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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Another Madonna track has leaked. It's decent, but something about it sounds off.

Seriously, though, who's doing this and why?

The more I listen to these tracks the more I like them. I don't see anything that could be a smash and become a Madonna classic, but there's nothing as embarrassing as GMAYL either. I really don't see Living For Love doing much so I guess this will be Madonna's first studio album without a Billboard top 10 hit which would be a bummer. Hopefully she'll prepare a new single to coincide with the album's release, something we haven't heard yet.

The ballads are pretty great and she sounds lovely. Bitch I'm Madonna is silly, but I guess she realises it. Illuminati would be fantastic without the rap bits and embarrassing name dropping. I really like Unapologetic bitch but the demo seemed to have more oomph to it.
Another Madonna track has leaked. It's decent, but something about it sounds off.

Seriously, though, who's doing this and why?

Man I'm loving all the tracks released officially from Rebel Heart so far. Except for maybe Illuminati.

Devil Pray is so freaking good. I keep listening to it over and over and it's really making me wanna play Wild Arms.


both of them looking a bi[t] drag race. Mariah doesn't need that excessive look; she needs to let her face breathe.


Slay I guess. Are there more perfect pieces of pop than the iconic In the { Z O N E } and BLACK[O]UT? Let me bop to Breathe on Me rq.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
quite enjoying rebel heart tbh
definitely better than MDNA and Hard Candy


The only song I remotely use is Bitch I'm Madonna for it's absolutely ridiculous breakdown.

But nothing else from Rebel: Other M really connects with me. I was incredibly disappointed to discover that Kanye produced Illuminati :(
The first three tracks on Rebel Heart are amazing, that's it.

Madonna is just the fucking best. Devil Pray is so sing-songy and the production reminds me of a Ray of Light outtake. Very avant garde and kinda funky, but it clicks immediately. Ghosttown reminds me that the best Madonna is 90s mid-tempo ballad Madonna.

I hope there are more songs like Living For Love/Devil Pray/Ghosttown and the "Bitch" songs are just those two released. They're cute for a taste but not for a swallow.

God she's so fabulous. Who's the lady on the left?


Listening to the new tracks from Madonna again and it feels like Unapologetic Bitch was made to be a collaboration with Riri. From the title, to the reggae beat...
So about Madonna's new songs:

Living for love - I don't like it. But it's not a bad song, just bland. I do love her background vocals in the chorus. Preachy Madonna, that's been a while.

Bitch I'm Madonna - I don't like it. Up until the chorus it seems like an insane dancepop glitter strobelight banger, but the chorus itself is an annoying fart noise with shitty vocals over it that takes all the energy out of the song.

Devil Pray - I don't like it. Madonna seems to have this thing where she balances out the electronic music with some semi-accoustic songs, thinking it's more respectful and genuine. The guitar moment on her tours. Thing is, the songs are inoffensive, but bland as fuck. The only interesting part of the song is the warped voice during the chorus.

Illuminati - I don't like it. Her "rapping voice" is weird, and the autotune is off the charts. It just sounds like a demo. No oomph to the song whatsoever.

Ghost Town - I don't like it. But her voice is on point here. I'll say that it's not a bad song. Just album filler at best.

Unapologetic Bitch - I don't like it. The intro hints at something interesting, and the reggae beat is a new direction for Madonna. Which I find good on itself. Still though, this also does nothing for me. I'll go have a listen to Man Down instead.

All in all, an I Don't Like It out of 10. I wanna say that these first six songs are better as a whole than the first six songs on Hard Candy or MDNA, but then again, Hard Candy has Heartbeat and Miles Away, and MDNA has I'm Addicted. Songs that I genuinely like, while the first six on Rebel Heart just do nothing. I think the safest judgement I can give so far is that her latest album falls in line with er previous two albums. 2015 won't bring us a CoaDF or RoL.
God Hard Candy is rancid. 4 Minutes and Miles Away are the only usable songs on there. Give It 2 Me almost makes it.

I would say Hard Candy is her only "bad" album. American Life and MDNA are pretty average but they still have a passable number of goodies. American Life works conceptually as a whole but I think its individual parts are weak. MDNA's parts work better than the sum.

Rebel Heart seems like an eclectic album as well though I hope it leans more heavily toward mid-tempos and less toward "something something bitch"
I detested the new Madonna songs when I first heard them, but I've warmed up to them a bit. I just needed to go with it and bop as opposed to expecting some grand revolution in music. There's nothing gobsmackingly amazing here but it's (mostly) solid.

I only really dislike Bitch I'm Madonna, but it works when I'm drunk. I would prefer Unapologetic Bitch without the breakdown, but the reggae infusion is nice and the lyrics are #relatable so that's something. Illuminati has problematic production on the vocals and feels like it's a few tweaks away from being something really good.

She's done some interviews, if anyone's interested:

Did you think about releasing these six songs as an EP, and then doing another EP later? Or did you want to make sure that all of the songs stayed together as the full Rebel Heart album — as a piece of work?
Originally I wanted to put everything out together. I have an overabundance of songs, and actually, the reason I wanted to call the record Rebel Heart was because I felt like it explored two very distinct sides of my personality. The rebellious, renegade side of me, and the romantic side of me. In my mind, it was almost like I wanted to do a two-record set. So you get this chunk of songs, and that chunk of songs. That was my original goal. But then all the demos leaked and I can't really go down that road anymore, so I put out (the six songs) first and then, I think a few more songs are going to come out during the time of the Grammys. Then the rest of the album will just come out together (in March), and they'll just get my rebellious and romantic side all mixed in together.
Rolling Stone:
The album focuses on two themes: listening to your heart and being a rebel. When you sat down to write, were you guided by these ideas above any musical plans?
I never sit down and consciously think I want to write a song about a subject. Music leads me to ideas and to where I want to go emotionally. When I first started, I was writing with Avicii's team of writers and they were separated into two different groups. One of them had a much more upbeat approach to songwriting, sonically speaking, and the other team chose darker chords. The music leads me – so I get lost in the sound of the music, and that creates a kind of emotional palate. I found as I would look back at my songs and witness what I had written, I was coming from two very distinct places. That happened organically, not planned out, and I was observing, "Oh, these are two very strong sides of me that I need to express."

I can already tell that the 'Heart' songs are probably going to be my personal highlights. I'm a sucker for all that spiritual shit.

I've been using this image she posted on Instagram as my album cover, because the official is no good:

but really is Rihanna going to give us something for Christmas or New Year because I need it


so I put out (the six songs) first and then, I think a few more songs are going to come out during the time of the Grammys.

Does anyone else find her using the Grammys as a time reference weird? Do people who haven't been nominated perform?


American Life and MDNA are pretty average but they still have a passable number of goodies. American Life works conceptually as a whole but I think its individual parts are weak. MDNA's parts work better than the sum.
eauxf, no honey

those albern are not even close to being on the same level


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Really though?

Name one song from AL or HC that's as good as Love Spent or I'm Addicted, or even Masterpiece. There are NONE
The singles from AL are better than anything on MDNA. Was X-Static Process a single too? Either way AL is way better than MDNA.


Really though?

Name one song from AL or HC that's as good as Love Spent or I'm Addicted, or even Masterpiece. There are NONE
American Life
I'm So Stupid
Love Profusion
Nobody Knows Me
Mother and Father
Die Another Day
Easy Ride

Every single song on AL is better, or at the very least more interesting, than the best songs on MDNA.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's kind of ridiculous how good a song Crazy In Love is. I don't know a single person who doesn't go mad when it comes on. Even straights can't help themselves.
Listening to X-static process I'm surprised just how much better Madonna's voice was back then.

Music and American Life have quite a few nice songs on them, but I never really liked the albums as a whole. Too big of genre and quality jumps between songs.

Confessions however is, apart from I Love New York, just one big pulsating drug induced disco trip. Soooo good.

Forbidden Love
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