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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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This is a LIE, I've been nothing but a SAINT to you. I have receipts for this, but if you'd prefer to stick with your version of me being "not nice", I have receipts that might help you prove this too. Up to you.

Here's an excerpt of the latter. Does it jot your memory?


Just say the word, bitch.
Edit: Oop, new page, new Phono dragging.

I meant by me. You were perfectly pleasant, or, as pleasant as it is for you to be.

I am DYYYIIIIINGGGG at those descriptions, botty. Such a great post, I love it.

And my description was so sweet <3 Can we cuddle now?

By the way, I haven't forgotten about this:


My ode to monsterhood will be ready soon. <3


I am DYYYIIIIINGGGG at those descriptions, botty. Such a great post, I love it.

And my description was so sweet <3 Can we cuddle now?

By the way, I haven't forgotten about this:


My ode to monsterhood will be ready soon. <3

Please stop giving me ARTPOP teas and just release it, tbh.
Instead of doing the smaller updates, this final mega post will explain every choice I made when nicknaming certain pokémon I caught. This was all done in good fun.

Unfortunately, I could NOT find a Dragonair which Leona requested I nickname after her, but if I do I will. *.*
No problem, sis. Your effervescent beauty remains blindingly bright <3


Thanks for not giving me Rapidash.



He didn't lie, though. Gaga has some incredible songs in her discography, but she has only been around for a bit... so it would be no surprise if she didn't actually have 20 amazing songs. Look at artist like Rihanna, who has about 10 albums and only 10 good songs. Sometimes it takes a while before you can reach that number. I'm sure after ARTPOP she will reach that number, or at least get close to it.


Dr. Malik

i didn't even know gaga had 20 good songs.

Dance In The Dark
Heavy Metal Lover
Marry The Night
Bloody Mary
The Edge of Glory
Born This Way
Bad Romance
Dance In The Dark
Just Dance
Poker Face
Boys Boys Boys
Eh Eh

There, thats 20


irresponsible vagina leak
How does that pokemon it represents my personality? What type is my personality? Why is my description half assed while the others are more thought than mine?

You better explain that half ratched assedness of explanation if ya gonna name me after a Pokemon I don't know. (Haven't played Pokemon Since Gold and didnt finished Heart Gold)

Gurl you bettah explain yo self.


YAS at all the Britney Bitches+Monsters :D I never felt more at home. Normally I'm the only Brit/Gaga Stan. On twitter I mean lol


He didn't lie, though. Gaga has some incredible songs in her discography, but she has only been around for a bit... so it would be no surprise if she didn't actually have 20 amazing songs. Look at artist like Rihanna, who has about 10 albums and only 10 good songs. Sometimes it takes a while before you can reach that number. I'm sure after ARTPOP she will reach that number, or at least get close to it.

I agree with most of that. I feel like Gaga has a very rich discography full of good songs, but I understand that I'm saying this from the perspective of a stan.


EDIT- Clock ha, Marius.


Dance In The Dark
Heavy Metal Lover
Marry The Night
Bloody Mary
The Edge of Glory
Born This Way
Bad Romance
Dance In The Dark
Just Dance
Poker Face
Boys Boys Boys
Eh Eh

There, thats 20

americano? boys boys boys? fashion?


well, i guess with 20 options and 2.5 albums, you'd have to start reaching towards the bottom of the barrel.

am i the only one who likes I Like it Rough? *.*


How does that pokemon it represents my personality? What type is my personality? Why is my description half assed while the others are more thought than mine?

You better explain that half ratched assedness of explanation if ya gonna name me after a Pokemon I don't know. (Haven't played Pokemon Since Gold and didnt finished Heart Gold)

Gurl you bettah explain yo self.

That thing is a ball covered in spikeS. You come for everyone's fave from all directions, just like that thing. You know how vicious you can be; a bit PRICKly. Still love ya, though~

Was that good enough for you?



Marius would put Judas first.


irresponsible vagina leak
That thing is a ball covered in spikes. You come for everyone's fave from all directions, just like that thing. You know how vicious you can be; a bit PRICKly. Still love ya, though~

Was that good enough for you?

Now thats what I wanted to read. We're cool btw ;)



Whether or not you find appeal or inspiration in Gaga&#8217;s music, personality or choices, the most accurate fact about Lady Gaga is that she&#8217;s the only person in pop music who can actually be considered a walking and talking concept. A monster of meta, Gaga has designed herself as someone who can get away with ubiquitous standards toward female pop stars because she&#8217;s perpetually designed herself as an artificial force.

She doesn&#8217;t seem to get much credit for committing so powerfully to her performance as &#8220;Gaga&#8221;, or the fact that everything she&#8217;s done has been consistent with her entire general concept. From the name &#8220;Gaga&#8221; to the ridiculous avant-garde fashion, from the detached and awkward interviews to the seemingly narcissistic quotes on her behalf, she has linked everything she does to the lie, to the bullshit. It all comes from an honest place, of course, but Stefani&#8217;s &#8220;Gaga&#8221; creation is meant to be both a reflection of pop-culture decay and a celebration of its most superficial qualities.

Some have worried that her music has taken a backseat to the visual. The truth however is that the music plays the biggest role in her well-oiled machine. Her albums (including, we can project, her upcoming record) follow the three facets of her artistry:

1 -- Holding mainstream presence (The Fame, The Fame Monster)
2 -- Bold political activism (Born This Way)
3 -- Stylistic experimentation (ARTPOP, allegedly)

We&#8217;ll see how closely ARTPOP follows this trajectory (according to her own comments, it seems to be doing just that), but before that happens, let&#8217;s celebrate 20 songs that have brought her to where she is now. I actually ranked all 50+ songs of hers in order, and I found that once I had ranked down from 50 to 30, I was having a REALLY hard time ranking the rest. It&#8217;s very impressive that with only three albums (two and a half if ya nasty) I was able to make a top 30 list of songs that I still listen to on a daily basis. We&#8217;ll see how much this list changes once ARTPOP finally becomes a reality, but until then, let&#8217;s begin!


20) HEAVY METAL LOVER (Born This Way)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A steely ride through a Tron-like Sin City 150 years in the future. Synthetic sleaze mixed with electronic euphoria with a hint of Daft Punk. It&#8217;s tirelessly repetitive and yet amorphous in its structure and sound.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: A scathingly forthcoming advance by Gaga in the second verse. Who can resist?

19) THE QUEEN (Born This Way)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: Bette Midler camp combined with Tom Jones&#8217; eye for iconic chords. Gaga channels both with this elegant faux-ballad that&#8217;s as substantial as it is invariably self-aware of its cheesiness. It&#8217;s the kind of combination that makes for a song destined to be a drag show staple forever.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The operatic and self-prophetic bridge that&#8217;s both timelessly powerful and hilariously ridiculous.

18) MONSTER (The Fame Monster)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A streamlined mid-tempo pop song with, strangely enough, a great deal of R&B DNA within. One of the most definitively &#8220;pop&#8221; songs by Gaga that&#8217;s simple in premise but rich in production and vocal delivery. Forever underrated, but has a certain soulfulness and attention to detail that no other song on The Fame Monster manages to match.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: It wouldn&#8217;t be a Gaga song without an attention-stealing post-chorus hook, and boy does this song have one.

17) HAIR (Born This Way)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A transcendent celebration of not taking yourself too seriously. The lyricism is a perfect concoction of a 1980s high-school female&#8217;s botched and naive perspective of herself and life. Everything from the eternally cheesy chorus to the eternally cheesier bridge is madly adorable, and as long as you listen to the song with the same tongue-in-cheek attitude as the Lady who sings it, you&#8217;ll find it hard not to fall for Hair.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The catapulted kitchen sink of camp, otherwise known here as Hair&#8217;s bridge.



WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A towering confessional 50 stories high, with a deliciously overwhelming chorus and a cavalcade of strong lyrics. One of Gaga&#8217;s best written material if only for its ability to take a complex idea (women&#8217;s self-esteem and gender-envy) and simplify it while still retaining the sharp commentary.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The bold bridge, with an omnipotent grit that makes Vogue&#8217;s bridge sound like Turkey Lurkey Time.

15) JUDAS (Born This Way)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: An unmoving boulder of a song. Static in its presence but unexpectedly dynamic in both the production and her vocal delivery. Gaga sounds like a lunatic in Judas, and its invariable harshness is what makes it cut like a hot knife. The transition from her seething howls in the verses to the bubbly sweet delivery in the chorus is a welcome Gaga trademark, and while it doesn&#8217;t have the finish or fully-realized personality of Bad Romance, Judas is bigger, badder, and completely unhinged.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The clinically insane rap layered on a pummeling tribal beat. Once again, Gaga crafts an iconic bridge that punches the listener in the stomach.

14) TEETH (The Fame Monster)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A long-lost number from an R-rated Peter Pan musical. Seductive hooks and an infectious tongue-in-cheek production make Teeth impossible not to like. Its sound stands uniquely as one of Gaga&#8217;s brightest pop moments, and what it lacks in substance (hardly a priority with Gaga) it more than makes up for it with its irresistible production. This song, coupled with the right video, could have completely taken over 2010.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The first verse sets the tone perfectly for this theatrical pop gem.



WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A rougher, sleazier Sexyback. I&#8217;m such a sucker for Gaga&#8217;s musky vocals, and she has a certain rasp in her lower register that, when paired with a monotone delivery, is absolutely fierce. The chorus is brutal, and the R&B production is an interesting choice for such a Euro-club-trash song. It has biting commentary that lets itself take a backseat to sleazy tongue-in-cheek, making it both wittingly smart and ridiculously stupid. Such an apt description of Gaga herself.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The iconic &#8220;HOOOooooKAHH&#8221; chant has pretty much been a regular thing I yell at people on Friday nights.

12) ALEJANDRO (The Fame Monster)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A stunning pop song that&#8217;s both better and more valuable than people designate it to be. Not only do the verses in Alejandro reflect an artist who could actually conceive real poetry if she wanted to, but there&#8217;s a certain euphoria in the chorus and post-chorus hook that are perhaps unmatched in any other Lady Gaga song. Alejandro makes the best use of her trademark st-st-stutter, and it has a certain demure quality that makes it unique among Gaga&#8217;s otherwise &#8220;kitchen sink&#8221; discography. This is actually a personal favorite of mine.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The soothing transition into the second verse, layered on that elegant production.

11) BORN THIS WAY (Born This Way)


WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: Madonna, The Rockettes, and Martha Wash&#8217;s weird little red-headed step child. A song whose grungy, admittedly ugly production strangely contributes most to its beauty and purity. Born This Way is perfectly proud of being inelegant and un-poetic, and it&#8217;s very hard to find a song that so boldly stakes its claim without retreating to metaphors or analogies. You have to respect someone that&#8217;s willing to put it all on the line in the most literal way possible, especially when it pertains to polarizing politics. This holds a special place in my heart.

MOST EPIC MOMENT: The perfect chorus. Bold, timeless, classic.




SaintZ has those piercing eyes that look through you, like a magnemite's eye. I also learned something new about both of them recently: Magnemite is a great pokemon, and SaintZ has great taste in television.
I loved my description ;___;


Also, Monster at #18?! A crime.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Glorious. Monster and HML should be higher - I look forward to Telephone being near the top.

I sometimes forget this:
the most accurate fact about Lady Gaga is that she’s the only person in pop music who can actually be considered a walking and talking concept. A monster of meta, Gaga has designed herself as someone who can get away with ubiquitous standards toward female pop stars because she’s perpetually designed herself as an artificial force.
Also loved this:
The transition from her seething howls in the verses to the bubbly sweet delivery in the chorus is a welcome Gaga trademark, and while it doesn’t have the finish or fully-realized personality of Bad Romance, Judas is bigger, badder, and completely unhinged.

That synthy wall-of-sound build towards the end of Heavy Metal Lover is incredible.


I disagree with your description of Hair, Soul-sis. It's that tonal change-up from the camp opening to that more eletronic sound that I love the most.

Bless you for the Judas portion. Such an underrated song.


Hair jumped a few spots in my list of top Gaga songs after experiencing the studio version live. *.*

Beautiful list as per, Soul-sis. As long as FOHL and Black Jesus don't make an appearance, I can't bring myself to disagree with anything even if I would rank the songs differently.


Sad that Alejandro didn't make the top 10, but happy to see it above Overrated in the Dark.

The Queen above HML was also made up by Judas being in the top 15. One of her best.

So we got the Fame singles, BR and Telephone, Scheisse, EoG ...


I wonder if Speechless will make an appearance on that list. It is "You and I" done correctly, after all. It's also one of her best songs that aren't dance bops.


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Electric Chapel belongs right near the top of the next list. Some of the best verses of all her material (dat switch from the sweetly-sung verse to that cracking 'follow me...') and that awesome Eurythmics-style 80s-futuristic production.


You could tell Taylor was pissed during that second her face was shown.

Adele's voice and manner of speaking always has me rolling.


Ladies...one of you NEEDS to GIF Taylor Swift looking PISSED when Adele clocked her ass for that Golden Globe! I am SCREAMING.

Skyfall destroys safe and sound anyday tho. Don't know what Taylor was expecting. Maybe she needs to date someone on the Hollywood Foreign Press.
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