Hello loved ones. In 1981, the ICONIC LEGENDARY Teena Marie dropped a classic album entitled It Must Be Magic. Unlike your faves she wrote and produced it all by herself, and went on to receive critical acclaim. The album is a certified banger, and if you haven't heard it yet.. do yourself a favor. Best wishes!
"It Must Be Magic"
"Where's California"
"Square Biz"
"The Ballad of Cradle Rob and Me"
"Portuguese Love"
"Yes Indeed"
Bonus songs: from the fabulous Starchild (1984) album
"Lover Girl"
"Out On A Limb"
and from the incomparable "Naked To The World" (1988) album:
"The Once and Future Dream"
"Naked to the World"
Was Teena seen the same way as people like Iggy and Macklemore are today when she debuted (white person trying to cash in on black music)?
Mau ®;121380943 said:I'd take Rita Ora over Marina Diamandis any day of the week.
Mau ®;121380943 said:I'd take Rita Ora over Marina Diamandis any day of the week.
Oh HELL no! I am NOT here for this today. I let it slide the first time, I was even sympathetic and said I know what it feels like to have some of your posts ignored but not to take it personally the last time you pitched a fit in here. I am in no such mood today! If you've ever read through the thread, you'd see that there is a lot of varied taste, there's no one artist or "huge hit" that is loved by every single person posting in this thread, so no need for the generalization then the weak back-pedal.
Oh and don't think that with my photographic memory I don't remember you posting here in June, didn't seem to get as much of a response as you wanted, then went running back to Fakegaf to badmouth Popgaf.
I really enjoy reading this thread even when I don't post, most of the regulars crack me up even if we don't have the same music taste. I am NOT HERE for this passive-aggressiveness!
finally tbh![]()
the audacity of fakegaffers coming for popgaf![]()
so bsb is doing better than katy perry, huh![]()
youre telling me that an act put in more effort than katy perry????no since they had 66 dates and only a 27 M gross while Katy has a 22 M gross with only 22 dates![]()
What is the difference between Iggy Azalea and Azalea Banks???
What is the difference between Iggy Azalea and Azalea Banks???
Yes, but when it's as terrible as Iggy's that's nothing to be proud of.
It's Azealia Banks.
And to answer your question, Azealia Banks actually makes good music.
what the fuck is a FakeGaffer?
Would it be wrong to call Azaelia Banks a one-hit wonder?
Oh btw sis, I listened to that new Kyary song.
ddddddddd Nakata actually hates her. It's so terrible. I felt like I would have to be two to enjoy it.
Mau ®;121380943 said:I'd take Rita Ora over Marina Diamandis any day of the week.
Stefan;121385980 said:Your avatar is highly amusing to me.![]()
Oh HELL no! I am NOT here for this today. I let it slide the first time, I was even sympathetic and said I know what it feels like to have some of your posts ignored but not to take it personally the last time you pitched a fit in here. I am in no such mood today! If you've ever read through the thread, you'd see that there is a lot of varied taste, there's no one artist or "huge hit" that is loved by every single person posting in this thread, so no need for the generalization then the weak back-pedal.
Oh and don't think that with my photographic memory I don't remember you posting here in June, didn't seem to get as much of a response as you wanted, then went running back to Fakegaf to badmouth Popgaf.
I really enjoy reading this thread even when I don't post, most of the regulars crack me up even if we don't have the same music taste. I am NOT HERE for this passive-aggressiveness!
Oh my god.
This snippet is everything.
And come out of the stan closet, siS. I C U, fellow Diamond.
I dunno if any of you remember when Vazduh recommended Oasis by Alpines but their debut alber completely flew by me and I'm listening to it now... it seems kinda basic really, but I'll post impressions later
edit: the slayage is real
I genuinely think this could be the greatest song of all time.
Yay the VMAs are always a good time. Too bad Applause or Do What U Want didn't get anything, coz that means she might not attend.