I suppose this means I need to address some things. We have had problems with both bullying and feuding in these threads, issues that have spilled out to other places (Skype, KiK, Plug, and possibly other places I'm even less familiar with) and occasionally originated in those places. I have not been immune to this; I stopped hanging out in Skype months ago because of the ugly and incessant harassment I was receiving in there. And it is one of the difficulties of moderating this community that I won't always recognize when something is going to be taken as an affront versus something that is going to be taken in stride. There have been times where I have been PM'd about posters taking oblique potshots towards other posters, and I frankly would not have recognized it as such without it being pointed out. And oftentimes I'll admit that I did not do anything because on their own they seemed rather mild - like something that ought to be ignored. I was wrong, and it's helped to create an uncomfortable atmosphere for some of us. I'll also admit that I did not notice the fact that Touchdown was getting nearly as much shit as he has been. He has been ignoring it, by and large, but several people have been pointing out the fact that certain posters have been making oblique comments about it, and even bringing it up in OT. This is going to stop. The nickname(s) need to stop; the posts with screenshots of PMs need to stop, and the conversations-that-aren't-about-it-but-really-are need to stop.
Gravelord_Nito is right about one thing: I have treated him differently. I don't make any apologies for this; I have treated him differently because he has behaved differently. It is true that he has gotten teased for his grammar, where he lives, and who he likes - though this last is expected here - and I admit that even once I noticed it I did not realize that he was taking such offense to it. I probably should have, and it's a consequence of the fact that when you allow some kinds of insults it creates opacity on where you ultimately draw the line. Still, none of that could excuse the personal attacks Gravelord made in response - "Get your welfare hoodrat ass back to the corner you were selling your anus for a happy meal before saying things without knowing."
We treat disputes differently depending on the behavior of the posters involved. You do not get to call someone a welfare hood rat selling their anus for a Happy Meal, whatever they said before that, and then demand to be treated as if you were the victim in that exchange. You either get to 'keep it real', and get banned along with whoever was making fun - if you're lucky enough that the provocation seems to warrant it - or you get to report it. And let me be clear: When you decide to go in on someone like that, you help take the whatever heat there might have been off of them and onto yourself. You change the dynamic from one person being a bully to two people bickering, and one of them happens to be behaving much more poorly.
DMJ, however, is right about nothing - though I would particularly note the foolishness of repeatedly 'calling out' the
only moderator who didn't want to perm him the last time around. The more fool he.
So. Here are some changes I would like to see:
- If you are currently engaging in the sort of mean-spirited posting designed to drive people away that this fracas has been about, either as one of the hangers-on who likes to quote the offending posts and titter about the 'in-joke', or you are one of the people who is doing so directly: Stop. I know who most of you are, and I will be banning for it in the future, both those starting it and those who encourage it. This is your only warning. If you cannot tell the difference between mean-spirited and not, stick to throwing shade at pop stars and not other posters.
- If you believe that someone is being mean-spirited or trying to drive you - or someone else - from the thread, don't engage with them. Instead, send me a PM about the issue. Do not just say, "So-and-so is making fun of me." I need a post, or posts, and I need you to explain what is happening. This is especially true if they are making a reference that I may not get because it stems from something off-site. The better you can document the issue, the longer I get to ban them. It's win-win.
- Remember that I do not read every post in this thread. I do not read this thread on a daily basis, and even when I am reading the thread I skip over a lot looking for the things that interest me. I read this thread because I enjoy it, not because I'm 'the official moderator' (which I'm not; any moderator is capable of moderating this thread, a point we'll come back to). Even if you see me posting on the same page as something shitty, don't presume I've seen it. If it bothers you, and you don't think I've done anything, send me a PM. The worst that will happen is that I will tell you I didn't think it was bad enough (though if you bring me a pattern, something that may not be bad enough on its own might be bad enough in context), or I PM'd a warning already. If you do not report posts, you don't get to complain later that no one did anything about it.
We're going to try this. If this does not work out - if I continue to see bickering and no one is sending me PMs; if I see people continuing to be shitheads - then we'll try another moderator who will not care about community standards and won't have to worry about stepping on my toes.