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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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Knowing Bey...

Search for light in the gorgeous sea
I choose to be jolly
Me and you, me and you
Are like Twelve Roses in the blue

Full writing credits of course.

Dr. Malik

Would he be willing to send me the lovely graphics and stuff he intended to include?

the graphics will be coming to you



Would he be willing to send me the lovely graphics and stuff he intended to include? I feel bad for him - the poor fool's reaction was quite obviously baited. Didn't he say he had some crippling socially awkward tendencies?

And now he won't get to make the thread for his favorite show.

Bunch of children, all of you.

Rob, though, that octogenarian knows better

what kind of viciousness



It's that time, gurls! Wilson's first review! You all voted her as FLOP OF THE YEAR and now it is time for a review! So, come one and come all, as I present to you:

Wilson's review of The Flop Spirit Indestructible!

1. Spirit Indestructible: This song starts off fairly chill, being the song that shares the name with the album. After about a minute in, then the beat begins to pick up. Once it does, the song becomes much better. However, the main complain I have is that Nelly sounds so nasal during this particular song and it really drags down the quality because of this. Lyrically, the song sounds similar to her previous albums such as "Whoa, Nelly" and "Folklore." A nice starter song for the album.

Lyric Excerpt:
I have a spirit indestructible
A heart that was made pure
Unbreakable and that's for sure
Unshakeable, so give me more


2. Parking Lot: Well... This song starts off a little annoying with the horn-like sound blaring before Nelly begins with her psuedo-rap lyrics, most likely a hold over from what she learned during her "Loose" days. We are given a very small break from the horn noise, but by then the damage is already done. After "Big Hoops" failed to cause much of an impact, there were better songs on the album for her to use as her second release.

Lyric Excerpt:
Bring your car to the parking lot
And ride all night till you get a spot
Cause we ain't doing nothing
No we ain't doing nothing


3. Big Hoops: Dubbed "Big Flops" by many of our PopSisses, this was the song that was the lead off to the album. While it does sound much like her "Loose" era music, it doesn't quite have that pop to it. However, it was a song that grew on me the more I listened to it. Again, however, this song suffers from Nasal Nelly. Other than that, I was quite pleased with this one.

Lyric Excerpt:
I can go fast, I can go slow
I can go places nobody else goes
I can move fast, I can move slow
I can go places nobody else goes


4. Don't Leave Me: Nelly's first slow jam for the album. It actually pulls a bit from Reggae. It's fairly inoffensive song. Some unnecessary echo effects used as Nelly sings, however. It almost sounds as if he is screaming into an empty room as she sings. Not too good, not too bad. Fairly average.

Lyric Excerpt:
Don’t leave me no more
Every time you walk out the door
I don’t know if you’re gonna come back around here anymore
Don’t leave me no more


5. Bucket List It took me a few times, but I really think this is a great song. It would have been one of my choices for a second release for the album. The lyrics are quite nice to listen to; the typical girl wants boy song. It begins listing many things that would be on a Bucket List, a lot of things I wouldn't mind doing on my own. Definitely work a listen. One of the better songs on the album.

Lyric Excerpt:
Get on your boots and visit the North Pole
Try every sport until you score a goal
Follow the path of a butterfly
Go to Ground Zero and do nothing but cry


6. Waiting for the Night: This is, hands down, the best song on the album. I really feel she would have been much better to release this song first instead of "Big Hoops". It starts slow, but it gains a nice beat that will get you moving after a while. Again, another "girl wants boy" song. Lyrically, it's weaker than "Bucket List", but it's still the best bop on the album.

Lyric Excerpt:
Day and night, day and night
You blow my mind, blow my mind
And I can’t help, help myself from falling
So I’m waiting for the night


7. Be OK Another slow song on the album. This time Nelly has a guest on the song in the form of Dylan Murray. I actually had to Google to see who this was. He has a nice voice, and is fairly handsome to boot, so he gets a pass with me. He opens the song and actually sings a fair amount of it. However, Nelly does join in, and she and Dylan actually have a nice harmony together during the chorus. It's a nice song to chill to. I give it a thumbs up.

Lyric Excerpt:
Are you gonna be ok?
I’ve been doing so much thinking about you
Fall asleep and I start dreaming about you
Are you gonna be ok?


8. High Life: Finally, she doesn't sound so nasally on this song! Again, she has a guest on this song in the form of Ace Primo. The song starts off fairly slow, as most of them have been so far, then the bass kicks in. In a way, though, the background music seems to drown her out a bit. Like with "Don't Leave Me", this song is fairly intrusive. It's there, it's not really hurting anyone and it's just adding a bit to the package.

Lyric Excerpts:
Everybody’s dreaming of the high life
It may look good from the outside
But all I really wanted was a good life
With a memory reel of all the highlights


9. End of the World Another great, great song on the album. This could have definitely been a lead off single or a follow up. A nice piano in the background, and Nelly's voice sounds great during this song. The lyrics are nice to listen to. While listening to the song, you can almost picture Nelly on the stage by herself and singing the song from the heart. With a small choir behind her giving her some small vocal support. I highly recommend this song get a listen.

Lyric Excerpt:
And I’d go anywhere
I’d go anywhere with you
Even to the end of
Even to the end of the world


10. Something (Feat Nas) Nelly brings in more help on this song in the form of Nas. I'm not a big fan of this song. I tend to skip over it. Your mileage may very depending on your taste. Nelly is rapping more on the song than in her other songs. I'm not a fan of Nas, so it isn't my favorite song.

Lyric Excerpt:
Baby I could give you something
I know how to make something out of nothing


11. Circles For this song, it almost sounds as if Nelly is singing into a tube. Beat wise, it varies. The beginning is sluggish, which seems to be a theme on this album as a whole. When the chorus hits, things get better, then she goes back into a tube. When it comes to if I pass by this song when my iPod is on shuffle... I'd say I pass it up 50% of the time, depending on my mood.

Lyric Excerpt:
I can barely breathe
You’re filling up with steam
You say it’s about me
But I’m just setting boundaries


12. Hold Up It starts off terrible and slightly recovers. By that point, most people have probably passed the song up, which is what I tend to do when it comes up during the shuffle. Skip it.

Lyric Excerpt:
And you know what I want and it’s what you got
You’re outta sight
No one can see you baby


13. Miracles: Fairly decent song. Nelly isn't as nasal on this song, thank goodness. Again, slow start but leads up into something decent. It acquires a beat after a while, but it comes and goes. Lyrically, it sounds like a "Whoa, Nelly"/"Folklore" era Nelly song. I'd recommend it for a couple of listens.

Lyric Excerpt:
Show me all of your miracles
I’m totally inside your waterfall
Never felt something this real before
I believe in all your miracles


14. Thoughts Nelly brings an entire choir into this song to sing it with The Kenyan Boys Choir. It's a slow chill, song. The choir is nice in the background. Brings a bit of culture to the album that isn't Nelly's native Portuguese. Not much more to say. The choir does most of the singing, and Nelly actually plays back up this time. It also gets a Tiesto remix in the deluxe version, which makes the song a bit more powerful by making the song a bit stronger with some more beat.

Lyric Excerpt:
Or in a melody
That lasts too long
But stop
Invading my thoughts


15. Enemy: A pretty good song all around. Again, slow start, but once it starts, it's nice to listen to. Lyrically, I can relate to a lot to them. End the end, it's enjoyable to listen to. Not much else to say.

Lyric Excerpt:
I’m my own worst enemy, enemy, enemy
It’ll be the end of me, end of me, end of me
And the coast is clear on me, clear on me, clear on me
I’m my own worst enemy, enemy


16. Believers (Arab Spring) One of the better songs on the album. I absolutely love it. It starts off strong and it stays strong throughout the entire song. A very inspirational song, especially given the events that recently happened in Egypt. This song is a must buy if you pick and choose songs from iTunes.

Lyric Excerpts:
Knock me down I get back up again, again
And if they run after me
I’ll just run from them


17. The Most Beautiful Thing The last song on the Deluxe edition of the album. As a song to end the album, it's okay. It's a slower song that would end an album like this. However, it really kills the momentum after a song like "Believers." She features Sara Tavares on this song who is another Portuguese singer. A decent song.

Lyric Excerpt:
Of all I’ve known
All I’ve seen
You’re The Most Beautiful Thing


Final Thoughts: Overall, it is a decent album. It's deals a lot with the human spirit, a lot about love, empowerment and faith. The very end of "The Most Beautiful Thing" has someone reading an excerpt from a diary. When looking at the album as a whole, it does read like a diary, which is what was part of the inspiration for the album, so it is fitting to end it that way.

Quality wise, it is weaker than "Loose" and obviously sold a lot worse, too. I'd rank it just a bit below "Folklore" as that album has many more great songs compared to this one. It contains a lot of weak songs, but the quality songs are quality.

Overall: Buying the whole Deluxe album would be a nice investment, but it also wouldn't hurt to pick and choose some songs. 3.3/5


RIP Rob and Waffle.

And who is DJ Otzi?

This thread is a mess.


These past few pages == mess.

Anyway, I absolutely love Godcole because I stan for talent, but her music is always a hot mess. I do love me some Whatever You Like, Poison, and Cold. Guilty pleasures.

I like how she keeps persisting under the harshest of conditions, though.


Oh, are we basing this off of bad vocals?

And yes, I used a different video link for every word of that sentence.

Stay pressed.



Consider your fav destroyed, then.

No sweetie, I was pointing out bad vocals and the absolute lack of hits, star quality, or a career.

And funny how in several of those videos you linked to Christina sounds almost EXACTLY like Nicole. It's uncanny, really. You really ARE struggling with your Xtina stanning.
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