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#popMAFIA | So don’t let this be our final song


Well that was fucked up
Just as a note in this - lurking scum is a valid tactic, but it depends who does it. If longstanding active players suddenly go quiet, everyone gets suspiscious. I think lurking scum only really works for newer players who don't have expectations set for them yet - normally newer players are a bit quieter because they have yet to get to grips entirely with the whole thing and nobody really gets the internal alarm bells ringing too loudly if they're not loud. If, say, I or Sawneeks was a bit quieter than we should be, y'all'd be reaching for the rope and frame faster than lickety split.
I had one of the highest post counts in Danny Phantom, but I was still kinda lurking because I didn't say much of anything. Kark summed it up pretty well.

How about neutrals? With one gone, could it be likely that there's another?

There's kind of a Gafia tradition of having a neutral in every game. Two neutrals is rarer tho and usually (always?) because they're linked like one neutral that has to kill or lynch the other neutral while the other has a different goal or just has to stay alive.
Night Vale had a mechanic like this. You had the dragon who had to kill either three town players and one mafia player, or two mafia players and one town player without being lynched and the detective who could scan at night for the dragon and won when the dragon was lynched by town.


I hadn't really examined Burb as much as I should, but the more I look, the more I become convinced there's a scum here. I can't remember the GAF character limit, but this is pretty long now, so:

VOTE: Burbeting

and I'll continue with CCS shortly.

Hmm, is this bus #2? :p

I don't mind it tho

VOTE: Burbeting



Vote: CornBurrito

Honestly, I'm fine with either Corn or Flame being lynched.

Corn is taking the easy votes and reminds me heavily of when he was Scum in PiR and took a more relaxed route in that game. He mentions wanting to vote out Pop for his Scum Claim on Day 1 to remove that 'question' but at the same time mentions how QB's joke could be completely serious but never votes for him despite that. Talks a lot about mechanics, the Call Out for one, but doesn't try to engage people to Scum Hunt and just sort of reacts to things instead of being proactive. Even then he is really selective, opting to ignore the Kalor talk of Day 2 and just go for Haly instead.

Flame is a whole of lot nothing. Quiet and what he does post doesn't make sense. I don't like his jumping on Kryptik without trying to engage him on Day 1, he isn't trying to Scum Hunt and went for the weird Haly vote on Day 2, and now on Day 3 he votes for Haly and then just leaves? It's leaving me scratching my head and I do hope he comes in and explains himself before Day End.

I will say that after looking over both players I don't believe that both can be Scum. They both voted for Haly for practically the same exact reason right after each other and I don't think Scum teammates would do something like that, especially a Scum vet like Corn. I do think it's one or the other but I highly doubt it is both of them.


Okay, now that's done let me have lunch and read that Crab super post. I'll be honest that Burb is much more of a null to me than anything else; he's just sort of here and that's it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Almost finished next post, but just wanted to say: LoC, as a heads up: please don't No Shoot again. It's an absolute waste, we really need that extra kill. If I don't see two kills tonight, or have a very reasonable explanation for why there is only one, I'm really going to be reconsidering my stance on you.


Almost finished next post, but just wanted to say: LoC, as a heads up: please don't No Shoot again. It's an absolute waste, we really need that extra kill. If I don't see two kills tonight, or have a very reasonable explanation for why there is only one, I'm really going to be reconsidering my stance on you.

Scum role blocker seems to be one of the more common scum roles to me. Not arguing he shouldn't shoot tho.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
3 [m] CCS - New - GMT
Starts off with No Lynch. I *hate* No Lynches, with a deep fiery detest rivalled only by my dislike of Michael McIntyre. They add nothing to the world, the either of them. But I don't want to flog the dead horse again, and more importantly, the temptation to no Lynch is strong for new players - it feels "safe" and comforting. So I'm not going to hold it against CCS too much - unlike, say, Danganronopa, where the experienced Makai was non-committal all game long and won as neutral despite me pointing out how scummy (well, anti-town) they were day one (yes, I am still bitter).

The trouble is, CCS took a long time to budge from this despite several players trying to persuade him otherwise. Probably just stubborn play, but... yeah, really stubborn. Often a town quality, but not always the most useful one. And to make it worse, aside from fighting back on the idea of No Lynch, much of the rest of CCS' posts are just... fluff. When i saw 70+ posts, I was thinking "okay, lots to analyze here." But there isn't - there's reams upon reams of not much. Like:




Weird word when you think about it


Useful that, right? And these few paragraphs of analysis have already got me through the first 25(!!) posts made by CCS.

First useful stuff is in #248, where we get a vote for Flame_AC. Pretty basic justification: few posts, most fluffy (second is just a little hypocritical...). #268 is a bit strange: asking me my read of them. Now: I don't really ask people for their read of me except in quite unusual situations. It's just not that useful for me. Self-perception, I think, is quite a tricky skill in mafia - especially for town. i don't second guess my actions as town, because second-guessing yourself is what makes you scum. I just assume I come across as town to everyone. If I don't? Their loss. And I don't find out much useful by knowing they think I'm scum (again, a few edge cases aside). In my experience, asking what people think of you is only really done by a) very new players, b) scum. Now CCS fits in a) as much as they could b), so giving a pass here, but I really flagged this up.

#294 is strange. CCS states they are wary of the QuantumBro wagon because QuantumBro hasn't been hugely active. But CCS just spent the last big batch of posts vehemently voting for Flame-AC on the logic that we ought to lynch inactives. So why does a wagon on an inactive make them uneasy? More little warning bells for me here.

#341 is real *yawn* stuff. Just musings/ramblings that don't go anywhere. Sawneeks calls this out for being passive, but CCS doesn't adjust how they post. This puts me more towards inexperienced player: scum tend to change their patterns very easily and immediately avoid whatever it was they get called out for. So right now in my opinions, CCS is walking the fine line between "new" and "scum". #356 just makes no sense and is very poorly justified - I don't see any reason to want to lynch Haly even if you believe LoC's claim, because LoC's argument made absolutely no sense, and obviously so at that. It's pretty possible to believe LoC but think lynching Haly was silly - the road that I'd already taken at that point (others too, I'm just pointing out people had already pointed out how nonsensical this was in advance of CCS doing it). Again, this tilts me towards new - mafia often come up with dubious justifications for lynching people they want to get out of the way, but there's dubious and then there's that.

So around this point I got pretty edgy about CCS, and pushed CCS on being fluffy and not putting out any new material. CCS responded:

>No original opinions
>Only person to vote for Flame on Day 1
>Only person voting for CornBurrito today
>Top kek

But this is an atrocious defence. CCS wasn't the only person to vote Flame-AC Day 1 - both Sawneeks and Bronx had. Additionally, while CCS might have been the first person to actually throw a vote down for Corn, the actual opinion definitely wasn't unique because the post before...

CCS said:
Basically, my thinking is that I follow Crab's reasoning that there a good chance Kalor or CornBurrito are scum, and since Kalor already has a few votes on him I don't want to join a pile on until we've had a bit more of a discussion.

Like, your whole justification was following my argument - I just gave two possibilities, and CCS picked the one I wasn't leaning towards at the time but used my logic to defend it. That's not an original opinion, and I think this is patently obvious.

There's some weird stuff about having claimed with their avatar after they get some suspiscion from me. Apparently it was just joking but the other "just joking" today ended up being scum, so... at best this is terrible town play but it looked an awful lot like panicked flailing. And by #482, CCS is still on Flame, as he has been... more or less the entire game. Now, that's okay if you genuinely find them to be scum - but you still need to explore other avenues at least, and there's very little questioning or probing from CCS.

That's basically up to now. Verdict? New, scum, or new scum. Really not liking CCS' play and were it not for the fact I'm more confident about Burbeting I'd be pushing for this lynch right here.

5 [m] Coppanuva - EST
Not going over this in too much detail. Basically: this isn't a bastard game. If we have Masons, and they're told their partner in their role PM, they'll be town - cabot isn't going to stick a scum Mason on us, that's too much of a dick move. So if Coppanuva is scum, Haly is too, and vice versa. For scum to put such an enormous risk on themselves - I'm inclinced to think there are three scum left, so this would be two-thirds of them - is close to unthinkable. All it takes is one to get killed by a stray hit or whatever (bomb or something) and the other is revealed. I just don't buy it and I'm not going to spend too much going over the either of them.

Verdict: town.

6 [m] CornBurrito - EST

Doesn't vote to start. Fluff about what we like about cabot. Fluff in reponse to Pop. Fluff about kryptik. Very safe vote on Pop for the time it was made. Continues making very safe points about Pop. Defense of Evilisk (oh he's new). Another defense of Evilisk. No real meat on those bones. More totally safe posts, including whole post to explain how the highlight tags work. Dodging around Haly - mocks Haly's explanation but then goes on to defend Haly, and using an argument already used at this point. There's a line of set-up speculation. After defending Haly - literally immediately after, his next post - he then votes Haly. But why??? Willing to switch vote to quietest person - totally safe. Then wagons to Flame_AC.

I shouldn't be able to sum up an experienced mafia player on the third day with a single paragraph, and especially not such a damning paragraph. Like, this is such poor quality contribution it's actually making me second guess myself - would scum be THIS obvious? I don't want to go down that route because that way madness lies, but Verdict: scum, or townie that really needs to be ashamed of themselves. Don't care too much if Corn is lynched but I want to apply pressue to Burb first.


Responses to questions.

Is this the only reason you had for voting QuantumBro?

And to append: Why didn't you comment earlier on it? You were the first to post after his reads list.

During that time the vote was on QB versus Pop, although the vote was at that point favoring Quantum, I wasn't scum reading Pop, so I wanted to make sure he wouldn't be lynched.

QB is one of those people who posted those read lists early on, which I still find scummy. I'm not against lynching him.

Evillisk's response, while not completely bringing my doubts about him, makes me feel a bit better. And I don't really get scum vibes from Pop right now, even if his joke eariler is questionable.

VOTE: QuantumBro

(Bold emphasis mine)

For why I didn't make note on the early read lists before, I didn't notice QB had done it until after Castamere and Kryptik had posted theirs too. I pointed out afterwards that it was suspicious:

I have to say I'm little wary of people posting reads lists of everyone this early. I mean, we have just two pages worth of discussion, that's not enough material to really make reads of everyone. It just makes it look like the read-listers are doing fake contributions. Especially if the reads are not backed up by any reasoning, just... a list.

Feeling somewhat wary of QuantumBro, Castamere and Kryptikjoker due to it.

I had posted once between QB posting his reads and Castamere/Kryptik posting theirs:

Kryptikjoker's vote sounds like pretty strong OMGUS* to me, but I don't know if it's a scum tell by itself. I wouldn't see a veteran player respond like that, but kryptik is not a veteran.

*OMGUS = "Oh my god, you suck (for voting for me)!" http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Oh_My_God_You_Suck

To be honest, during posting that post, I didn't look at the newest posts in the thread at any detail, just making a quick note about Kryptik's vote, that had happened multiple hours earlier. I had a busy evening that IRL-day, so I wasn't able to really post that much until the night.


What about Kryptik? You weren't a huge fan of his reads list and, at least in my opinion, he hasn't done much to really change my current opinion of him.

Kryptik at least posted some reasoning for his vote on Flame, listing the people Flame had voted etc. That made me feel better about him, at least compared to Acohrs (I'll try to spell it right now) and CornBurrito.


I wouldn't say that it's a lazy add-on. Bronx came out and explained their inactivity with an OK explanation, so, I voted Flame as they hadn't posted yet. After voting Flame, they came out with an explanation, which quite frankly, was bloody impossible to understand, going against two PRs that benefit the townies!

What do you think of this Burbeting, surely you must agree this is quite suspicious, no?

It's all about the scum motivation, I think. What motivation does scum have to vote during the day on basically claimed masons? Or to give out as bad explanation as he did. Obviously reverse-psychology could be at play, but I doubt it.


Not going to quote all of that post from Crab, but I'll respond to his points.

For my beginning posting, I do that in every game. I try to make mental notes of things that seem odd to me, but not voting instantly, due to it being Day 1, and there not being enough information to get any solid reads. Usually during games day 1 gets solid activity, but that didn't happen here, so it took more time to get any reads on things. I'm not a fan of voting based on basically RNG or one joke (which was basically why people voted on Pop during D1).

For the double-posting, that's too what I do in most of the games I'm playing in. I don't usually save my posts to Microsoft Word or anything, I usually type them straight to the GAF post-box. So I sometimes end up posting bit too pre-maturely, so I don't accidentally close the tab before posting. What results from that is me sometimes posting multiple times in a row, either due to that, or due to getting another thought after posting, and wanting to get it out. In the case on 192-193 and 194-195, I got another thought I wanted to put out right after hitting reply-button. For 213-214, I wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally delete post before actually submitting it, so I replied it in two parts. I'm putting this post in one part this time.

For the QB vote, I've already commented on. You said it was weird how I commented on my own vote, but that too is something I tend to do in games.

For the whole "posting without contirbuting", I'd disagree, I guess. Lot of people are coasting in this game right now, even people I usually think are lot more active in games (CornBurrito especially).


So, from your experience, it's quite unlikely that there will be another neutral. That's good to know. Here's a question unrelated to now, is the neutral usually a serial killer type role? Was combine's neutral role not similar to most other neutral roles?

Some games have a standard serial killer, some have a modified killer (like Night Vale) some have something completely different like this game. A unique neutral role is not uncommon, Love Boat just had a pair of neutrals (every "player" was a pair) who's objective was to disrupt three pairs' chat and after that they would win the game.


Useful that, right? And these few paragraphs of analysis have already got me through the first 25(!!) posts made by CCS.

My town read of him started at that post actually :p

The context is important. He seems too oblivious to be a scum mate with Quantum. He could be faking, but it seems more town than scum. Just a weird thing to do as scum, especially a newbie scum at that.


There's a very simple explanation for my short/fluffy posts:

90% of my posts are on my phone when I'm either drunk, on the train to/from work, or at work :p


My town read of him started at that post actually :p

The context is important. He seems too oblivious to be a scum mate with Quantum. He could be faking, but it seems more town than scum. Just a weird thing to do as scum, especially a newbie scum at that.

My problem with CCS is that he has kept going the image of "I don't what I'm doing, please don't suspect me". It's bothersome.


Do you think he is scum?

I'm not sure. It's bit frustrating, since he is a new player, so there is no point of reference to say for sure. But he does feel less contributive than Kryptik, not so sure about acohrs, since he is a replacement, aka. less posts to look to. But right now I'm reading CCS more as scum than as town.


I'm not sure. It's bit frustrating, since he is a new player, so there is no point of reference to say for sure. But he does feel less contributive than Kryptik, not so sure about acohrs, since he is a replacement, aka. less posts to look to. But right now I'm reading CCS more as scum than as town.
Kryptik just feels like pretend contribution to me.


Got Burb talking a bit. I want more people talking.

This feels like D1 to me...

Tell me about it. It's been quieter than a Tory's conscience in here the last few weeks.

Are you changing your vote to Corn? Just want to keep track of what the vote count is.


Kryptik just feels like pretend contribution to me.

I don't know... something about his tone feels genuine to me, even if his contributions are little light. There's awful lot of players in this game with very light contributions.

(oh hey Crab, I posted instantly the second time because I didn't see Ty's post before hitting reply :p).


New votes override the last one. My last vote is my current vote

If someone can cast more than one vote they have a special name for it like:
Double: Ty4on
In highlights ofc

ah cool, so why do some write unvote then a new vote?


We have a little over one hour left and still nothing from Flame.

Ultimately, as much as anything else that's why I'm voting for him instead of Corn. That way if we do mislynch a townie we're lynching the least active/useful one. Plus I think he's slightly more scummy anyway.


I tend not to like comments like this - they're an easy way to win sympathy because people love complaining about game formats (everyone loves a moan), but at the same time it doesn't actually reveal anything concrete.

O-Oh my

2 [m] Burbeting - GMT+2

Hmm. I'll re-read over Burb's posts myself but you make a really strong point. Burb has sort of flown under my radar and I'm not entirely sure if that's like him to do ( I only played with him in Harry Potter and he died fairly early if I remember correctly ) but I do remember thinking he had some very noncommital posts on Day 1 that I felt were odd. If I had more time I would look over it now but I do think it's something we need to look at in the next Day phase.

3 [m] CCS - New - GMT

Oddly enough it's CCS relaxed tone that gets him my Townie gut read. It's also sort of how I'm feeling about Acohrs right now as well, they both seem to be very relaxed in their tone and that doesn't feel like something a new Scum player would do. I will say that Acohrs asking more questions and trying to get the hang of things is slowly edging him over CCS, who does have more fluff than anything, but I don't feel bad about either of them at the moment.

This feels like D1 to me...

Welcome to Pop Mafia. :p


Okay, I got to head out to work now but I feel like I've made my thoughts on Corn/Flame pretty clear. I'm fine with either being lynched, however I feel Corn is more likely to be Scum than Flame but that's mostly based on a gut feeling than any sort of concrete evidence ( given that both have acted scummy so far ).

Also, thank you Ty. You somehow brought life into the game and I'm not sure how you did it lol.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
cabot, is Flame_AC still with us? Or will they be getting replaced? I know they posted sort of recently, but the participation rate is so low I'd like to ask for a prod/warning at the minimum, if that's okay/something you agree with.


cabot, is Flame_AC still with us? Or will they be getting replaced? I know they posted sort of recently, but the participation rate is so low I'd like to ask for a prod/warning at the minimum, if that's okay/something you agree with.

Probably a good idea this. Even if they do indeed get lynched I'd like to hear from them once more.


cabot, is Flame_AC still with us? Or will they be getting replaced? I know they posted sort of recently, but the participation rate is so low I'd like to ask for a prod/warning at the minimum, if that's okay/something you agree with.

Hey there everybody!

Vote: Haly

I could just jump on one of the other bandwagons and try and save myself, but I still feel like this is the right way to go. I thought I had already posted, but apparently not. Lynching me isn't going to do anything more then answer the singular question of my identity. Admittedly, I'm an easy lynch, but I would suggest you look at the people who are pushing for me (which will be nothing more then a wasted day).

that was his last post yesterday, since then he's refusing to save himself or clarify why he is voting Haly. I think he's just given up...


that was his last post yesterday, since then he's refusing to save himself or clarify why he is voting Haly. I think he's just given up...

sorry he did clarify why he was voting haly, but the reason is very vague and doesn't hold up to other's scrutiny


sorry he did clarify why he was voting haly, but the reason is very vague and doesn't hold up to other's scrutiny

god I hate not being able to edit...
by doesn't hold up to other's scrutiny, I mean won't answer other legitimate questions on the matter


Right now it's six votes on Flame, and five votes on CornBurrito. Hopefully we won't end up in a tie situation.

I really hope Flame and Corn would both still post today.



ty4on (0)
coppanuva 476 (517)
cornburrito 483 (509)

bronx-man (0)
sawneeks 480 (512)

flame_ac (6)
haly 493
kryptikjoker 496
ccs 497
acohrs 499
cornburrito 509
bronx-man 596

haly (1)
flame_ac 500

cornburrito (5)
lord of castamere 505
burbeting 521
coppanuva 584
sawneeks 604
ty4on 617

crab (0)
ty4on 562 (602)

burbeting (1)
crab 589
ty4on 602 (617)

Day 3 ends:

7 votes for majority.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
At present rates, I think Flame will be replaced before long, and I don't want us to blow our load on that one when it will most likely be a nothingburger. My Burb vote isn't catching fire (which is probably suspiscious in and of itself... hint, hint), so I'm going to

VOTE: CornBurrito

to force a tie and make someone on Flame switch to Corn, 'cause I'm a stubborn motherfucker.


At present rates, I think Flame will be replaced before long, and I don't want us to blow our load on that one when it will most likely be a nothingburger. My Burb vote isn't catching fire (which is probably suspiscious in and of itself... hint, hint), so I'm going to

VOTE: CornBurrito

to force a tie and make someone on Flame switch to Corn, 'cause I'm a stubborn motherfucker.

That'd be a turbo

VOTE: Crab


Right now it's six votes on Flame, and five votes on CornBurrito. Hopefully we won't end up in a tie situation.

I really hope Flame and Corn would both still post today.

Worst comes to worst, I'll move my vote to block a tie. I'm not letting a no lynch happen today.


That vote was mainly because Crab hadn't replied to anything I wrote about him, but I also don't want a turbo.

Worst comes to worst, I'll move my vote to block a tie. I'm not letting a no lynch happen today.

You and Haly have despite being claimed masons been complete nulls to me. What do you think of Crab?


Could we please get a third option?

Burbeting, Crab, kryptikjoker...
The latter is kinda boring, but still scummy and would give us something about Flame.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
like, I don't think you can call it a turbo if there are 37 minutes left from 96 hours. also, if there was a turbo, it would be on whoever did it and not me. also, flame_ac is on 6 and is literally in hammer range now, I could have ended the day right now if I wanted a day end (and anyone else could do the same)

like, I don't mean to be mean, but everything about that post was dumb

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
okay he's on 5 now but that was true before CCs' vote switch.
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