Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
so are u getting a switch next Friday sis??
Who else is (apart from rhandino and frodo)?
Little Monser;230749976 said:yeah I pre-ordered my switch for next Friday but it will be delivered at home... which sucks because I am in university until April so I wont be able to see or play my switch and Zelda Breath of Fresh Air until then
Are you?
I am! I don't usually buy consoles at launch but nintendo the scammer got me good with having zelda at launch. Also excited for MK8 as I missed it on the Wii Heaux.
It's not arriving until the saturday though, when I'll most likely be at work all day
I'm jealous
I'm waiting until next year since I just got a new car so I won't get one until 2018, or at least until after Mario Odyssey and I may pick up Zelda: Born This Way for portable use then. I just hope Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is delayed so I don't miss that.

What other games are y'all picking up @ launch? 1 2 Switch? (lol)
I want one but after the last couple of system generations I'm just going to wait and let people be my guinea pigs.
Mhmm. Good strategy.
If it flops we avoided another mess. Are you getting Zelda: Born This Way on the Wii U? It's the perfect send off for a great system.

That's my plan.