He's cute. I have no objections.
Not Ace Attorney being our matchmaker...
He's cute. I have no objections.
What a repulsive gif.
But Chris Brown was cute back then.
He was never cute.
Not me being cuter than DM's fave's fave.
sis none of the pictures you post of "yourself" are you please stop doing this
Why does Satch only come in here to talk shit about PopGaffers, tho?
Stanning Orphan Black I see.
Slay bitch.
lettuce notWhy does Satch only come in here to talk shit about PopGaffers, tho?
Typos (more than usual), missing images, and missing MUSIC. I would suggest buying a used DS to play the games over paying for thoseWhat's wrong with the iOS version??
The hottest clone too.
Slay indeed.
One of these days I'm going to sit down and watch Orphan Black.
sis none of the pictures you post of "yourself" are you please stop doing this
I have no clue why people think Touchdown is lying.
I have no clue why people think Touchdown is lying.
He'd be foolish to anyway. Detective-GAF is always watching and waiting to strike.
I guess this is a good time to tell y'all I'm really a middle aged Brazilian woman.
I guess this is a good time to tell y'all I'm really a middle aged Brazilian woman.
Where are you in the plug room though?Oddly enough, that isn't what your IP address or registration info says.
Oddly enough, that isn't what your IP address or registration info says.
Not me getting an Elder Scrolls Online beta key and just now finding it in my inbox.
The weekend's about over now. This is worthless. Of course it happens when I skip a few days checking my e-mail.
You got that V where he'd rather see a P, though.
Dragonz is a gurl? Oh.
Dragonz is secretly Touchdown who is actually EvilLore in disguise.
Dragonz is secretly Touchdown who is actually EvilLore in disguise.
O... stan.
Twenty Seven is my favorite.