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Porn has damanged an entire generation


Gold Member
There is absolutely a huge difference between a magazine and 4K, UHD, crystal clear pornography being streamed onto a device you have on you at all times. I'm surprised so many people really do not see that difference, but I suspect it is because they don't want to.

Resolution has nothing to do with addiction to porn.
Addiction is an issue with the person's mind, not the screen resolution.

Here's a site to start learning about what effects modern internet porn has on people: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/

Too much, it's also bad for your wrists....


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Parents in 2023 allowing their eight year olds to view porn on the internet is no different from parents in 1993 leaving porn videos and magazines around the house where children can have access.

Your problem isn’t porn. It‘s terrible parenting. If that was your experience, then I feel sorry for you.
Terrible parenting is thinking you can completely lock the internet away from your kids.
It only took one crappy parent to leave porn lying around for it to be available to everyone, or one older kid who could buy it. Nowadays even a well meaning parent could leave an old cell phone sitting in a box somewhere.
Maybe at 8 you could maintain control but by 12 or 13 forget about it.


used think this was a little exaggeration but hoy fuck, the deranged shit i'm seeing in reddit/twitter/youtube...EVERYTHING is being sexualised to the extreme, brain rot everywhere and effecting teenagers more than any age group. like for example there's this video of a brother hugging his sister and literally all commets were like "sweet home alabama" "oh they fucking" this is so weird" "she wants you bro".
this can't be normal right? we fucked up bad by normalizing porn

It's a great benchmark of consciousness for most of society below 40
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You can become desensitised to things that would have disgusted you a few years ago. When I first found out that DP porn was a thing I was disgusted, now if it comes up on stream I don't care, even though the thought is the same about two cocks/balls potentially rubbing...

Dudes out there watching hours of porn a day... their minds must be a fucking gutter.


Porn won the battle for VHS.
Every war has an army of prostitutes following the troops.
Alexander the Great had small boys to entertain him.
Jesus was followed by Maria Magdalena.
DNA-traits of Genghis Khan can still be found in todays bodies. So can be of Neanderthals.
Puritans conquered the US because they reproduced like rabbits.

History is porn.


Sexual fetishes have existed since the dawn of mankind. People just...didn't talk about it too openly in public. That's all.

Porn is just a way of making what was once purely implicit into something explicit.
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Gold Member
Porn won the battle for VHS.

Sorry, but that is a myth. Both VHS and Beta had plenty of porn.
What really won the battle was record length. VHS allowed people to record a whole sports match.
Eventually, Beta would also have long play versions, but it was a bit too late.


I think a lot of people are missing OP point, possibly in favor of humor or sarcasm - but some genuinely may not be seeing his point.

People have been horny forever, sure, we are hardwired that way. But there is no doubt the ease of access, especially for younger people has caused tremendous problems. We are seeing people today become more isolationist, rates of depression rise, unhealthy relationships prosper on the back of rising divorce rates. The addiction to quick and easy sexual material is absolutely a piece of the puzzle in that. People are took scared to admit it, because well - they partake in it. Welcome to basically anything bad, denial is easier than acceptance.

It isn’t a Puritanism argument OP is making his foundation on, it’s a mental health argument and we have seen multiple studies indicate it is problematic.

He’s right.
Basically anything done to absolute excess will affect us negatively. I mean yeah, I have a few beers throughout the week but surely if I start chugging a bottle of vodka with dinner every night, it stops being the same level of indulgence.

The numbers speak for themselves and OP is clearly not saying "porn is bad" and riding some puritanical shit, come on now. Whoever mentioned the mountain of anti-depressants and other shit so many young Americans are on is also right on the money, it's a really unhealthy combination.


So yes, I agree that porn is definitely a problem and something needs to be done about it. I always find it quite funny when women criticize men for this ( I only bring this up because I was reading something on twitter yesterday). They have NO IDEA what the male sex drive is like and to basically be turned on 24/7. I'm in my 40's now and my sex drive has finally started to taper off a bit and thank god for that. Honestly, I think online dating is to blame for a lot of these problems, but that's a discussion for another time. The issue is that the vast majority of young men do not get laid. What are they supposed to do?

Thank god I met my fiance (soon to be wife) before all this madness started.


I think there's a perfect storm of shit happening that leaves a lot of young men out in the lurch when it comes to getting laid. When almost all young women have a boatload of potential suitors at their disposal, why wouldn't they go for the "best" option (in terms of looks, at least)? Not everyone fits that bill, and they're left with all these pent up sexual desires and nothing to do with it except diddle themselves constantly to all this readily-available porn.

Our social reach used to be a whole lot smaller and less competitive, giving those young men a fighting chance at least. The same young women who might have given you a chance now have a dozen other dudes at her fingertips who are willing to have a go at her. These guys might not have good intentions and are punching down, but she's decided her worth is this guy, not you. You're dead in the water. I haven't checked to see if there are studies supporting this, but I would imagine the top guys are getting laid now more than ever and the bottom (or everyone else) even less. With such little hope, it's become easier and easier to channel this sexual energy into outlets of smut.

I agree that excessive porn may very well rot your brain and mess with your sexual wiring, but that's my suspicion as to why it's continued to take off.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Stop watching porn.
Stop flicking one of the wrist.
Stop busting nuts, even during sex

Cum retention is the way, modern man.

I think there's a perfect storm of shit happening that leaves a lot of young men out in the lurch when it comes to getting laid. When almost all young women have a boatload of potential suitors at their disposal, why wouldn't they go for the "best" option (in terms of looks, at least)? Not everyone fits that bill, and they're left with all these pent up sexual desires and nothing to do with it except diddle themselves constantly to all this readily-available porn.

Our social reach used to be a whole lot smaller and less competitive, giving those young men a fighting chance at least. The same young women who might have given you a chance now have a dozen other dudes at her fingertips who are willing to have a go at her. These guys might not have good intentions and are punching down, but she's decided her worth is this guy, not you. You're dead in the water. I haven't checked to see if there are studies supporting this, but I would imagine the top guys are getting laid now more than ever and the bottom (or everyone else) even less. With such little hope, it's become easier and easier to channel this sexual energy into outlets of smut.

I agree that excessive porn may very well rot your brain and mess with your sexual wiring, but that's my suspicion as to why it's continued to take off.
IIRC studies say that people in general have less sex than ever. I assume this includes women as well and I think this does make sense. They may have sex with more suiters in total (given the options as you say) but perhaps less (and less fullfilling) in general. Maybe it’s like when you have a big gaming backlog, lol. You know, when you end up juggling a lot of games and playing each one only very little and sometimes even loosing the desire to play at all due to the options.

Weird analogy, I know, but as I am writing this… It kinda really seems plausible for me. 🤷
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used think this was a little exaggeration but hoy fuck, the deranged shit i'm seeing in reddit/twitter/youtube...EVERYTHING is being sexualised to the extreme, brain rot everywhere and effecting teenagers more than any age group. like for example there's this video of a brother hugging his sister and literally all commets were like "sweet home alabama" "oh they fucking" this is so weird" "she wants you bro".
this can't be normal right? we fucked up bad by normalizing porn
Have sex.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
The real issue at hand is the disturbingly easy access children have to hardcore porn. Recent reports from Australia have shown that kids as young as 10 or 11 are stumbling upon this stuff, and it's likely happening even earlier.

In terms of parenting, just limiting phone and social media isn't going to cut it. Kids are still getting exposed to explicit content through their mates, which makes it really tough to shield them from it. This kind of early exposure can seriously warp their understanding of sex and relationships as they head into adulthood.

Then you've got people who just brush it off, saying stuff like 'lol, fuck you prude, porn's always been around'. They're missing the point. It's not just about porn existing; it's about how insanely widespread and accessible it is now, and that's the world our kids are growing up in. Being exposed to all this at a young age can really mess with their heads, shaping how they see sex and relationships in ways that can be really damaging as they grow up.


The real issue at hand is the disturbingly easy access children have to hardcore porn. Recent reports from Australia have shown that kids as young as 10 or 11 are stumbling upon this stuff, and it's likely happening even earlier.

In terms of parenting, just limiting phone and social media isn't going to cut it. Kids are still getting exposed to explicit content through their mates, which makes it really tough to shield them from it. This kind of early exposure can seriously warp their understanding of sex and relationships as they head into adulthood.

Then you've got people who just brush it off, saying stuff like 'lol, fuck you prude, porn's always been around'. They're missing the point. It's not just about porn existing; it's about how insanely widespread and accessible it is now, and that's the world our kids are growing up in. Being exposed to all this at a young age can really mess with their heads, shaping how they see sex and relationships in ways that can be really damaging as they grow up.
But you have to declare that you are 18 before you can access the really depraved shit.


LOL, people today, thinking that people in the olden days weren't horny. Get a grip with such puritanism.
We have plenty of examples from history of olden people liking sex a lot.

You are missing the point completely. Has nothing to do with puritanism. Porn addiction is actually sex negative, it causes people to isolate themselves and become less likely to pursue relationships, choose to get married and have children, etc.

It causes people to enjoy porn more than real sex because it is risk-free, dynamic, and always available. Not a coincidence that with the rise of internet pornography we are seeing declining birth rates around the world.


It causes people to enjoy porn more than real sex because it is risk-free, dynamic, and always available. Not a coincidence that with the rise of internet pornography we are seeing declining birth rates around the world.
Bruh, I can guarantee you that there is no way a human being would enjoy porn more than real sex. The problem is people are having less sex, where they should be having more.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
It causes people to enjoy porn more than real sex because it is risk-free, dynamic, and always available. Not a coincidence that with the rise of internet pornography we are seeing declining birth rates around the world.

I get where you're coming from, but pinning declining birth rates on the prevalence of internet porn is a bit off the mark. There's a whole bunch of socioeconomic and cultural factors in play here. Think about the skyrocketing cost of living and childcare, not to mention how easy it is to get contraception these days. Plus, more women are carving out careers, and let's not even start on the job and housing market instability. A lot of people are just getting by, and the idea of bringing a kid into a world where they're struggling doesn't sit right.

Then there's the whole social media scene and this rampant individualism culture, which isn't doing us any favours. It's like some adults are hitting the pause button on 'adulting', pushing off stuff like fucking growing up, and / or settling down. To rub salt and more microplastics and weedkiller chemicals into the wound, infertility rates are climbing too, for both men and women. And This isn't just a Western thing – it's happening all over, particularly in countries with a burgeoning or sizable middle class.

Speaking from experience, being in the IVF system was a real eye-opener. It was tough, both emotionally and on the wallet. But it also gave me a chance of deep introspection. Every time I was in those waiting rooms, which were packed more each month with women hoping to conceive (often without their partners, who were probably stuck at work), it hit me. This isn't just about individual choices; it's about the bigger picture, the societal shifts that are shaping how and when we decide to start families. It's a complicated mix, and it's hitting everyone differently. But the big picture is pretty clear: we've got to start thinking about having and raising kids sooner rather than later, or we're fucked.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Beating off constantly to porn will rob you of your serotonin. An imbalance of the Happy Chemical can leave you feeling less energetic, depressed in some instances and addiction to that Release*. There are some people out there, redpilling dudes and warning guys from constant Porn and encourage interaction with women. Even if it means rejection. You can learn much more from actual interaction with Women than you can, just pleasuring yourself with your own hands. There are a lot of nuances to sex that you don't get with self pleasure. The touch of another humans skin on your skin, rippling sensations, the scents(hopefully Hygienic, lol) All intoxicating, all natural.

Nothing wrong with porn, unless it crosses territory that is beyond depravity. I don't like those cheating RPs, or the fucking your own family stuff, or the pregnant or digestive system involved in porn. Anal is about as far as I go with the digestive system and I hope there is no "Back Draft" Lmao.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Bruh, I can guarantee you that there is no way a human being would enjoy porn more than real sex. The problem is people are having less sex, where they should be having more.
I enjoy porn more than real sex. It's more work to try to get the wife in the mood. There isn't any sort of judgement or expectations or pressure. I can just sit back, relax and focus on things I enjoy instead of disappointing my partner.


Biggest Trails Stan
Bro. nothing you post will convince me otherwise, that fake sex is better than the real thing. Also, instead of posting fucking unhinged Jenny McCarthy, post something like this:

Would rather it be fake than the 99 percent possibility of the women taking away the kids and divorcing me. Not to mention taking all my money. Just saying 😉
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Would rather it be fake than the 99 percent possibility of the women taking away the kids and divorcing me. Not to mention taking all my money. Just saying 😉
Heh.. I think I can see where you're coming from. However... not all women are like that. Trust me on that. It's getting harder to find good women, for sure, but there are still plenty of them out there. Don't give up!


This whole step mother, brother, sister... thing is an American perversion. I don't know wtf is wrong you guys but even normal porn i've seen before gets a new "step" title when reuploaded / recycled. So you nudged an algorithm to display it because enough of people craved incest at some point, everyone chased it in their tags / uploads to get seen and now your teenagers are growing up with this kink pushed in their faces and normalised.

Thank god this couldn't happen in vhs days with the germans.
Found the scat lover


This whole step mother, brother, sister... thing is an American perversion. I don't know wtf is wrong you guys but even normal porn i've seen before gets a new "step" title when reuploaded / recycled. So you nudged an algorithm to display it because enough of people craved incest at some point, everyone chased it in their tags / uploads to get seen and now your teenagers are growing up with this kink pushed in their faces and normalised.

Thank god this couldn't happen in vhs days with the germans.
The Habsburgers were living the dream after all.


It's more work to try to get the wife in the mood.
I'm there with you, but that's exactly my point. People should chill more and find reasons to have sex, not the reasons not to have it as they do right now. Stupid example but I came across some articles in the past:

1. "I had sex with my husband every day for a year" - guess what? by scheduling sex it greatly improved their couple's life instead of "oh no, where is the mood and being spontaneous?"
2. Wife was working super hard, was scheduling sex with husband, husband was complaining she is scheduling sex

Then people complain they are stressed, unloved, things are not right, where sex has been proven to release serotonins and endorphins in the brain. It's like a fucking cure for being miserable.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Sorry, but that is a myth. Both VHS and Beta had plenty of porn.
What really won the battle was record length. VHS allowed people to record a whole sports match.
Eventually, Beta would also have long play versions, but it was a bit too late.

VHS won because it was cheap. Why was it cheap? Because it was an open standard, every manufacturer could make VHS recorders, while Betamax was manufactured primarily Sony. So there were dozens of VHS recorders for sale in stores but only a handful of Betmax systems by Sony - and as always, Sony produced quality hardware but was also more expensive than the competition.


Gold Member
You are missing the point completely. Has nothing to do with puritanism. Porn addiction is actually sex negative, it causes people to isolate themselves and become less likely to pursue relationships, choose to get married and have children, etc.

It causes people to enjoy porn more than real sex because it is risk-free, dynamic, and always available. Not a coincidence that with the rise of internet pornography we are seeing declining birth rates around the world.

Porn has little to nothing to do with lower rates in marriage and lower fertility rates.
The main reason for that are economic issues. Less and less people are now able to afford to have kids.
There is also a big change in our society structure, as in a couple of centuries, we went from a mostly rural society, to a highly urban society.
Kids in rural societies, were also a source of work in the fields. But in the cities they are just an economic burden. And with school years increasing so much, it really becomes expensive.
But the real issue, is that wages did not improve in scale with this change. Quite the opposite, in most countries, real purchasing power has decreased.

Another issue for men to not look out for marriage, is that it's a highly unbalanced situation for men.
Divorce rates are extremely high, most developed countries have divorce rates above 50%. Some as high as 70%.
Do you know who starts divorce procedures the most? It's women. For example, in the USA, 80% of divorces are started by women.
And the justice system always takes the side of the women. So when a divorce occurs, usually the men loses the house, the kids and has to pay alimony for over a decade.
It's a terrible deal for men. So why do it, when the chance of failure is so high and the consequences are so disastrous.


OP, I don't think it's necessarily porn causing the problems you described in your first post. I've seen it too, people instantly "shipping" literally anything and anyone that interact with each other together. You particularly see it a lot in gaming and other fiction.

More than porn though, I think that people are just not good at or used to interpersonal relationships anymore, especially with themselves and their own experiences. There's no frame of reference anymore. They boil it down to the basest function and suddenly they must be fucking or whatever. "Whoah, did you see that character that talked to that other character, and then they hugged. They're totally fucking!" It's really sad that there is no ability for these people to read the interaction as anything but that, and it doesn't even have to be very complex or hard to read for them to do it.

I'd argue stuff like Tinder/Grindr or other "fuck à la carte" apps are way worse than porn in creating this situation. Being awkward with a potential partner and learning from it and learning how to read people and talk is skipped entirely now. It's just about hitting the gym and then swiping on an app, like ordering takeout.
Porn has little to nothing to do with lower rates in marriage and lower fertility rates.
The main reason for that are economic issues. Less and less people are now able to afford to have kids.
There is also a big change in our society structure, as in a couple of centuries, we went from a mostly rural society, to a highly urban society.
Kids in rural societies, were also a source of work in the fields. But in the cities they are just an economic burden. And with school years increasing so much, it really becomes expensive.
But the real issue, is that wages did not improve in scale with this change. Quite the opposite, in most countries, real purchasing power has decreased.

Another issue for men to not look out for marriage, is that it's a highly unbalanced situation for men.
Divorce rates are extremely high, most developed countries have divorce rates above 50%. Some as high as 70%.
Do you know who starts divorce procedures the most? It's women. For example, in the USA, 80% of divorces are started by women.
And the justice system always takes the side of the women. So when a divorce occurs, usually the men loses the house, the kids and has to pay alimony for over a decade.
It's a terrible deal for men. So why do it, when the chance of failure is so high and the consequences are so disastrous.

There’s also a lot of more people with fertility issues. Women choosing to have kids later are less fertile while men’s average sperm concentration has halved in the past 50 years.
liking sex is okay bruv you missed the point
Naw man, if the internet existed 2,000 years ago during the height of the Roman Empire. You would see the same exact thing, nothing would be different.

The internet allows you to see something anywhere on this planet in real time. You know within seconds after something happens half way around the world.
I promise you, the world was more violent and deadly back in the day.
It’s just you wouldn’t hear about the news for months/years or never…
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I thought this topic was about how unrealistic and over the top porn was...and how it's not even how actual sex happens in real life...but it's nothing about that
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