Literally nothing else matters, Sistren.
that album title
i hope the rest of the album matches its randomness, because that tracklist sure is...
I like how she has a song called Thirsty dedicated to the 2 year delay she did while seeking for a hit but yet no sign of Triumphant
I'm perched. So excited. It's been soo long.
I was actually re-listening to E=MC2 today and didn't realize how much I loved Last Kiss and Love Story. Plus, I've Been Thinking About God came on randomly today and it's such a feel-good bop. That ending gives me so much life.
Don't you know
That you're blowing my mind
What you DO to me
I can't describe
Baby I
Can't hold back anyMORE
I just can't conceal it
You're the one
woah oh
sis, let me go listen to it's a wrap and betcha gon' know again cuz these versions with mary j and the pee man are gonna slay.
I didn't even notice that. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's going to be so interesting.
You think this is a good omen for your job interview, sis? Godriah has blessed us today.
omg i won't be able to sleep tonight and im gonna be a damn mess tomorrow in the interview, let me calm down.
I just noticed you posted this earlier; I missed it:
So cute.
If Mariah were a true queen she'd use this as her album cover and not care what people thought.
Instead she uses another photoshopped eye-sore mess.
18 tracks are way too many. I don't have the patience for that.
If Mariah were a true queen she'd use this as her album cover and not care what people thought.
Instead she uses another photoshopped eye-sore mess.
"Meteorite" is going to be Song of the Year, I just know it.
EDIT: Oh, and the album title is DEFINITELY Ariana Grande shade. lol
You in a rush to go somewhere you can't listen to 18 songs?
nnn Touchdown, you raking up those WP
I just noticed you posted this earlier; I missed it:
So cute.
I don't care who it is. By the time I get to track 11 I'm over it.
Editing is key.
What a disaster.
I legit thought this was that plastic lookin' chick that just got fired off of Glee while scrolling down for a sec
The cover is boring. I wish Mariah would take a little bit of a risk with the album art she chooses.
but did you guys missed this...
Edit: Those schizophrenic comments are so accurate, I cant
Why is she harmonizing with herself speaking? Serving schizophrenia. And that album cover, GIRL...... Me. I Am Photoshopped... The Extensive Retouche.
Oh. When I saw Touchdown's PM, I assumed he'd lost his mind but apparently she's actually going to come out in a month.