The only thing usable about that song is the video, thus the only reason why Rih won a grammy out of it. The song itself has *Natalia kill voice* no artistic integrity. It's a generic filler edm song that somehow got 10 weeks at #1. I will admit though, it's certainly "timeless".
March Madness time tbh. #BajanOxygen
No, it's the apex of the EDM craze of the past 7 years.
Mau ®;156173806 said:I'm ready for this Imagine Dragons rihject.
Diamonds isn't even in the top half of Unapologetic.
The fact that it looks like she's literally dropping the baby into a bin... ;_;
I found the mixtape boring and plodding as hell. The whole dreamy, haze-like ambience only really worked for me on "Wrong" (which absolutely slays by the by).Listing to Tinashe mixtape right now and let me start by saying that Something To Feel is something directly taken out of Aaliyah's unreleased tracks.
It's so fucking good, I can't believe it's Tinashe. Lord......My stan card is gold right now.
I found the mixtape boring and plodding as hell. The whole dreamy, haze-like ambience only really worked for me on "Wrong" (which absolutely slays by the by).
The drums are like...I'm ready to get my cherry popped right this time~
I love it for all the reasons you and Leona find it boring haha
I feel like Tinashe is in the Brandy/Monica/Aaliyah lane, which is refreshing because we haven't had any young R&B chicks doing it like that for a minute.
Yaaaas it's so goodall this tinashe stuff nearly made me forget that froot came out today
let me get into it and post my opinions tomorrow
Rihanna- Pour It Up
Lana Del Rey- Burning Desire
Nicole Scherzinger - Wet
Thanks guys!Wet is definitely going on my workout playlist.
Thanks guys!Wet is definitely going on my workout playlist.
i understand that it was messy breakup but i think it's a bit much for him to get a tattoo of mariah being crucified
We were big fans of Lady Gagas performance at the Oscars last month, but legendary composer Stephen Sondheim definitely wasnt.
Speaking with The Times of London, Sondheim called Mother Monsters Sound of Music medley a travesty.
It was ridiculous, as it would be from any singer who treats that music in semi-operatic style, he said. She had no relationship to what she was singing. What people liked was her versatility.
Stephen Sondheim Blasts Lady Gagas Sound Of Music Performance: It Was A Travesty
Stephen Sondheim Blasts Lady Gagas Sound Of Music Performance: It Was A Travesty
Everybody's a critic I guess.
I wonder what he would say about Christina though
I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma thats really America.
When you rip a people from their land, from their customs, from their culture, theres still a piece of me that knows Im not supposed to be speaking English. Im not supposed to be worshipping Jesus Christ. All this sh*t is unnatural to me. People will be like, Oh, youre ignorant because you dont speak proper English. No. This is not mine. I dont even want this sh*t, so Im going to do whatever the f*ck I want with this language. Im going to call you a f*g or a cracker or a b*tch.
Thats the only person I have my eye set on. The race thing always comes up, but I want to get there being very black and proud and boisterous about it. You get what I mean? A lot of times when youre a black woman and youre proud, thats why people dont like you. In American society, the game is to be a nonthreatening black person. Thats why you have Pharrell or Kendrick Lamar saying, How can we expect people to respect us if we dont respect ourselves? Hes playing that non-threatening black man sh*t, and that gets all the white soccer moms going, We love him. Even Kanye West plays a little bit of that game Please accept me, white world. Jay Z hasnt played any of those games, and thats what I like.
Mau ®;156210685 said:I haven't seen Gaga's Oscar performance yet.
NAWT Legendary Broadway Composer Stephen Sondheim having pretty much the exact same problem with Gaga's performance that I did.
Great minds think alike.