The video for Problem is trash and I hope it won't get any awards that night.
Let's hope for the best for Charli XCX. Fancy should win video of the year, imo, it's a really cool one. But I guess Miley is gonna snatch that one with her iconic video.
Should have been this Problem.
haha well to be fair, how could that song get a nom when the video wasn't even released?
The VMAs have honestly not even been worth watching the last three years.
The nominations are dull and predictable. It's like someone at MTV just looked at the top 15 songs on Spotify and called it a day.
And the show itself is so boring and scripted now, they allow no room for anything exciting to happen. And that list of performers?
At this point, it's a credit to your name if you don't get nominated for one of those damn awards.
Mau ®;121422373 said:Mmm
Weren't you praising the VMA's for bringing back the controversy factor with the Miley/Robin performance last year?
Fancy not getting a nom for "Best Collaboration". Bye. The song was a success thanks to Charli.
Oh and screaming at Fancy getting a nom in the "Best Pop Video" category lol
Oh I agree about Fancy having a great video (all of Iggy's videos are on poinT actually) but my comment was more directed at the fact that Iggy's supposed to be rapper not a pop singer, heh.Fancy was great tho especially in that category. A cool no-nonsense homage to shit like Clueless.
The other videos in that category are so bad, why the fuck are they even there (Happy? Talk Dirty?)
They could've chosen much better tbh
Oh I agree about Fancy having a great video (all of Iggy's videos are on poinT actually) but my comment was more directed at the fact that Iggy's supposed to be rapper not a pop singer, heh.
Roar got snubbed
Also Gaga has a show during the VMAs so don't expect him
Well Iggy is as much as a rapper as she is a pop singer to me. Just like Nicki Minaj.
Plus why the hell is Lorde's Royal nominated in "Best Rock Video"?
Alternative pop is the new rock I guess.
Alternative pop is the new rock I guess.
Haha, yes. It's pretty perfect.
She's just as confused as everyone else.
The look on her face gives me life.
I also wish her so much success.
Why the unnecessary spoiler tag?
Queen of Pop Annie has put up a mix on her soundcloud. As you would imagine, it's everything.
Indication of the direction for her next EP?
Queen of Pop Annie has put up a mix on her soundcloud. As you would imagine, it's everything.
Indication of the direction for her next EP?
I feel like 2009 was the last real VMA event (Kanye-Swift-Gate, Paparazzi, Single Ladies) and since then it's just been kind of tepid. It's almost like it died down after Britney did. lol
VMA 2009 tho <3
I'll never forget that. I had just started really liking Gaga a couple weeks before that performance.
Britney Spears - Gimme More (VMA 2007)
It was an absolute trainwreck which in a way represented the beginning of the end of her career, but it's still one of the most iconic VMA performances.
The song is still one of her best singles, tho. Keri Hilson, ha power.
Britney Spears - Gimme More (VMA 2007)
It was an absolute trainwreck which in a way represented the beginning of the end of her career, but it's still one of the most iconic VMA performances.
The song is still one of her best singles, tho. Keri Hilson, ha power.
When an artists song is named On the Verge, all of the companys radio stations are required to play that song at least 150 times.
Given Clear Channels huge listener base 840 stations, about 245 million listeners per month it becomes increasingly likely that the song will catch on, particularly with those repeated plays. That type of success can have a huge impact on an artists career, not to mention the music charts.
Clear Channels On the Verge program helped make Iggy Azalea a star. Heres how it works.
there is hope for Sky Ferreira yet
Britney Spears - Gimme More (VMA 2007)
It was an absolute trainwreck which in a way represented the beginning of the end of her career, but it's still one of the most iconic VMA performances.
The song is still one of her best singles, tho. Keri Hilson, ha power.
Britney Spears - Gimme More (VMA 2007)
It was an absolute trainwreck which in a way represented the beginning of the end of her career, but it's still one of the most iconic VMA performances.
The song is still one of her best singles, tho. Keri Hilson, ha power.
And yeah, Gaga SHAT on that stage in 2009. It was a fucking pop coup. It was watching that and hearing my father call her a "disgusting creature" when I knew she had officially made it. That performance began the great Gaga Reign (2009-2012, 2015-??)