Aren't you supposed to be on hiatus
The news of 1D breaking up and Carly flopping is enough to make me return.
Aren't you supposed to be on hiatus
how's Low By The 52 doing
How could you ever mistake that nose?i had to do a double take, i thought the woman on the right was gaga
I can't help but to find Carly's voice kind of on the annoying side sometimes. I suppose when she grows older and her voice deepens a bit it will hit the right spot for me.
But she's 30...
Oh my gooood lmaoCarly Rae Jepsen (Interscope) 12-15k sales, 15-18k
Lower than Sucker and lower than Jackie
Metacritic is trash, sis. It is not unbiased by any means and is incredibly inaccurate when it comes to reviews that don't give things a score.does it matter how much the alber sold? bayonetta of all people shouldn't really be coming for low sales when her own username is culled from a game that is almost as famous for its dismal commercial performance as it's quality. doubly so when it stans a chain of hews that would reach from here to the moon if you laid them all end to end.
although some people in this chat have convenient amnesia about these things (that seems, interestingly, to disappear whenvever the subject of their fave's rapid decline in musical quality is the subject of discussion), it really is about the music not the bling, and the critics agree that E-MO-TION has simply scalped your faves irrevocably.
Metacritic is trash, sis. It is not unbiased by any means and is incredibly inaccurate when it comes to reviews that don't give things a score.
Get over MC tbh.
No, but ignoring the album IS making it go away, as evidenced by the { dismal } sales.Ignoring Metacritic isn't going to make the critical acclaim for E-MO-TION go away, as much as you would like it to.
No, but ignoring the album IS making it go away, as evidenced by the { dismal } sales.
She's good actually, after continuing the train of her 3rd #1 album in a row (her latest being Grammy award winning, mind you) she is now preparing for a lead role in American Horror Story.Thankfully, the alber is still going to exist--and is still going to slay--regardless of its low commercial ratings.
Speaking of ignoring things and its success in making them disappear, how is Gaga doing?
I wonder if Carly would be able to get a job on set? The work experience and extra income might be good for her.
The day Godel gets over metacritic is the day I get fucked by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
The day Godel gets over metacritic is the day I get fucked by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
Carly Rae Jepsen (Interscope) 12-15k sales, 15-18k
Lower than Sucker and lower than Jackie
This E.MO.TION album isn't what I was expecting
Ten Love Songs is one of my faves. One of the best albums released this year.
Also, I read that as Disclosure's collapse. Kinda true, tbqh.
Run Away With Grammy's. The saxophone is everything in that song. EMOTION is good too though, probably my second favorite.
This E.MO.TION album isn't what I was expecting
I thought you were taking a sabbatical from this thread?
Carly Rae Jepsen (Interscope) 12-15k sales, 15-18k
Lower than Sucker and lower than Jackie
She was working on Broadway while working on Emotion so...She's good actually, after continuing the train of her 3rd #1 album in a row (her latest being Grammy award winning, mind you) she is now preparing for a lead role in American Horror Story.
I wonder if Carly would be able to get a job on set? The work experience and extra income might be good for her.
@carlyraejepson I SEE you just swooped in and broke my BORN THIS WAY record of the most weeks at #1, DONT GET COMFORTABLE IM COMING FOR YOU.”
!!!This E.MO.TION album isn't what I was expecting
now thats what I call a true flop
MIAMTEC'S sales are looking better and better every day. Loves it.
According to Nielsen Music, Careys latest compilation album shifted 15,183 copies during the May 18-24 tracking week. It was the weeks ninth-best-selling new release (and 20th-best-seller overall).
Don't say you need me when
You leave and you leave again.
I'm stronger than all my men,
Except for you.
Don't say you need me here,
You leave us, you're leaving,
I can't do it, I can't do it,
But you do it well.
Ch, The only ones "concerned" about her sales in this comm are the most pressed and bothered by her so it's not surprising...You girls need to be like me and accept some of your faves are flops. Enjoy the music for what it is even if it didnt sell shit. Don't make yourself easy targets.
Can you be "pressed" by something that has the impact of a small fly?
Fixed that for you. Can't even talk about anyone else without you bringing up ARTPOP. TRUE impact tbh.I'm constantly pressed by ARTPOP
Can you be "pressed" by something that has the impact of a small fly?
I find the Carly talk much sadder tbqh.
My favourite song is the one where it turns itself off and I throw it in the trash
I'd say going from #1 with ha last round to bubbling under hot 100 or wherever Carly is now despite the giant promo is a pretty good example.It's not my fault that Gaga's career has had the hardest falling off of recent memory. It's such a good example to reach for.
This E.MO.TION album isn't what I was expecting