Every once in a while, one of you young people will ask me about my fave. I've been unable to respond with too many specifics because he likes to purge these here internet of his creative works. I could mainly just point to how he plays most of the instruments on his self-written, self-produced albums. Or how he puts on iconic stage shows without the need for a troupe of dancers and giant video screens. Or how he's your fave's fave.
Anywho, I've started using this spotify thing, and lo and behold if most of his albums are on there. I've compiled 4 playlists for you youngsters. Do yourselves a favor. If you must stan for someone past their prime, might as well be someone who did it all themselves... Right?
Playlist #1: Comprised of his first 4 albums. Someone will correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe most if not all the music played on these albums is Prince alone. (Can your faves?)
Playlist #2: Comprised of P's music at the peak of his popularity.
Playlist #3 (the most interesting): Is P when his popularity started to wane.
Playlist #4: There are gaps in Spotify's collection. This playlist includes what is available between 99 and now, and B-sides (songs that didn't make the cut for the album, but included with physical singles. And... more than likely better than your fave's whole discography.)
Here you go popgaf!
Ignore! Enjoy!