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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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New youtube "music" charts suck so bad.

I can't seem to find anywhere to just view a list of top music video's.

If you go to the youtube music "charts" that used to have the list its just a bunch of nobody "hews" with a couple million views.

If you go to the music front page it has both Diamonds and Kiss You up there.....but its the spanish subtitled version of Diamonds and some rip off rehost of Kiss You.

Youtube flopping.


Things We Cannot Do
A Summary

* Spam gifs.

* Complain to Mumei. Tell Mumei what to do. Tell Mumei who to ban.

* Carry long gaming news discussions.

* Participate in console stan wars.

* Post unnecessary reaction comments. Ex. 1, Ex. 2

* Stan Beyawnce and Rihanus.

* Hate on DJ Ötzi


Amended again.


more artists need to do this shit

I am TIRED of albums being announced 30 years before they are released.

I wonder who you're speaking about


But I agree. More of them should be like Rihanna. Announce your first single, release it a week later, announce your album and have it come out in under 3 months. Let's stop trying to build this hype up for months for no reason.
more artists need to do this shit

I am TIRED of albums being announced 30 years before they are released.

We will see how it does.

If it flops it will show that announcing too close to the release date is a bad idea. Of course if it smashes it could start a trend of waiting longer before announcing albums.

I wonder who you're speaking about


But I agree. More of them should be like Rihanna. Announce your first single, release it a week later, announce your album and have it come out in under 3 months. Let's stop trying to build this hype up for months for no reason.

Ummmm Rihrih releases an album every year. So what purpose does the announcement serve really? The last single from the previous album is practically the coming out party for the next albums hype.

There's nothing wrong with that really..... but Rih isn't exactly a shining example of letting the hype die down between albums.


We will see how it does.

If it flops it will show that announcing too close to the release date is a bad idea. Of course if it smashes it could start a trend of waiting longer before announcing albums.

Ummmm Rihrih releases an album every year. So what purpose does the announcement serve really? The last single from the previous album is practically the coming out party for the next albums hype.

I think that if you're an artist with a lot of "comeback appeal" like Justin, then releasing an album quickly after an announcement could be beneficial. The hype is already there; you're just striking while the iron is hot, and before people get used to the idea of you being "back" and the excitement is gone.

New acts or acts that don't have that kind of appeal might want more time to build up hype, tho.

And, granted, this is all about getting an impressive first week number. There are a lot of other factors to consider if you want to have sustained sales.



Navy unable to construct a cogent paragraph as per.

In other, more important news.

You can now listen to Tegan & Sara's latest, Heartthrob in full.

2013 is finally starting.

There are two streams available, some of you might be able to access some but some of you might. Hopefully between the two you can hear one of them.

Enjoy :)

PopJustice Stream

Rolling Stone Stream


Julia is so fug

EDIT: Oh and Nicole's single just hit. Boomerang can be listened to in full here. It's, umm, fun but admittedly a little bit basic. >_>


He bout to slay.



Lets see if he can stay in the Top 10 first.

On a related note: since some PRESSED posters always accuse me of being a part of the Xtina stan collective, I actually went and searched for these dens of people with flawless taste. Something I just saw on an Christina fan forum:

This made me LOL just now...

Z103 Toronto did their Hot or Not for Suit & Tie, a song they have on heavy rotation right now and..

Z103.5 HOT or NOT - 1/14/2012
Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z - Suit & Tie get voted NOT by over 85%.

Then we have this...

Z103.5 HOT or NOT - 11/28/2012
Christian Aguilera feat Blake Shelton - Just a Fool voted HOT by over 90%.

...and they never played it ever since that one spin
What. the. Actual. Fuck!?

The conspiracy is real, y'all.
I think that if you're an artist with a lot of "comeback appeal" like Justin, then releasing an album quickly after an announcement could be beneficial. The hype is already there; you're just striking while the iron is hot, and before people get used to the idea of you being "back" and the excitement is gone.

New acts or acts that don't have that kind of appeal might want more time to build up hype, tho.

And, granted, this is all about getting an impressive first week number. There are a lot of other factors to consider if you want to have sustained sales.

Yeah I agree. I actually think he will do wellish when his album hits. Should do at least 250k.

Personally I am not here for it if its just more S&T bull....... but maybe he will surprise me.



ChartNews said:
US album sales: @Rihanna, Unapologetic 18,926 (620,055 total).

Still shining bright *.*


RIHANNA - Pour It Up: 37.115 (+2.249)

Urban and Rhythmic stanning, as per

Bonus 20/20 Experience Era Update

Justin is stabilized on iTunes, and even gaining recently, and still gaining positive updates after the rolling effect clocked him Tuesday. Y'all need to quit. He's coming.
Ic Girl on Fire still trucking along *.*

Very surprising to me. It stalled out for several week in the 50's.

It even started declining.

Then suddenly it has been rising again the last few weeks. Highly unusual.

I can't at Catch My Breath consistently getting ok updates (had one bad update the other day but it was only a minor loss) yet it falls out of top 20.


Very surprising to me. It stalled out for several week in the 50's.

It even started declining.

Then suddenly it has been rising again the last few weeks. Highly unusual.

I can't at Catch My Breath consistently getting ok updates (had one bad update the other day but it was only a minor loss) yet it falls out of top 20.

Just goes to show what happens when you don't give up on your song even if it doesn't immediately smash the charts to smithereens
My fave should take notes ;___;


Hmmmm, So I was searching for an answer to Koodo's question about Donna Summer being homophobic, and I came across this great article from The Advocate on the subject. Rather just filter out an answer from it, I'll post the whole thing. It's a great read, and still somewhat relevant to modern stan culture.

I'm not highlighting the important bits. You'll just have to read the entire thing. But it's worth it.

The Advocate (mid 80s)

Summer and Smoke
by Adam Block

"Donna Summer is not homophobic," a closeted gay executive at her record company insisted recently, sounding terminally exasperated. "She's just a dumb [anatomical expletive deleted]."

Charming, but that wasn't exactly the kind of official response to angry complaints over the lady's public remarks that fervent fans were looking for. They had crowned the pinch-nosed diva the queen of disco back in 1975, when the amyl set owned that music. The lady was gay royalty.

To be fair, Donna Summer never asked to be acclaimed as heroine of the homos, and I don't recall even fanatics looking to her for political leadership or wisdom. Her Moroder/Bellotte hits ("Love To Love You, Baby," "I Feel Love," "Bad Girls" and "Hot Stuff" were divine let's fuck anthems set to relentless disco rhythms. Of course, gay men were pioneers at treating mindless, marathon fucking as a courageous political activity.

In 1980, after five years as a reigning voice of the disco scene, Summer began to take control of her own career. She sued her manager, left her record company, remarried and became a "born-again" Christian. In 1983, touring behind her comeback smash "She Works Hard For The Money," Summer had graduated from the gay discos to suburban arenas. She was also making small talk between numbers. Gay fans followed her to the burbs, and if the shows struck them as careful and gutless, her remarks astonished and enraged many.

There were reports of Summer reminding the crowd, "It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve," a line I thought belonged to Anita Bryant. She reportedly told gays in her audience, "I'll pray for you tonight." And when questioned about gay rights, she is reported to have responded, "I've seen the evil homosexuality come out of you people... AIDS is your sin," finally closing, "Now don't get me wrong; God loves you. But not the way you are now."

Some fans were livid. An angry account appeared in the Village Voice. In England, DJ/producer Ian Levine banned her music from Heaven, the popular disco, and called for a total boycott in the British pop press. Summer and her management stonewalled the issue. The aforementioned gay exec proudly claims that he personally "got her to drop that idiotic 'Adam and Steve' crack."

When outspoken gay/socialist trio Bronski Beat covered Summer's "I Feel Love" on their debut LP, the issue resurfaced. My esteemed colleague John Bryant (Male Review) noted once that once Bronski Beat were told of her remarks, they responded in disgust, "Donna Summer is dead," but continued to perform the song. The notion of gay men making the song their own didn't cut much ice with Bryant, who thundered that Summer's royalties from Bronski's version "go to the right-wing Christian Hate Campaign through Summer's donations and promotion." Bryant was appalled to find that DJs ad L.A.'s popular gay discos Probe and Studio One refused to ban her discs. His requests for an interview with Summer went unanswered.

This spring, Lorne Michaels and the other organizers of an AIDS benefit in New York reportedly contacted David Geffen to see if his record company wanted to provide an act for the show. Summer reportedly volunteered but was rejected by organizers because of her by now infamous remarks. That rejection apparently shook Summer from her complacency.

Though Summer declined a request from THE ADVOCATE to be interviewed on the subject, Warner Brothers sent a statement from the singer to both the Village Voice and to our own pop music desk. This was not a retraction, but an apology.

"It is very difficult for me to believe this terrible misunderstanding continues. Since the very beginning of my career, I have had tremendous support and friendship from many in the gay community. It is a source of great concern to me that anything I may have said has cast me as homophobic. My medium of expression is music, all I can ask for is understanding as I feel my true feelings have been misrepresented. As a Christian, I have nothing but love for everyone and I recognize it is not my place to judge others. I believe with all my heart and soul that AIDS is a tragedy for all humankind. A cure must be found and all of us have to do whatever we can to help."

Summer isn't ready to celebrate homosexuality or even condone it. The irony is that so many gays, celebrating their sexuality to her performances, assumed that she, too, rejoiced in it. Her music is very much the property of the people who scored their life to it. They own it as profoundly as she does. But the don't own her, not her religion, her politics nor her royalty checks.

When fans identify with music they adore, and with the artists who make it, that doesn't insure that the artist sees herself through their eyes, or – if she does – that she likes the image. Somehow I don't think Donna Summer's dream was ever to be a musical standard bearer for butt-fucking, urban nightclubbers. What hurt gay fans was that she didn't seem to have developed any real compassion for them (at least until this belated statement was issued).

Reborn, Summer seemed to have blithely accepted the Christian bigotry of the Christian right towards gays as gospel. If that made Summer's understanding of gays painfully shallow, it also showed how facile gay fans have been in celebrating glamour and the very idea of stardom. The equation is as simple as pop gets: Summer had a glossy package to sell. We were buying.

So what's love got to do with it? Isn't it a bit much to get all huffy about the contents when you were only shelling out for the package? After all, Summer's still singing about love, and you can still dance to it.

Right, and love does have lots to do with it, because that's where the bitterness erupted: from the breach between the sensual sexuality she once celebrated and the Christian exaltation she has replaced it with. In the worst of worlds, the first devolves to simple greedy lust, the second to righteous bigotry; and though curiously similar, they are inevitably at loggerheads. In the best of worlds, the two aren't at odds; both are illuminated by compassion and gratitude. Donna, and her fans, seem to have lost sight of that.

Summer got caught in the middle of a public dialog between gay lib and the new Christian right, between gay fans expectations of the queen of disco and those of her fellow Christians. And she handled it badly. But Donna Summer is no more a homophobe than many other more tactful artists, and no more of a dumb [anatomical expletive deleted] than many of her gay fans. Those are the unpleasant truths that the glare of the disco-ecstasy Summer swept in on conveniently obscured.

Now isn't it about time she put out an album we could care enough about to consider raising the roof – or boycotting?

I'm not entirely sure where I stand on completely divesting an artist from their work. I think there comes a certain point where an artist has to stand by the things they say and do by virtue of the fact that they're on the world stage, and they're on the world stage by choice. Still, an interestingly framed argument here, and I think the part that most resonates with me is when Block points out that Donna Summer never set out to be a gay icon. She wrote songs about love and sex and set them to catchy disco beats that the gays flocked to. But is it her fault that it happened that way?


Can you bitches stop reviving that Beyoka thread tho...

Whew gives a damn. And Soul stop being so damn pressed about Godney no1curr



That's how we ball out...
Still has more room for growth, I'm perched.
R&B Songs – #7
Hip-Hop/R&B Airplay – #10
Hip-Hop/R&B Digital Songs – #11
Hip-Hop/R&B Songs – #17

And by the way, Suit & Tie dethroned Diamonds's 15-week run at the top of the R&B songs chart. Probably helps that it's actually an R&B track.

hahaha Live While We're Young is about to drop off the H100. After only 16 weeks.


Mind blowing that JT is releasing so soon. Really hope it's good and not indicative of a hastily put together album given its no hype release date.
cant believe dont you worry child still climbing in the US. SHM is breaking up and yet their last song is a smash hit.

btw their last ever concert is in the US in march.


cant believe dont you worry child still climbing in the US. SHM is breaking up and yet their last song is a smash hit.

btw their last every concert is in the US in march.

I was supposed to go to that concert but had a falling out with the person who was setting it up and tickets were very expensive. So no go for me. But I love them and DYWC and I'm sad they're breaking up.


Not y'all paying that essay I posted absolute DUST. ;____;

I wonder if there were any Disco singers who were actually homophobic? I think the biggest disco fans were homosexuals, and cocaine addicted swingers. At least in America, which is where most of my knowledge about the disco era. But going back to Donna, I think she would have had a very uncomfortable career had she been homophobic.
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