who the fuck mastered this though
Educate Pupi.who the fuck mastered this though
Educate Pupi.
I can't use this. Girl's got some decent belts but her voice is so bland. There's no variation, color, or texture to anything. It's so soft and pillow-y. I'm not here for wallflower vocals.
I don't think that's a whistle. Sounds like she's scaling upward to a really high falsetto/head voice. But I agree, it's weak and musically ineffective.
Maybe. But there's still clearly a transition happening here, from Crazy to Normal.
Educate Leona.
And shade Mumei's impactful linguistic efforts? I'd rather not walk that line.Can you be a bit original tho?
train - teach - school - instruct - bring up etc.
I see y'all still haven't updated the OP.
My problem with Ariana is she has piss-poor enunciation when singing, especially when she's doing the Mariah whisper-singing. Really makes you respect how well Mariah executed that style.
Daft Punk did not, after all, appear on the Colbert Report. According to Stephen Colbert, there was a mixup in the rights for him to have Daft Punk perform on his show. He said that Viacom, the owner of Comedy Central and a plethora of other TV networks (including MTV) informed him that his show could not host the french duo due to their planned appearance in the MTV Music Video awards next month. Apparently, MTV has a contract to get an exclusive Daft Punk TV appearance, meaning that they could not perform on The Colbert Report. This is more likely than not some dumb publicity stunt by Viacom to get viewership for VMAs. It is very hard to believe that a conflicting interest such as this would not come to light until the last second.
I haven't *.*
Wait...are you implying that Prince is a vers-bottom?
EDIT: Wait, I've heard the first one. *.*
I'm glad the VMAs are employing someone to play for their toilet break, given how long the ceremonies get.
You must mean JT right? Because DP will slay with Lose Yourself To Dance
Maybe a vers-top. Definitely a butch queen.
Except those aren't run on sentences and writing is legible. Also J.Ho's writing doesn't look like a hooked on phonics mess.
Oh and she can write in cursive.
Can't hate on fans genuinely enjoying something. It's cute.
Imagine their reaction if they were listening to a good song.
To be fair it's not like this is unique to Gaga.Let's be real, if the song was by any other pop girl/hag, their respective stans would be praising it too. But it's by Gaga so anyone who isn't a fan of her thinks the song is shit, not really a surprise.
Let's be real, if the song was by any other pop girl/hag, their respective stans would be praising it too. But it's by Gaga so anyone who isn't a fan of her thinks the song is shit, not really a surprise.
I see y'all still haven't updated the OP.
this woman never commits.
that judas video reminds me how much i liked the song...until that generic chorus. the chorus sounds like it doesn't fit in with the rest of the track. different beat, different voice, tone etc.
and with this burqa ting again she switches to a more friendly chorus to make it more radio-friendly when it hits i'm assuming.
judas verses > chorus
I listened to the new Gaga song (take that, Royalan) and... Sigh.
Can we bring back The Fame / The Fame Monster Gaga? Please? Even BTW Gaga would be acceptable if I could get things more in the vein of MTN, You and I, or the Edge of Glory and not Judas or Born This Way.
Eh, I wouldn't want her to trade her new sound for the world. I gave her discography a listen after having Aura on repeat for 24 hours, and TF/TFM especially sound extremely flat and basic now.
Think you're saying basic when you probably mean less chaotic. The beat for Burqa is crazy compared to those songs but that doesn't mean they are basic.
Well yeah, I suppose I just got used to the more layered production that more her simplistic work doesn't appeal to me as much.
And can people stop calling it Burqa? It's Aura![]()