Loving the game so far. Wheatley's grown on me.
and am totally stumped. I mean, I think I understand my goal, but haven't figured out how to use my environment to execute my plan...yet.
The load times between areas are brutal. Yeah yeah, Valve are kings of presentation, but man, that knocks some marks off as far as I'm concerned. Couldn't there have been an option to install the game and do away with those, or at least lessen them? There's nothing that completely breaks a high-speed/escape/pursuit sequence more than a jarring 5-10 second load in the middle.
Anyone else notice that you can affect the soundtrack during these tests, ever so slightly?
Love it.
5...or 6 now? Not sure. I'm into the Repulsion Gel tests
The load times between areas are brutal. Yeah yeah, Valve are kings of presentation, but man, that knocks some marks off as far as I'm concerned. Couldn't there have been an option to install the game and do away with those, or at least lessen them? There's nothing that completely breaks a high-speed/escape/pursuit sequence more than a jarring 5-10 second load in the middle.
Anyone else notice that you can affect the soundtrack during these tests, ever so slightly?
Bouncing off the repulsion gel triggers a trill in the soundtrack.
Just realized jumping through a portal has its own soundtrack modifier too! Haha
Love it.