judge others, that only God judges and follow the law. It was a 15 minute meeting, and what they describe that happened could of taken 4-5 minutes.
So he turns down dinner with congressional leaders, where he could discuss his Papal agenda, but is OK meeting with Kim Davis and Mark Wahlberg.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
I think this pope has some miserable PR advisers. Doesn't matter what side of this argument you're on, this was a muddy enough incident that he should have stayed well clear.

I'd love to know which power broker made this meeting happen. These things don't happen without local interference. Could have been a US cardinal or politician.
We are only hearing from one side, The Pope could have very well told her not to judge others, that only God judges and follow the law. It was a 15 minute meeting, and what they describe that happened could of taken 4-5 minutes.

Then there's no reason to not have made it publicly known. "Pope visits with Kim Davis and tells her to stop judging others and to follow the law" goes exactly in line with the rest of the feel-good narrative the visit was pushing.


Another sobering reminder that a Pope's an asshat by job definition, screwing over people with bad contraceptive advice and whatnot. This one just has better PR.


Dumb Pope. Why meet with her at all? The Pope is on a tight schedule. Just shoo Davis and her ilk away. The meeting will only encourage more Davis style fuckery towards a specific group of people and their rights. I guess all those couples who were negatively affected by her nonsense should just deal with it. How fucking divine.

Homosexuality being inherently a sin/immoral is one of the ugly parts of religion. It still blows my mind that religious folk are okay with it. Let's pretend it's totally cool.
I'm one degree of separation from the President , and thus two degrees of separation from the whole fucking world.

And this bitch gets a visit from Pope fucking Francis. No pun intended here, but Jesus H. Fucking Christ.
This new "cool" pope is still against birth control and abortion and is anti-gay, just like all the other popes have always been. He, and the rest of the Catholic churches leaders, are still preaching tons of horrible stuff.


The true news here is that a lot of members on GAF actually expected the pope to be against a believer of the bible and not speak words of encouragement. If this is thread worthy, so is the next time it rains in Florida.
Everyone does this. You can see it in this thread, with people turning on Francis because they perceive this as him aligning himself with the other tribe. Or objecting to the word "courage" because Davis is one of the bad people on the other team, and shouldn't have positive words like that ascribed to her. etc etc. Tribalism and othering are sadly a human universal.

I mention this not as some kind of tu quoque defense, but because while it can be helpful to notice when other people are doing this, it's vastly more important to be able to recognize when you're doing it yourself. Not easy, though.

Regardless of the merit of being able to do this...

Is this relevant when you're this absolutely fucking positively on the right side of the argument?
The true news here is that a lot of members on GAF actually expected the pope to be against a believer of the bible and not speak words of encouragement. If this is thread worthy, so is the next time it rains in Florida.

No, the Pope's narrative for a while is that he either isn't strict on or at least words these rules in a way that makes it as least judgmental as possible without having to go through the entire hair-pulling affair of officially changing those stances without making some serious problems within the church. Nobody expects him to say "homosexuality is allowed! Gay marriage for everyone!", but that's a far cry from meeting with the most hateful bigot in the US and encouraging her to continue being an asshole to people when he himself wouldn't do that. There's a middle ground, and he clearly wants to push the idea that he's within that middle ground.
The true news here is that a lot of members on GAF actually expected the pope to be against a believer of the bible and not speak words of encouragement. If this is thread worthy, so is the next time it rains in Florida.

I was expecting him to agree with her but also remind her what her job description is


No, the Pope's narrative for a while is that he either isn't strict on or at least words these rules in a way that makes it as least judgmental as possible without having to go through the entire hair-pulling affair of officially changing those stances without making some serious problems within the church. Nobody expects him to say "homosexuality is allowed! Gay marriage for everyone!", but that's a far cry from meeting with the most hateful bigot in the US and encouraging her to continue being an asshole to people when he himself wouldn't do that. There's a middle ground, and he clearly wants to push the idea that he's within that middle ground.

Now that's a super stretch. Someone refusing to issues marriage license to to gay couples is FAR from being the most hateful bigot in the US. Is she apart of some hate group or something? Is she threatening gay people as well? The pope meeting Kim isn't a big deal at all. What kind of pope would he be if he left her with all this strange media she's getting? Of course he's going to encourage her in her time of need or whatever.

I was expecting him to agree with her but also remind her what her job description is
Pretty sure jail reminded her


Now that's a super stretch. Someone refusing to issues marriage license to to gay couples is FAR from being the most hateful bigot in the US. Is she apart of some hate group or something? Is she threatening gay people as well? The pope meeting Kim isn't a big deal at all. What kind of pope would he be if he left her with all this strange media she's getting? Of course he's going to encourage her in her time of need or whatever.

Pretty sure jail reminded her
I wish the pope had been present to comfort all the segregationists last century. It must have been a trial for them to witness racial mixing on a national scale.

The Bible was widely used to justify slavery, so it wouldn't have been out of order for the pope to affirm solidarity with those folks in their time of need.

Stay strong, Aryan soldiers.
First thing about Pope Francis that has disappointed me. This lady straight out broke the law for a hateful reason.

However, the Pope can't be hateful towards her either. That would just continue the cycle. I'm just upset that he pretty much condoned that type of action.


I wish the pope had been present to comfort all the segregationists last century. It must have been a trial for them to witness racial mixing on a national scale.

The Bible was widely used to justify slavery, so it wouldn't have been out of order for the pope to affirm solidarity with those folks in their time of need.

Stay strong, Aryan soldiers.

I highly doubt that

Well darn. But anyway, it would've been best for the pope to secure her job by telling her to endure it or whatever, but eh.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Interesting analysis, but I think you're missing the general popularity of denigrating "the other". People who are vocally against homosexuality tend to have other groups of perceived "others" that they see themselves as better than, less sinful than, and so on.

Religion, for the most part, is used as a secondary tool to justify why you're better than them, and why they don't deserve the rights you enjoy. Hence the flagrant abuse of the Bible this way, while the same person ignores much of the rest of it.

Culture trumps all. Every Abrahamic religion has fairly similar demands clearly spelled out in their holy books, but they tend to only become important piecemeal. (See: the reaction of mainstream Christians to head coverings used by mainstream Muslims... When both have holy books that ask for their use.) People use the Bible as an excuse to hate, rather than the original impetus to hate.

For the most part. Oddly enough I think people like the Pope are exceptions to this. He shows a good heart on so many topics but I don't believe he would have much positive to say on homosexuality OR divorce.

At least for Catholicism, there's not a real issue here. Catholic doctrine has long held that certain elements of the Bible were no longer applicable, e.g. the original covenants between the Jews and God. While the Bible is considered God's revelation, Vatican declarations have emphasized that it has to be interpreted (hence why you can believe in evolution).

The inherent issues with believing the Bible is the literal word of god and ignoring bits of it is more an issue with the American evangelical position.

The question of how religion is used or abused is another matter entirely.

And as for the Pope, he's a reflection of the Catholic church in general, so yeah it's not surprising GAF takes issues with some of the stances. How this is particularly surprising to some is always interesting.
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