her outfit is heinous
@NataliaKills Will your next album be as Natalia Kills or Teddy Sinclair i'm feeling the latter x
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@JacobenaMills I would just like to be myself from now on and go by Teddy, but it's so personal to go by the name only my loved ones call me
@NataliaKills will there be any collabs on the new album?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@bananturmix No collaborations. I want it to be pure. I've never been a huge fan of features but I understand why record labels need them...
PHILIP REES ‏@PhilipRees911
@NataliaKills how does the new album sound? And is it similar to any of the previous ones?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@PhilipRees911 it's darker, harder, not as pop but it's more memorable. I just wrote down how I really feel no matter how ****ed up it seems
ZOEY ‏@Zoey_Levine_
@NataliaKills favorite song you've ever wrote?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@Zoey_Levine_ I wrote a song idea called "Straight Jacket" a few weeks ago and I feel like my whole life was made just to make that record
× ‏@begginforthread
@NataliaKills inspirations for your new record?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@begginforthread I wanted my record to sound like the first few CDs i bought growing up. Garbage, Hole, All Saints, Oasis, Massive Attack...
Moonlight Stan ‏@godlymoon
@NataliaKills Is the third album finished???
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@godlymoon i've written all the ideas, but no it's not finished until I can listen back and know if i died tomorrow I've done 1 good thing
snapback daddy ‏@onikashabibi
@NataliaKills are you releasing the new record as an independent artist?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@onikashabibi I really want to! but right now I'm still signed to Interscope, so we'll see whats possible
× ‏@begginforthread
@NataliaKills do you like Trouble or Perfectionist more ?
NATALIA KILLS ‏@NataliaKills
@begginforthread I love Trouble. I never loved Perfectionist, I love all my lyrics but I always wished the producer's didn't go so EDM on it
Perfectionist has some Livejournal post of an angst ridden teen realness.
No thank you. Lyrically, Trouble is far superior.
Breath In. Breath Out. is full of kind of samey and safe=y yet cute bops! Perfect for those moments when you want to stay outside listening something upbeat while reading a book, I officially use...
Now, to keep waiting for Carly Rae =3
Still better than Carly Rae's Kiss
Natalia Kills News.
Breath In. Breath Out. is full of kind of samey and safe=y yet cute bops! Perfect for those moments when you want to stay outside listening something upbeat while reading a book, I officially use...
Now, to keep waiting for Carly Rae =3
I'm so impressed with Breathe In. Breathe Out. Everything is so catchy.
Not this looking like a teaser for a Katy Perry video...
Not this looking like a teaser for a Katy Perry video...
You "Zzz..." now, but once you recognize the secret reason for her MV, you will feel ashamed of your words & deedsZzz...
No you.You "Zzz..." now, but once you recognize the secret reason for her MV, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
I liked Stars Dance for like a week back in 2012 or 2013 or whatever when I was thirsTy for new Gaga tbh.Ugh, new Selena Gomez single incoming, anyone percheD for ha? Only Mau stanned for ha here...hopefully
I liked Stars Dance for like a week back in 2012 or 2013 or whatever when I was thirsTy for new Gaga tbh.
Nintendo won E3, everyone can go home now.
Nintendo won E3, everyone can go home now.
Nintendo won E3, everyone can go home now.
What did I miss. I don't see anything on Gaming side other than some championship and Monolith effing up Xenoblade.
The only thing I want from them is more info about Fallout 4 and new Elders Scrolls but my brother is hyper for more Dishonored...Unless you like Bethesda games, you're not missing out on much tonight.
Unless you like Bethesda games, you're not missing out on much tonight.
Basically Nintendo fans acting like Lambs.
Siiiiis, you owe yourself to play Fallout 3 or New Vegas, the trailer for Fallout 4 seems mighty nice too =3Oh. I loved Skyrim but ESO was so not my thing. If it's more ESO then no thanks.
Oh.Basically Nintendo fans acting like Lambs.
Siiiiis, you owe yourself to play Fallout 3 or New Vegas, the trailer for Fallout 4 seems mighty nice too =3
I've heard about Fallout and have been meaning to try it out; also waiting on DSII to drop for the Steam Summer sale but if not, Winter.
Get DSII if its hits a daily deal or flash deal. I can PM you a reminder if it happens if you want. Stan the Soul games. XOXO
I love the Soul games. Square Enix was actually supposed to publish Demon's Souls because From Software came to them first but SQEX didn't see the appeal. That's gotta hurt.
From Software dodged a bullet really. Lighting outfits would have been disgusting.
Basically Nintendo fans acting like Lambs.
Maybe they should make some changes. The series' arcane and clunky multiplayer systems really limit its long-term appeal for me.
I want PSO for the new generation, not ringing bells and hoping someone else happens to be doing the same thing next to the same fog gate in another dimension somewhere.
Shit sucks.
Oh, the single player is mint. GOTG for sure so far.Metacritic disagrees with you.
Oh, the single player is mint. GOTG for sure so far.
But the multiplayer is so half-baked that I...can't...even. Those Chalice Dungeons had the potential to be incredible co-op experiences, but are instead the most annoying, repetitive grind to the Platinum that I've ever suffered through.
At least make the dungeons a simple lobby/invite co-op affair. It wouldn't affect the isolation/immersion of the flawless single player at all.
Just a missed opportunity that ensures the series never reaches the critical mass of stuff like Diablo.
I skipped Dark Souls 2 because SOTFS came out too close to Bloodborne. I'll get it when it hits $20.Dark Souls 2 was easy to coop with friends with a ring. I dont have a PS4 so IDK how they managed MP on BB
I know the game is a slay and the OST is always on point. When will the others tbh.I skipped Dark Souls 2 because SOTFS came out too close to Bloodborne. I'll get it when it hits $20.
You must get into Bloodborne when you get a PS4 though.
dat soundtrack
dat combat
dat bosses
did i mention dat soundtrack
Basically Nintendo fans acting like Lambs.