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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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Guys, seriously, if you want a great male Pop album with some R&B flair listen to this:


This album has been slaying me ever since I discovered it. And Jamie Scott's voice...GURL...

Elle Varner slayed me so I will trust your judgment and check this out.


Let me bookmark this page for Marianus' posts for when this smashes

It won't do that great.
But that's not the point, now is it.
The point is that JT is clearly about to lay an album-sized smack-down on 2013 and the nay-sayers gonna be sorry.

Not sure if he's gonna reclaim his King of Pop crown though since Kanye scooped that right up and gonna have his own masterpiece on the way once he breaks up with Kim.


Shade all you want ill be bopping to beauty and a beat and as long as you love me while you guys have...this mess.

Still better than wrong direction though!


he also posted this
An Open Letter to you (the fans):
I hope this gets to you the right way. It's the only way I know to do it. Some people may criticize me for the last 3 days. But it was fun, right?? Right?!?! Besides, I'd rather speak directly to all of you. And, who can knock me for having a little bit of fun with it?
Well... No more teasing. Although, it was A LOT of fun. (Did I mention that I'm having fun with this?? Ha!)
*Makes a serious face*
So, here goes:
This year is an exciting one for me. As you probably have heard through the "grapevine," I'm gearing up for a big 2013.
Back in June of last year, I quietly started working on what is now, my next journey with that thing I love called MUSIC.
The inspiration for this really came out of the blue and to be honest, I didn't expect anything out of it. I just went into the studio and started playing around with some sounds and songs. It was probably the best time I've had in my career... Just creating with no rules and/or end goal in mind and really enjoying the process.
What I came up with is something I couldn't be more excited about! It is full of inspiration that I grew up listening to and some newfound muses that I've discovered along the way.
I'm calling it "The 20/20 Experience," and it's coming out this year.
I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.
That's all I'm giving you for now... I know, I know! Again, with the teasing!!!
Get ready. This is going to be fun (well, at least it is for me).


Oop. The album was still a flop, though. And Nicki had some buzz surrounding her at the time, but that was her first cross over track


Yeah I remember her liking her features back then. Her feature on Up All Night on Drake's first album was great.

I'm surprised your not trying to spin this in a "Xtina helped Nicki become popular" or something tbh.


Yeah I remember her liking her features back then. Her feature on Up All Night on Drake's first album was great.

I'm surprised your not trying to spin this in a "Xtina helped Nicki become popular" or something tbh.

The only person who "helped" Nicki become popular is Lil Wayne. Everything else was pretty much done by Nicki herself. I wouldn't be surprised of the legend's touch didn't help her, though. See: Sia.



And to think Sia's songwriting career was nearly terminated after her single with Xtigmata failed to crack the Hot 100.

Bless Guetta for putting her on the map.



And to think Sia's songwriting career was nearly terminated after her single with Xtigmata failed to crack the Hot 100.

Bless Guetta for putting her on the map.


Guetta wouldn't even know who Sia was if it wasn't for the Bubbling Under smash hit.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Song is pretty average overall and a bit repetitive but it's nicely smooth and I'm getting serious 90s R&B / MJ / Janet vibes from it, the backing vocals particularly. So it's probably nostalgia talking but I'm enjoying it. For now. I always find his ladies man swagger so forced, though.


Well I guess the first flop of the year had to be someone...Beyonce better be coming for them wigs soon we need a smash on the radio besides Taylor Swift...

Hell I'd even go for another Rihana single...



beyonce needs to stop releasing albums

She releases albums less than half as frequently as Rihanna

And hey, shocker, they're easily twice as good as Rihanna's.

JohnDonut, I'm glad you're coming around to pop but that is not the place to dip your toes. You're wading right into the dark side.
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