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Porn has damanged an entire generation


Biggest Trails Stan
Shelter and fear monger to people long enough and inbreeding is all that's left.
op incest GIF


Is it better or worse for porn to exist?

I don't know. Do we really have a proper case study where an entire society is free from ever having experienced porn? I do not know what my life would be like if I never watched porn since that is not the reality. What my life experience has shown me is I turned to porn because I was too afraid to talk to and interact with women. It's a form of social isolation and getting lost in ones self.


OP missing the profound effect of social media (for a lack of a better term - tiktok), clout chasing and people not being called out on shit because they live their entire lives in digital bubbles.

Porn has been widely available since late gen x early millennials grew up.
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As is everything in the modern age, porn is fine, but the rot and evil is coming from social media.

Social media has led to tinder and then to onlyfans, ones worth/value from 15 -> 20 something boils down to social media popularity and if you are being sexually active on social media you are going to be pretty popular and popularity now = money.

So yes the "thirsty" kids are fucked, but they also have no choice, they don't want to work, they've been told you get everything in life by being popular on the internet, my point is that the brain rot goes deeper than porn, porn just happens to be one of the easiest ways to gain popularity if you are young and appealing to young virgins/incels whatever the case is.


Degeneracy. These phones and easy access to adult entertainment probably isn’t good for us long-term, but one perk might be all these girls wearing spray-painted on workout shorts. :messenger_sunglasses:
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Letting go of porn.

One of the biggest things I'm seeing about leaving pornography behind is that I do not have to convince anyone that porn is bad. It is simply something which I've come to see I have to leave behind. I love my wife and I do not want to drag her into that world. While I can not control what my potential children me do behind my back I at the very least want to at the very least instill a confidence in them to face women and not hide in the fantasy of pornography. I have found living in fantasies has hindered my growth as a person. Still, having gone down the pornography path I have my own personal experience to share which can help others turn away or avoid walking down it.

So much fear of women out there. We neither need to fear or dominate them. There's a lie out there which attempts to convince us those are the only two options.


they don't want to work, they've been told you get everything in life by being popular on the internet
Or they believe everything they see on social media without an inch of criticism or realisation it's all fake / staged. So everyone has those great, glamorous lives but not them.


No thanks

In my experience 99 percent of women are like that. Not gonna to risk it is all I'm saying lol
Bingo,just came out of a shit relationship with someone who was constantly gaslighting me and always berating me,the one before that something similar.Fuck that shit, I've never felt better being alone than I am right now after experiencing those things. I feel in control and happy as I am.


One of the green rats
It definitely was not the social norm in the modern world as much as it is now. The way kids dress and talk… it’s in the music, movies, tv shows. It’s one of the basis for all the gender talk. It’s literally so prevalent that people made up more non-sexual genders.

I think It’s mainly just from adults not having to really be adults for so long now though. No wisdom is being passed down to the new generations.


Commenting on "puritan".

I see this word thrown around a lot. At a time there certainly was this "sex is evil" mindset. It was not something people talked about, to an unhealthy degree. These days, thanks to the technology developed over the past 50 years it's has rapidly become easier to consume sexualized entertainment in private which in turn influences what's normal in public. Today I believe people are now having a lack of restraint to an unhealthy degree.

Sex is not evil. That said, I do believe sex is being perverted. For example, why would I sanely want to stick my dick in my wifes dirty asshole? How about a clean asshole you ask? I don't want to subject my wife to fasting and cleaning out her rectum just so I don't get shit on my dick. Even with a condom I don't want to deal with it. There's better ways for both of us to spend our time. In my opinion good sirs.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
As is everything in the modern age, porn is fine, but the rot and evil is coming from social media.

It probably isn't fine for a lot of people though.

If you think that Pornhub etc. isn't playing a role in setting expectations among young people about what is normal sexual behaviour, I don't think that you're really thinking it through.

You might have the mental faculties and experience to understand what a normal sexual relationship looks like, but if you've never had one and nobody tells you what one is, and you're 14, then it's really quite possible that pornhub and what your friends are telling you is all that you'll know of sexual relationships. So, in that sense, as per the first post of this thread, it's quite easy to see that pornography could well be having a negative effect on young people.


It probably isn't fine for a lot of people though.

If you think that Pornhub etc. isn't playing a role in setting expectations among young people about what is normal sexual behaviour, I don't think that you're really thinking it through.

You might have the mental faculties and experience to understand what a normal sexual relationship looks like, but if you've never had one and nobody tells you what one is, and you're 14, then it's really quite possible that pornhub and what your friends are telling you is all that you'll know of sexual relationships. So, in that sense, as per the first post of this thread, it's quite easy to see that pornography could well be having a negative effect on young people.
Yeah, that is like everything in life though, it's up to parents and society to teach confused adolescents which is a whole entire different topic.

But porn much like alcohol and fast food and all things along those lines are fine, because 5% of people do terrible things when drunk doesn't mean the 95% without the issue shouldn't have and so on.

My issue is with social media, all the issues you mention become exponentially worse because of the effect social media is having on young people's lives, pornhub may be an issue to some, but your average teen goes onto Tiktok, sees and unholy abomination of a human being constructed by daddy's money and far too much free time and no personal life who then promotes their onlyfans and expects younger men to now subscribe and spend monthly on them and their fakeness creating a dangerous parasocial relationship. We also have the issue of feminism in social media and how people are becoming terrified to interact with other people anymore, every time an ethot makes a fake "outrage at the gym" video of a guy who just walks, by will undoubtedly affect 100 000s of young men and women into being terrified of the opposite sex, that leads to more porn consumption and more problems with sexual expectations and just relationships in general.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Yeah, that is like everything in life though, it's up to parents and society to teach confused adolescents which is a whole entire different topic.

Yeah, exactly, the problem here is that most people (society) would likely say "I agree that adolescents shouldn't be forming their ideas about what sexual relationships look like via pornhub" and yet, what is happening is that studies are saying that adolescents are formulating their ideas about sexuality through online pornography and the reality is that I don't think there's any reliable way that parents can stop it from happening as it currently stands, unless they deny them access to the internet and friends with internet access.

To some degree, we can say "Why won't parents parent their children?" but the reality if X is happening and Y is unable to (or if you like, unwilling) to stop it from happening, should we all stand back and shrug and say there's no problem because we can't currently perceive it as something that'll affect ourselves?

It's a very difficult problem to confront. Here in the UK parts of the government want to put online pornography behind age verification, which has inherent various and real concerns about citizen privacy that ring all kinds of alarm bells, but also the plan's obviously ridiculous and unworkable. I assume anyone familiar with VPNs are already ahead of the ministers in charge of the idea.


I don't think there's any reliable way that parents can stop it from happening as it currently stands, unless they deny them access to the internet and friends with internet access.
It's called "sex education" or something similar and exists in many European countries in school teaching kids about consent, safe sex (and not that sex is bad - by default young people will be fucking whether parents want it or not), contraceptives, etc. Which is how it should be, please GTFO with "it's the parents' responsability", data shows lots of parents are really bad at this.


Yeah, exactly, the problem here is that most people (society) would likely say "I agree that adolescents shouldn't be forming their ideas about what sexual relationships look like via pornhub" and yet, what is happening is that studies are saying that adolescents are formulating their ideas about sexuality through online pornography and the reality is that I don't think there's any reliable way that parents can stop it from happening as it currently stands, unless they deny them access to the internet and friends with internet access.

To some degree, we can say "Why won't parents parent their children?" but the reality if X is happening and Y is unable to (or if you like, unwilling) to stop it from happening, should we all stand back and shrug and say there's no problem because we can't currently perceive it as something that'll affect ourselves?

It's a very difficult problem to confront. Here in the UK parts of the government want to put online pornography behind age verification, which has inherent various and real concerns about citizen privacy that ring all kinds of alarm bells, but also the plan's obviously ridiculous and unworkable. I assume anyone familiar with VPNs are already ahead of the ministers in charge of the idea.
Thats entirely my point though, I'm not saying porn should be enjoyed by all and all ages, I'm saying it's fine in the sense of it needs to consumed correctly.

Much like weed and alcohol and so on.

There definitely isn't a perfect fix for the solution but I'd argue most of us still grew up with pornhub being available to us, I'm 31 and I know for a fact I watched the hub every chance I got when I was a teenager, but it required setting up an ethernet across the house and making sure the parents were definitely going to be out for an ample amount of time, the difference is today the cellphone and the constant access to it as well as social media.

unfortunately this isn't something that any government can really get involved in, the best they can do is teach kids at young age. But again when you go on tiktok and see the MTV awards and every single artist is a porn star and then the next video is an Ethot begging for money on onlyfans and doing NPC streams or whatever, the abundant perversion being done on social media is making the issues with pornhub and porn addiction and incorrect expectations far greater.

You have that podcast now where guys specifically get dumb ethots to make a fool of themselves sexually in conversation so that they can promote their onlyfans, we just didn't have that sort of industry going when we were younger. It's gone from "exploitative conent" to exploitation of everyone and everything.
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Bruh, I can guarantee you that there is no way a human being would enjoy porn more than real sex. The problem is people are having less sex, where they should be having more.

There are people who need to watch porn either before or even during sex to be able to keep erection or to ejaculate. That is a real problem.


It's insane how many people in this thread are completely missing the point.

Comparing old paintings to what we currently have available to almost every single person out there is stupid. The whole series of "Dirty Debutantes" alone (there are probably over 1000 sequels and spinoff sequels to that - not even joking) has more depictions of naked women and more sexual acts and more detailed views of sex than what there ever used to be in paintings and books back in the day. And that's only maybe 0,0000001% of all porn that has been done in the past 50 years.

Of course there have been perverts and horny people around forever. Of course people have liked to have sex. But the point is that those people back then never had the same kind of an access to see thousands of women naked and close-up view to their pussies whenever they want and wherever they want.

Some might say "nuh-uh, they were using prostitutes back in the day!"
Sure, some were. But today we have even more prostitutes than back then and today we have even more people using prostitutes than back then. And added to that we also have millions of unique porn videos available with near zero hassle.

The OP is absolutely correct.


I think the medium is the message here. Porn has always been a thing, sure, but access to it and accessing it was taboo. Say pre-internet, kids finding artifacts like mag, VHS, DVD were beheld as sacred treasures, and even as an adult you had to take a risk, either going to procure or receiving by post, and that added value. Even in the early internet pre-streaming, you had to consider storage, download speeds, etc. There was some kind of sacrifice that gave the media itself value. Today, porn is among the cheapest, easiest, most available and most abundant kinds of information. It is absolutely deranging. Not just the content -- not the kink or depravity per se but the "rabbit hole effect" of it all -- but I think our relationship to it is damaging.


Porn really is shit today compared to what I had available on VHS in the 90s. This step porn garbage is 1 foot in the door to full on incest, which is the goal I would imagine. It has flooded porn sites and I have no interest in viewing it. Porn has also just demolished expectations on both sides. And OP and I can complain all we want, it will only get much worse. It will help cause the fall of western civilization.


Not porn in and of itself, but the instantness and quick access to it. Pretty much everyone has a smartphone nowadays, which you can watch porn on within 10 seconds. It's unreal. Our brains aren't evolved to have access to such easy dopamine fixes. Outside of porn we see this in all forms of mass consumption media, from video games to streaming services and everything in between. The information revolution has truly been simultaneously both a blessing and a curse. We're not biologically hardwired for this level of technology.


I’m 37. Been watching porn since 13. I remember the good old days on AOL downloading a 10 minute video of Jenna Haze and Krystal Steal that literally took all night. Then I got to college where the connection there was super fast and my world changed.

But, I also had multiple relationships in college with women and throughout my life. Some good, some terrible. To this day I have a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend of the last 4 years. But I will continue to watch porn. I’ve watched the shit for 25 years. It hasn’t damaged my relationships in the slightest nor has it to the numerous married friends I have. I think people want to place blame on everything these days. If you’re depressed, go see a fucking therapist, get on meds, or do a combination of both, if needed. Me? I’m going to continue fucking my girlfriend AND jerk off to porn. Like all things in life, balance is key.


No thanks

In my experience 99 percent of women are like that. Not gonna to risk it is all I'm saying lol

And whats your experience lol?

That's like saying "I've gotten into car accidents in every car I've owned so I'm going to just conclude cars are poor errors of transportation and stop driving"


Not porn in and of itself, but the instantness and quick access to it. Pretty much everyone has a smartphone nowadays, which you can watch porn on within 10 seconds. It's unreal. Our brains aren't evolved to have access to such easy dopamine fixes. Outside of porn we see this in all forms of mass consumption media, from video games to streaming services and everything in between. The information revolution has truly been simultaneously both a blessing and a curse. We're not biologically hardwired for this level of technology.
All this, yes!! It does affect the content to though... porn used to be film! Not to get to into it, but compare a Mario Salieri film from the 90s to the tiktok thot shit today and we're not even talking about the same thing.


I’m 37. Been watching porn since 13. I remember the good old days on AOL downloading a 10 minute video of Jenna Haze and Krystal Steal that literally took all night. Then I got to college where the connection there was super fast and my world changed.

But, I also had multiple relationships in college with women and throughout my life. Some good, some terrible. To this day I have a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend of the last 4 years. But I will continue to watch porn. I’ve watched the shit for 25 years. It hasn’t damaged my relationships in the slightest nor has it to the numerous married friends I have. I think people want to place blame on everything these days. If you’re depressed, go see a fucking therapist, get on meds, or do a combination of both, if needed. Me? I’m going to continue fucking my girlfriend AND jerk off to porn. Like all things in life, balance is key.
You're 37 though. You have a relationship with porn with it's own psychology and safeguards that you developed. Just the fact you have appreciation for the difference of downloading a clip overnight versus the Best Buy TV showcase in our pockets. Coming to age in this shit is deranging. I think the other piece of the puzzle we're not looking at is that since smartphone access, young girls are watching porn which wasn't really thing before then. The whole environment of young people of coming of age has deteriorated. Just talk to young people about sex and relationships... it's really bad! There's a straight line from this to Andrew Tate, OnlyFans, and swipe-left/right dating. They're miserable and blame themselves.


You're 37 though. You have a relationship with porn with it's own psychology and safeguards that you developed. Just the fact you have appreciation for the difference of downloading a clip overnight versus the Best Buy TV showcase in our pockets. Coming to age in this shit is deranging. I think the other piece of the puzzle we're not looking at is that since smartphone access, young girls are watching porn which wasn't really thing before then. The whole environment of young people of coming of age has deteriorated. Just talk to young people about sex and relationships... it's really bad! There's a straight line from this to Andrew Tate, OnlyFans, and swipe-left/right dating. They're miserable and blame themselves.
I've been streaming porn since college, but you do have a point that kids obviously have the access I didn't, and at a much younger age. In the end it comes down to parenting. There's nothing wrong with looking at porn at the age of 14-15 (in me eyes), but if you build a foundation of relationships solely off of porn, well then yeah, you're going to end up disappointed and depressed. Completely agree with you about online dating, though. I tried it 7-8 years ago and it was fucked then. I have a few friends still trying that route now, and the stories I've heard are appalling.


I've been streaming porn since college, but you do have a point that kids obviously have the access I didn't, and at a much younger age. In the end it comes down to parenting. There's nothing wrong with looking at porn at the age of 14-15 (in me eyes), but if you build a foundation of relationships solely off of porn, well then yeah, you're going to end up disappointed and depressed. Completely agree with you about online dating, though. I tried it 7-8 years ago and it was fucked then. I have a few friends still trying that route now, and the stories I've heard are appalling.
What does that look like in action? The idea of my parents talking to me about porn makes me want to jump in front of a train. My best friend just had a kid so we talk about stuff like this... how do you prepare a kid for this digital Babylon without something that ends up like a religious proscription?


It's a good question. I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd most certainly place a form of security on their devices up until the age of 15-16. That's around the age my parents loosened up and allowed me to be online late at night. They knew what I was doing, but allowed me to discover porn organically I guess, if you will. Obviously, you can't control what they're doing at a friends house for a sleepover (Are those still things?) Either way, savvy parents can and should monitor their kids activities online. It's a culture problem though, where a lot of parents slap an ipad/iphone in their kids faces so they don't have to deal with them. I don't want to derail the thread, but in my (probably controversial) opinion, if you want to have children, you should go through some sort of a psyc test to see if you're fit for parenting. A lot of people are not for all sorts of various reasons. And the kids that are having issues today are having them because the parents aren't doing their damn jobs.


What does that look like in action? The idea of my parents talking to me about porn makes me want to jump in front of a train. My best friend just had a kid so we talk about stuff like this... how do you prepare a kid for this digital Babylon without something that ends up like a religious proscription?
It's a good question. I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd most certainly place a form of security on their devices up until the age of 15-16. That's around the age my parents loosened up and allowed me to be online late at night. They knew what I was doing, but allowed me to discover porn organically I guess, if you will. Obviously, you can't control what they're doing at a friends house for a sleepover (are those still things?) Either way, savvy parents can and should monitor their kids activities online. It's a culture problem though, where a lot of parents slap an ipad/iphone in their kids faces so they don't have to deal with them. I don't want to derail the thread, but in my (probably controversial) opinion, if you want to have children, you should go through some sort of a psyc test to see if you're fit for parenting. A lot of people are not for all sorts of various reasons. And the kids that are having issues today are having them because the parents aren't doing their damn jobs.
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It's not porn. It's that most of the people under 35 don't see the need to leave their (mom's) house.

This is facts, when we get there in time we are fucked. Millennials are a wasted generation. And it's our fault, I know.

The new gen has some potential.
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