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#popMAFIA | So don’t let this be our final song


I warn at the last minute that CB could be town that scum is trying to get rid of, Ty4on comes in and seals their fate with a turbo.


Surprised that CB was lynched, always felt Flame was much more suspicious.

Speaking of which, does anyone think that Flame will speak this day phase at all? Has he given up on the game, will he be replaced? Or is just going to leave us all guessing and not contribute?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
How did you miss Coppa claiming he didn't feel well?

I'm kinda scratching my head as to why I didn't see it, but I figured people playing at the time would have noticed.

I noticed it at the time, but I had a d'oh moment on today's start and didn't put two and two together. This isn't really proving to be my finest game.


I noticed it at the time, but I had a d'oh moment on today's start and didn't put two and two together. This isn't really proving to be my finest game.

TBF to you, none of us acknowledged it at the time bar me thinking he was making a joke...
My jokereading skills are shite

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really frustrated with Flame_AC. A single post in nearly a weeks' worth of Day Phase is just unacceptable. I know that's technically not enough for Cabot to automatically replace him, but I don't really know what else to do. He simply hasn't posted enough to make any kind of reasonable judgement about his alignment at a time when it is becoming increasingly critical to know.

Flame_AC, if you're reading this: if you're town, and simply do not have the time to make a serious commitment to this, then please inform Cabot and let him get a replacement for you. If you haven't been replaced by the end of the day, or *drastically* increased your activity, I'm just going to have to lynch you on the basis that you're not sufficiently participating in town and are letting everyone else down as a result. And that would be unfortunate, because my intuition is that you are town, but I'm not sure what else we do at this point.


I noticed it at the time, but I had a d'oh moment on today's start and didn't put two and two together. This isn't really proving to be my finest game.

I wanna make this a town slip, but I still wanna scum read you >_>

Me neither

Give me your read of me. It feels like you've been sort of ignoring me which didn't help my suspicion.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I wanna make this a town slip, but I still wanna scum read you >_>

Me neither

Give me your read of me. It feels like you've been sort of ignoring me which didn't help my suspicion.

I'll need to examine your posts more, so I'll do it tomorrow. I've not been ignoring you, but as a replacement, you obviously haven't had the ability to make the impact or paper trail of posters who have been here since gamestart, so it is inevitable that my read of you would be less certain than anyone else, which is why I've not really commented.

I also dislike giving analysis of my own posting because I don't like to start second-guessing myself, and much of your questioning has been "prove you're town!", which I can't really do. I'm a staunch believer in thinking the best thing a town under incorrect suspiscion can do is persuade people that there is a better example of a lynch elsewhere - these choices are relative, after all, and while I can't definitively prove I'm town, I can definitely persuade you that Burbeting is a better choice thn me.

Which he is, by the way.


Did anyone else forget Kryptik was here? Because I did. He's incredibly quiet and has flown almost completely under the radar. Where are you? What are your thoughts on last Day Phase's lynch? Who do you want to lynch today?

Also lighting the LoC and Burb signal, especially for the latter. I really want to hear more from them instead of this silence.

VOTE: CornBurrito

to force a tie and make someone on Flame switch to Corn, 'cause I'm a stubborn motherfucker.

Can I ask why you decided to make it a tie, Crab? I'm assuming it's because you felt Corn was scummier than Flame but this kinda looks like you were looking for reactions more so than anything. :x

VOTE: CornBurrito


I'm in control of this lynch now :p

VOTE: CornBurrito

I also don't like how sudden either of these are. Both players have already come forward and explained why they did this, but that doesn't make me any less wary. This is also what pushed Corn over Flame in the end when Flame had a lead for most of the Day, so if Flame does end up flipping Scum I would recommend we start with these two.

I still think Flame may well be scum, but I'm slightly less sure than before. Simply because now it seems like even if he is then two scum have managed to go under the radar, so it's possible we're barking up completely the wrong tree before.

What about Ty?


I also don't like how sudden either of these are. Both players have already come forward and explained why they did this, but that doesn't make me any less wary. This is also what pushed Corn over Flame in the end when Flame had a lead for most of the Day, so if Flame does end up flipping Scum I would recommend we start with these two.

I'm sorry, but why are you bringing up that vote again? I don't see it having any meaning being put there less than one minute before day end when Corn was in the lead 6-5.
Shouldn't it be the earlier one?


Guys I think coppanuva was trying to tell us something yesterday, I'm sure of it! Maybe the actions last night didn't kill him but something from the night before.

Hm, that's what I was worried about. Coppa's message the other Day reminded me of the PM I got when I was poisoned in HP, although a lot more vague. RIP Coppa and Haly. :c

I feel like this is important. Doesn't look like I was the only townie who didn't connect the dots, but scum obviously did knew from the get go. Knowing what happened doesn't equal scum ofc, but I think it's worth looking at.
I think Saw's post is the scummiest. acohrs is a bit NAI, I'm not quite seeing the motivation from scum's side to post that tho.

Yeah, I'm curious on those two non-voters as well. Maybe this'll wake them up...

Vote: Not

Oh hey while we're still in the figuring things out phase... I still don't feel right.

The good kind of not feeling right or more:

Wow, that's bad. Pun not intended :x
I could see a townie doing that, but I could def see a scum with TMI talking to the poisoned person.

Moving along with saw:
Yeah, I'm curious on those two non-voters as well. Maybe this'll wake them up...

Vote: Not

Oh hey while we're still in the figuring things out phase... I still don't feel right.
Correction, Coppa got to the Not vote, not CCS. My mistake. :x

Also, what do you mean by that last line?

Just a pm I got last night. I don't know what it did, I was just told I don't feel right. There's a bit more flavor to it but it didn't impact me any as far as we can tell.

If it does end up being bad, haly has the pm and can distribute it. As it stands, I don't want to focus on it too much since the pm didn't really indicate what it does, and I have no way of knowing if the alignment of the role is town or not.

What? Did anybody else get this PM at all? I don't remember anyone ever saying they got something like that after Night 1.

Also sawneeks in regards to the pm, I don't think anyone mentioned it. It's possible that combine somehow got hit with whatever this is as well. Unless someone else got hit with it n1 and wants to talk about it, we should drop it until tomorrow.
It was never brought up again, but...
Hm, that's what I was worried about. Coppa's message the other Day reminded me of the PM I got when I was poisoned in HP, although a lot more vague. RIP Coppa and Haly. :c

If you think someone was poisoned why would you just leave it like that?


Also, looking at who voted for Corn over Flame feels like a pointless exercise when we don't know the alignment of Flame.


Alright, I was hoping to be here for the start of the day, but alas, I was at work.

I would love to say that I had a grand idea for staying silent, but, that was just being busy with real life stuff. This last day phase, and today IRL, fell on the worst possible time, my college exam week. Still, I'm committed to playing, and have caught up during this past night.

I think the best case for why I'm not scum is the simple fact that I'm not dead yet. Scum would be eager to prolong my life as much as possible, I've been the center of a lot of discussion, discussion that generally goes in the circle of "where is he, he should post more, inactivity isn't enough to lynch, well then where is he". This is great for any scum player of course as they can just keep peddling the same 'content' over and over, seem impartial in a way in which both scum and town would react, and move on with their plans.

So, in looking at who to lynch today, I feel the people who have stuck with voting on me, but given little real though are the best to lynch. In analyzing the myriad of choices who have voted for me, achors stuck out. Specifically for this more recent post:

Surprised that CB was lynched, always felt Flame was much more suspicious.

Speaking of which, does anyone think that Flame will speak this day phase at all? Has he given up on the game, will he be replaced? Or is just going to leave us all guessing and not contribute?

First part of the post is the attempt to say that they were right about me and that lynching CB was a mistake. To me, it's an attempt to gain just the tiniest bit of town cred along the lines of achors not making the mistake that the majority of town did. Next comes the pointer back to me as a source of suspicion, after all, we need to talk about me for most of the day today until I'm suddenly saved by a vote swing. The last part of the post is the typical "where is he, he should post more". I'm sure that you're just going to say you were asking fair questions, but that's what a good scum player does. Ask innocuous questions that won't get yourself into trouble while still looking good.

Vote: acohrs

Again, I apologize for my absence, I hadn't foreseen that the game would land right in my exam week the way it did. Sorry cabot, and the rest of you. (well, not you scum players).


I thought that the night phase was going to be three IRL-days, not two.

Both of the masons died at the same time, then. This could mean different things, Crab already summarised most of the possibilites:

I think in terms of likeliness:

1. Town switcher fucked up
2. LoC is neutral killer
3. There is a mafia switcher
4. There is a neutral killer that is not LoC
5. There is a mafia multi-kill / there is another town killing role.

I mostly agree with this list, but I would put mafia switcher as the last in terms of likeliness. Mafia switcher is simply way too powerful, since it would basically render any sort of town doctor completely obsolete. Great number of killing powers seem unlikely, since this is a 17p game. I'll wait to hear from LoC as well.


I agree with Ty that I don't think Flame is scum. Reasoning being the same as yesterday, would scum Flame really act as he did yesterday (vote claimed mason, and then completely disappear?). But if Flame is a scum, that would make the last minute vote changes of CCS and Ty4on bit strange. More-so with CCS, since during the time Ty made his vote changes, the tone of the topic seemed to have already shifted towards Corn being the final lynch target.

Speaking bit more about CCS:

Why are you voting CCS? Like, yes, he flipped the lynch. But we don't know Flame's alignment. It's pretty plausible we flipped from one town to another town, especially given that was only Day 3. Unless you are convinced that Flame is scum, there's no specific reason to suppose CCS is scum. And if you are convinced that Flame is scum, why are you not starting there?

Sometimes Scum shift their votes from target to target without seeming to really care who gets lynched, especially if it's a town vs town voting situation. That though happens more usually in Day 1 (For example, this happened in Werewolf Reborn), so it's not so alignment indicative for CCS here.


Any thoughts about players, Bronx? You've been quite consistently sitting on Flame-train for quite some time now, I want to hear something else as well from you.


That thing Ty4on pointed out about Sawneeks is interesting. Why didn't you try to push the point of Coppa being poisoned further, if you thought that might be the case?


It's good to see Flame finally posted. I need to look into acohrs' posts today... something feels a little off.


I thought that the night phase was going to be three IRL-days, not two.
Do you think Coppa died from poisoning or do you think something else could have killed both masons?

Sorry if I'm just misunderstanding, but it didn't seem clear from your post.


Do you think Coppa died from poisoning or do you think something else could have killed both masons?

Sorry if I'm just misunderstanding, but it didn't seem clear from your post.

Poison is possible, since Coppa said he got a PM about feeling unwell. But at the same time, wouldn't that mean another killing power outside scum faction kill and claimed LoC? Poison could be either neutral, or scum having a second kill. That would mean 17 player game having a great deal of killing powers. That feels unbalanced.

So while I won't count the possibility out, my stance right now is that Coppa wasn't killed by poison.


What do you think of Sawneeks, Flame?

Sawneeks, for some reason, I feel better about, at least in relation to achors.

I feel like she was just searching for information about the poisoning, as a good townie should, and perhaps got overzealous in it. Her other posts have been more informative and things like this:

With Bronx we are now 1 vote away from Majority. Ending the Day Phase now would be a bad thing to do, we need to give Flame time to came back and possibly explain himself.

Are just nice little things that add up to a good whole. Sure, we could run on the line that she wanted me to stay alive and prolong distracting conversation about me, but if she was scum, it's somewhat unlikely she would have brought this up and just let things happen as they may. There's other people who should go before her at the very least.


Poison is possible, since Coppa said he got a PM about feeling unwell. But at the same time, wouldn't that mean another killing power outside scum faction kill and claimed LoC? Poison could be either neutral, or scum having a second kill. That would mean 17 player game having a great deal of killing powers. That feels unbalanced.

So while I won't count the possibility out, my stance right now is that Coppa wasn't killed by poison.

At the very least, you would agree that there is something related to poisoning in this game though, right? Is there another explanation for why Coppa would get a PM about it? It wouldn't just be a roleplay thing.

I would speculate that it is a scum ability, probably limited, and then somehow restricted by some sort of rule such as once every 3 days, with the actual death happening later.


At the very least, you would agree that there is something related to poisoning in this game though, right? Is there another explanation for why Coppa would get a PM about it? It wouldn't just be a roleplay thing.

I would speculate that it is a scum ability, probably limited, and then somehow restricted by some sort of rule such as once every 3 days, with the actual death happening later.

I don't think Coppa lied about receiving that PM. But what does "feeling unwell" mean? Poisoner is a logical conclusion, but why was the pm left vague?

Even if the poison was limited, it would still add up to LoC and scum faction kill. So in worst case scenario there could be three deaths in a single night in 17 player game. I don't know how likely that is.


I'm sorry, but why are you bringing up that vote again? I don't see it having any meaning being put there less than one minute before day end when Corn was in the lead 6-5.
Shouldn't it be the earlier one?

Perhaps I worded that last post poorly, I apologize. I didn't like your massive amount of flip-flopping at all during the last bit there and it culminates with your final vote, not just your final vote specifically. You go from

Crab - #562 - No Reason given for the vote, had mentioned you just didn't like Crab's QB vote.
Burb - #602 - Agreement with Crab's analysis
Corn - #617 - Because Burb started talking and ??? I can't find anywhere yesterday where you stated why you wanted to vote Corn out. Am I blind?
Crab ( Again ) - #641 - Because you didn't want a Turbo and didn't like how Crab ignored you
Corn ( again ) - #664 - Don't think you ever said why you jumped back off Crab again?

If you really didn't like/trust Crab, why did you follow his vote twice? Why the massive amount of vote jumping? You changed your votes back and forth at the drop of a hat and in that confusion Corn overtook Flame, with help from CCS, and I can see that being a way to save your buddy Flame from the gallows.

But this depends on Flame. If Flame ends up Town then my gut feeling that something is up here is way off, but on the chance that I'm right? Hmmm.

It was never brought up again, but...


If you think someone was poisoned why would you just leave it like that?

You quoted Coppa's post yourself, "Also sawneeks in regards to the pm, I don't think anyone mentioned it. It's possible that combine somehow got hit with whatever this is as well. Unless someone else got hit with it n1 and wants to talk about it, we should drop it until tomorrow."

Coppa didn't seem that concerned about it and while it did remind me of HP I wasn't entirely sure what it was, especially with nobody claiming they received a PM on Night 1. Part of me wondered if it could have also been related to the Call-Out since when that didn't appear on Day 3 the PM suddenly showed up instead.

So I let it drop. I regret not pushing it further but with Coppa being so dismissive I figured I was being paranoid, that was my mistake and I don't plan to do that again, hence why I'm bringing up different theories now.

Also, looking at who voted for Corn over Flame feels like a pointless exercise when we don't know the alignment of Flame.

Agreed, that's why I want Flame to come forward. His alignment is going to help me get a better read on both you and CCS. But just because you think it's pointless doesn't mean I can't get my thoughts out there.

( and I see he posted as I was finishing this post up. I need to go do a couple things but then I will be back to reply to his post )


Corn - #617 - Because Burb started talking and ??? I can't find anywhere yesterday where you stated why you wanted to vote Corn out. Am I blind?
No, you're not blind. I didn't really want Corn lynched, but none of the other lynches gained any traction and I thought maybe my vote on Corn could maybe get him talking (lol).

I slightly preferred a Corn lynch to a Flame lynch so that's why Corn.
Did anyone else forget Kryptik was here? Because I did. He's incredibly quiet and has flown almost completely under the radar. Where are you? What are your thoughts on last Day Phase's lynch? Who do you want to lynch today?

Also lighting the LoC and Burb signal, especially for the latter. I really want to hear more from them instead of this silence.

Can I ask why you decided to make it a tie, Crab? I'm assuming it's because you felt Corn was scummier than Flame but this kinda looks like you were looking for reactions more so than anything. :x

I also don't like how sudden either of these are. Both players have already come forward and explained why they did this, but that doesn't make me any less wary. This is also what pushed Corn over Flame in the end when Flame had a lead for most of the Day, so if Flame does end up flipping Scum I would recommend we start with these two.

What about Ty?
I'm actually completely taken aback by the last minute switch from Flame to Corn. As I reviewed the events prior to the last day's end, it looked to me as if Flame staying under the radar made it easier to turbo Corn. And now Flame has started being more active. I agree with everyone else that Coppanuva and Haly lynch was definitely an obvious one. And if you look back, Flame didn't decide to vote for Haly until after the mason reveal, then was consistent for voting Haly.

VOTE: Flame_AC

I warn at the last minute that CB could be town that scum is trying to get rid of, Ty4on comes in and seals their fate with a turbo.


This speaks volumes to me. The last minute turbo from Flame to Corn just feels so wrong to me. I'm on mobile so I'll discuss a little bit more, but my vote still stands with Flame today.


You quoted Coppa's post yourself, "Also sawneeks in regards to the pm, I don't think anyone mentioned it. It's possible that combine somehow got hit with whatever this is as well. Unless someone else got hit with it n1 and wants to talk about it, we should drop it until tomorrow."

Coppa didn't seem that concerned about it and while it did remind me of HP I wasn't entirely sure what it was, especially with nobody claiming they received a PM on Night 1. Part of me wondered if it could have also been related to the Call-Out since when that didn't appear on Day 3 the PM suddenly showed up instead.

So I let it drop. I regret not pushing it further but with Coppa being so dismissive I figured I was being paranoid, that was my mistake and I don't plan to do that again, hence why I'm bringing up different theories now.

I saw Coppa's comment, but the thing is you seemed quite worried about the message and then just dropped it when he told you to. It just seemed too fast if you thought he might have been poisoned.


Kryptik is still scummy so not all of my reads have flipped :p

VOTE: acohrs

I want a read list from you. Who you think are townie, scummy, nully, whatever.


I'm actually completely taken aback by the last minute switch from Flame to Corn. As I reviewed the events prior to the last day's end, it looked to me as if Flame staying under the radar made it easier to turbo Corn. And now Flame has started being more active. I agree with everyone else that Coppanuva and Haly lynch was definitely an obvious one. And if you look back, Flame didn't decide to vote for Haly until after the mason reveal, then was consistent for voting Haly.

VOTE: Flame_AC

This speaks volumes to me. The last minute turbo from Flame to Corn just feels so wrong to me. I'm on mobile so I'll discuss a little bit more, but my vote still stands with Flame today.

A couple of things, I was for lynching Haly on Day 2, before the full Mason reveal. So at least I was consistent.

Also, if you want the honest truth about that vote on Haly, I missed a key detail and then never came back to the thread. In my hustle and bustle just trying to get one post in, I missed the Mason claim and so I was just trying to continue on my read from Day 2. Not a good thing by any means, but it was the reason I voted the way I did.

Unless Castamere is the poisoner. But would he really claim vigilante the way he did, then?

I dunno, seems like a unique way to buy some time. Perhaps neutral poisoner who has to poison two or three targets?


Alright, I was hoping to be here for the start of the day, but alas, I was at work.

I would love to say that I had a grand idea for staying silent, but, that was just being busy with real life stuff. This last day phase, and today IRL, fell on the worst possible time, my college exam week. Still, I'm committed to playing, and have caught up during this past night.

I think the best case for why I'm not scum is the simple fact that I'm not dead yet. Scum would be eager to prolong my life as much as possible, I've been the center of a lot of discussion, discussion that generally goes in the circle of "where is he, he should post more, inactivity isn't enough to lynch, well then where is he". This is great for any scum player of course as they can just keep peddling the same 'content' over and over, seem impartial in a way in which both scum and town would react, and move on with their plans.

That's alright, Flame. IRL stuff happens.

But you can't just dismiss the legitimate arguments being thrown against you that you still have yet to respond to.

I agree with Haly, Flame has been extremely light on justification for his votes. I know we've all been pretty low on activity, but Flame_AC has thrown his vote at the following:

DAY 1: Bronx-Man, then me (kryptikjoker)
DAY 2: Discussed voting for Bronx-Man, but then decided for Haly.
DAY 3: No action yet.

VOTE: Flame_AC

I'm interested to see what Flame_AC has to say.

We've got two peeps, including haly, claiming that haly is a mason and so definitely on the town side. Now why would you still want to vote for them to be lynched unless you've got stronger evidence to suggest that they're scum!

a tl;dr shouldn't even be necessary to be honest. Flame hardly posts anything at all and what he does post makes little sense and has a lack of explanation to them so it's hard to even get his thoughts on a topic. I don't like how he went straight for Kryptik out of the reads list players and didn't try and engage him at all, just decided that he was a worthy lynch candidate and left it at that. It's also been 2 Day phases now that he hasn't explained his Haly vote, instead just drops it and leaves.

There are definitely those players who voted for you simply based upon your low activity, Haly and Bronx being two of them, but that stills leaves these questions above. If you could answer them that would be great.

I agree with Ty that I don't think Flame is scum. Reasoning being the same as yesterday, would scum Flame really act as he did yesterday (vote claimed mason, and then completely disappear?). But if Flame is a scum, that would make the last minute vote changes of CCS and Ty4on bit strange. More-so with CCS, since during the time Ty made his vote changes, the tone of the topic seemed to have already shifted towards Corn being the final lynch target.

So do you think Flame is Scum or not? That's a really 'middle-of-the-road' answer. First you agree he is probably Town but then go on to say 'well if he is Scum then Ty and CCS are super suspicious'.

No, you're not blind. I didn't really want Corn lynched, but none of the other lynches gained any traction and I thought maybe my vote on Corn could maybe get him talking (lol).

I slightly preferred a Corn lynch to a Flame lynch so that's why Corn.

You didn't answer my question about Crab, Ty. :x

I saw Coppa's comment, but the thing is you seemed quite worried about the message and then just dropped it when he told you to. It just seemed too fast if you thought he might have been poisoned.


I think you're over blowing how 'worried' I was.

Going by your post ( mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to track the quotes down myself ) it goes:

-Coppa mentions getting a PM stating he wasn't feeling well
-I ask him what he means by that because he goes from 'hey guys you know how we're figuring stuff out? well here is this vague hint that I won't explain'
-He elaborates a little more and says Haly has the rest of the PM but he wasn't really too worried about it
-I'm confused and ask if anyone else got that PM on Day 2 because I don't remember anyone receiving one and a PM suddenly appearing like that on Day 3 is odd.
-He brushes it off again and says it's not much to worry over and we can discuss it later.

Again, I probably should have pushed it more even though Coppa was trying to shut down discussion about it but I figured if he wasn't too worried about it then I should just leave it.


i really should refresh more before I make posts >.>;

A couple of things, I was for lynching Haly on Day 2, before the full Mason reveal. So at least I was consistent.

Also, if you want the honest truth about that vote on Haly, I missed a key detail and then never came back to the thread. In my hustle and bustle just trying to get one post in, I missed the Mason claim and so I was just trying to continue on my read from Day 2. Not a good thing by any means, but it was the reason I voted the way I did.

Why did you vote for Haly initially on Day 2?

I'm also not sure how you miss Coppa and Haly's posts on how they claimed Masons...but that does line up with you voting for a claimed Mason I guess. :x


There are definitely those players who voted for you simply based upon your low activity, Haly and Bronx being two of them, but that stills leaves these questions above. If you could answer them that would be great.

On my early vote for kryptikjoker, it was just an early Day 1 thing where I saw them being defensive after an early vote or two. Their defensiveness made me wanna throw another vote on just to see what would happen. Then it just kind of stuck. Unfortunately my early game play isn't going to really net us much more than my own excuses. :(

i really should refresh more before I make posts >.>;

Why did you vote for Haly initially on Day 2?

I'm also not sure how you miss Coppa and Haly's posts on how they claimed Masons...but that does line up with you voting for a claimed Mason I guess. :x

My Haly vote was based on the early day stuff with LoC and the vig targeting stuff. I was going with LoC in that the way the night actions worked out was suspicious. Then I died in studies, tried to make it to Day 3, then did an okay skim, missing the Mason claim, and just going with Haly again as, in my mind, it was still a thing of doubt. I wish I could give better reasons, but my Day 2 / 3 in the game was me just trying to stay in the game. :(


Right. A few things that seem important right now:

The Flame situation. I'm still pretty suspicious but I'm not 100% sure he's scum, and know he's here and defending himself/contributing, I'm going to hold off on any final judgement until he's said more.

Kryptikjoker. You've been pretty quiet. I'm not necessarily reading you as scum, but a bit more activity would be nice.

The poisoner. I feel like in a 17 person game having a poisoner and a vigilante would be too much unless one or possibly both are one-shots. LoC's vig claim could be an attempt to cover up being a neutral poisoner, but I'm not certain. At the very least, I want LoC to provide more explanation. If one of the kills last night was his, why did he kill a mason? If not, why has he only struck once, despite claiming multi-hit? I'd say either way it's pretty suspicious.

Burbeting. Crab has been pushing this lynch since yesterday. I could go either way on it, would like to see what more people think.

Ty is a difficult one to read, since he's only been with us for a day and a bit and the player he replaced was so inactive as to be basically a null read. I'd say I've got a healthy and normal level of suspicion but nothing really yet is pushing me towards him being scum.

I'd say my lynch choice is between Flame or LoC right now.


I think the best case for why I'm not scum is the simple fact that I'm not dead yet. Scum would be eager to prolong my life as much as possible, I've been the center of a lot of discussion, discussion that generally goes in the circle of "where is he, he should post more, inactivity isn't enough to lynch, well then where is he". This is great for any scum player of course as they can just keep peddling the same 'content' over and over, seem impartial in a way in which both scum and town would react, and move on with their plans.

So, in looking at who to lynch today, I feel the people who have stuck with voting on me, but given little real though are the best to lynch. In analyzing the myriad of choices who have voted for me, achors stuck out. Specifically for this more recent post:

First part of the post is the attempt to say that they were right about me and that lynching CB was a mistake. To me, it's an attempt to gain just the tiniest bit of town cred along the lines of achors not making the mistake that the majority of town did. Next comes the pointer back to me as a source of suspicion, after all, we need to talk about me for most of the day today until I'm suddenly saved by a vote swing. The last part of the post is the typical "where is he, he should post more". I'm sure that you're just going to say you were asking fair questions, but that's what a good scum player does. Ask innocuous questions that won't get yourself into trouble while still looking good.

Vote: acohrs

Again, I apologize for my absence, I hadn't foreseen that the game would land right in my exam week the way it did. Sorry cabot, and the rest of you. (well, not you scum players).

That's all well and good buddy, but you still haven't answered why you voted for haly after his confirmation as mason. If you answer that, all of my suspicions of you will go away as I posted before.


Like sawneeks, I should read before I reply...

I guess I can buy that explanation, wasn't a very smart move though


Hmmm. I'll buy Flame's reasoning, because god knows I've missed my fair share of important info in posts.

But my vote stays until Flame starts contributing more or until someone else looks scummier than him.


Kryptik is still scummy so not all of my reads have flipped :p

VOTE: acohrs

I want a read list from you. Who you think are townie, scummy, nully, whatever.

You could have just asked nicely 😉

Sure will do when in the office


Hmmm. I'll buy Flame's reasoning, because god knows I've missed my fair share of important info in posts.

But my vote stays until Flame starts contributing more or until someone else looks scummier than him.

Hey bronx what's your read on peeps atm? Feel like we have similar views so would love to hear what's on your mind?


Hey bronx what's your read on peeps atm? Feel like we have similar views so would love to hear what's on your mind?
The only one I'm getting any type of read on is Ty4on. Even now he keeps refusing to vote for someone who is either scum or the most useless townie we have by far. That's incredibly suspicious.

If we're being honest, after CB got turbo'd last minute, I came up with a wild-ass theory. Not only is Flame scum, he's got one of the most powerful roles out there. Maybe he's a godfather or something, idk. But my theory is that Flame hasn't been voted off yet is because scum was trying to keep him alive until Cabot could find a replacement for him. That way scum could get rid of a non-active member while still keeping their PR in place.

Flame actually coming back throws a huge wrench into this theory, but I'm not throwing it out just yet. Probably has a 10% chance of being true.


The only one I'm getting any type of read on is Ty4on. Even now he keeps refusing to vote for someone who is either scum or the most useless townie we have by far. That's incredibly suspicious.

If we're being honest, after CB got turbo'd last minute, I came up with a wild-ass theory. Not only is Flame scum, he's got one of the most powerful roles out there. Maybe he's a godfather or something, idk. But my theory is that Flame hasn't been voted off yet is because scum was trying to keep him alive until Cabot could find a replacement for him. That way scum could get rid of a non-active member while still keeping their PR in place.

Flame actually coming back throws a huge wrench into this theory, but I'm not throwing it out just yet. Probably has a 10% chance of being true.

Didn't think that way about Ty4on but now that you mention it, it is interesting how many people wanted to defend flame despite him giving us nothing yesterday to actually warrant such support.

Also, I like the sound of your theory but alas I don't think flame is some genius mastermind. If he didn't even have time to read a BUNCH of posts about haly being a mason then I doubt he is some kind of diabolical gangleader.


Kryptik is still scummy so not all of my reads have flipped :p

VOTE: acohrs

I want a read list from you. Who you think are townie, scummy, nully, whatever.

Here's my read list:


Lean Townie:

Lean Scum:


Most handsome and funnest popstar:


aw shucks DJ Khaled, glad you feel the same way too! ;)


I dunno, seems like a unique way to buy some time. Perhaps neutral poisoner who has to poison two or three targets?

There was no heat on Castamere during that time though.

So do you think Flame is Scum or not? That's a really 'middle-of-the-road' answer. First you agree he is probably Town but then go on to say 'well if he is Scum then Ty and CCS are super suspicious'.

I don't think Flame is scum. That last part was just speculation.



I think you're over blowing how 'worried' I was.

Going by your post ( mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to track the quotes down myself ) it goes:

-Coppa mentions getting a PM stating he wasn't feeling well
-I ask him what he means by that because he goes from 'hey guys you know how we're figuring stuff out? well here is this vague hint that I won't explain'
-He elaborates a little more and says Haly has the rest of the PM but he wasn't really too worried about it
-I'm confused and ask if anyone else got that PM on Day 2 because I don't remember anyone receiving one and a PM suddenly appearing like that on Day 3 is odd.
-He brushes it off again and says it's not much to worry over and we can discuss it later.

Again, I probably should have pushed it more even though Coppa was trying to shut down discussion about it but I figured if he wasn't too worried about it then I should just leave it.
I'm just using your own post in the start of this day where you said you were worried.
Hm, that's what I was worried about. Coppa's message the other Day reminded me of the PM I got when I was poisoned in HP, although a lot more vague. RIP Coppa and Haly. :c

"although a lot more vague"
This is written like an out, but I don't see why this wouldn't make someone suspicious of poisoning interested in pushing it further. I asked you about the game just after this, but you didn't bring up the poison nor really discuss it with anyone other than Coppa I think.


boo, silence, so let's spice things up!


Vote: Ty4on

Two can play this game teehee, what's your read of everyone Ty? I know you gave a town read when you first joined but I want to know what your read is now after a day as a fellow late joiner



Lord of Castamere




It's a bit all over the place. LoC is a weird read because his claim was townie, but if scum has a secondary kill it is a bit weird for there to be a vig. Not super weird when we have no sk (I'm assuming we don't have two neutrals).

You and CCS go in the same spot because you've had a good tone being active in the thread and not hiding, but at the same time neither of you have done very pro town stuff. I'd make you the scummiest because you picked up at the message from Coppa, but let it go and clearly had the poisoning in mind when the day started. I'm assuming that the poison is a scum ability as I don't see anything else that Coppa could have received and again don't believe in a second neutral.

Saw same as you, acohrs. It didn't seem pro town, seemed like scum trying to leap ahead in the presumed poison discussion that would follow and didn't quite know how to act when that discussion never came. Ignoring it when Coppa said so is really comfortable for scum, but a worried town would most likely IMO (especially one like Saw) bring it up again. Not discussing it killed town in Gafia 2 where one scum could give drinks and when one player got three (the second said they got pretty drunk) they would die. Town (cough, me >_>) thought it was just fluff and ignored it.

Regarding Saw's play, that's how she plays scum in my experience. Read Pokemon if you haven't. She was scum, but the most town read player in that game by far. Town reading her because she's active and contributing doesn't cut it IMO.

Crab lurched up because of his oblivious post to the poison. A big part of why I town read it is that's exactly how I reacted. I hadn't even noticed the message from Coppa and wanted to hear from LoC after I quickly scanned the PMs for indication they were lovers (the other would kill themselves if one died) thinking scum and LoC had killed one each.
Burb is similar-ish and there was something townie about his reaction under pressure. More "aww, I gotta contributed more as town" than the more arrogant response I feel scum!Burb would react with. It's weak tho as it's more scum!Burb in live mafia. His play has been giving me somewhat similar vibes from Doctor where he was... there. Low activity because you're busy is fine, but it sort of feels like he wants to stay there as well.

Bronx-man is the same read as yesterday and Kryptik has felt scummy all game. Lot's of faux outrage (like today).

If Saw is scum I could see Flame being her scum mate. She's observing the Corn vote as more scummy than it really was knowing that Flame is scum (note that she pushed for Corn over Flame yesterday). It could also just be pushing for a second mislynch and/or throwing shade on voters.


Just as a general notice, I'll be at a theater/travelling due to it for most of IRL tomorrow.

I'll write my reads today, but it will take some hours.


I reeeeeeaaaally want LoC to contribute. What he did tonight is a big question mark.

I would like for Burb and Crab to read Saw a bit more closely. I haven't seen much from them about her. Mostly just town reading her early vote on Quantum.

I dunno, I think town reading based on one vote is a bit silly. I know people generally disagree with how I read people (especially town read them), even myself, but if you town read me for voting on scum it wouldn't be that helpful. If I'm not actively reading my scum mates I can't scum and inevitably I will have to "scum read" some of them. I have done a bad job every D1 trying to keep all scum alive and decided "fuck that", I can't do it, it creates too many connection and unless town is struggling hard scum will be dying. If your scum mates are scummy, you call them out and vote for them. I take that a bit too literally and voted every single day for my scum mate in the last live mafia I played on Discord except for the very, very last vote in Lylo (I actually voted for my scum mate in Lylo as well, but the vote was tied and we got to vote again).

A better example is Sorian. He isn't a big fan of bussing and has called out a scum team's bad play for bussing a team mate on D1 saying there was never a reason to do such a thing. In his first championship game however he bussed every single scum mate (except for the last who was turbo'd quickly). That was not just D1, the first three lynches were all scum lynches and it was a four player scum team. That got all of town to trust him and he ended up winning the game with the only real suspicion against him being that he survived till Lylo.
That wasn't because he wanted to bus all of his mates, but because he tries hard to make impartial reads as scum and realized that all of his scum mates were quite scummy.

More relevant to this game, from what I can see this D1 was very much in the air until Quantum got a critical mass of votes and it's very weird for a D1 lynch to appear 1 hour before day end and not change. Usually enough people will second guess themselves and choose someone else.
A second thing to keep in mind is that last minute switchers are usually town. If there's one thing scum don't want it's attention and last minute voting is a great way of catching everybody's attention. A good example is the D1 lynch in batman where only one scum made a single vote in a sea of votes near the end.
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