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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Actually had a two bedroom villa upgrade here randomly so could have had someone else along with no extra living expenses ;b

do you really want a heel in your running crew?

love it. time to pack my bags.

Mothers day with the fam. I'm not super tall they are just smaller. My son is in front of me. He's 10 and just hitting 5'3. Both of my nephews are older than him. And that's my sister, mom and brother in law. And yes several of us are rocking socks with flip flops. Chilly in d.c. last few days.

Nice family man.


Dorky mirror picture to show off the dress I wore for Mother's Day. Slowly learning how to be somewhat fashionable! :D
Kisaya pls help



Dorky mirror picture to show off the dress I wore for Mother's Day. Slowly learning how to be somewhat fashionable! :D
Kisaya pls help


Awwwww no girlie you look great!! I need some dresses myself (I pretty much gave away all that I had, haha) so we'll do some shopping together next week ;)


And with the smoothiest knees, too. No sharp knees in GAF!
Personally, I like my knees sharp so they can function better as weapons. That way I deal both blunt and pierce damage!

I can't see anything wrong with your dress. Looks great!
Gracias! It's probably the nicest dress I own. (Is that sad?) I got a bit scared 'cause it seems to have shrunk a bit in the drier but still works.
Not digging the shoes Pau, sorry, but the dress is great.
No worries, I'm not a fan of them much either. :( I need help learning how to shop for shoes. For the longest time I told myself I wasn't capable of walking in heels but fuck that. Heels are so cute. Slowly phasing out my old bland shoes for nice ones!

Awwwww no girlie you look great!! I need some dresses myself (I pretty much gave away all that I had, haha) so we'll do some shopping together next week ;)
It's a date! Summer dresses are the best. :3 And gracias! I think this was a somewhat successful outfit but I got a bunch of brightly colored stuff and I don't know how to coordinate it. I'll show you when I'm in the city. D:
Personally, I like my knees sharp so they can function better as weapons. That way I deal both blunt and pierce damage!

Gracias! It's probably the nicest dress I own. (Is that sad?) I got a bit scared 'cause it seems to have shrunk a bit in the drier but still works.

No worries, I'm not a fan of them much either. :( I need help learning how to shop for shoes. For the longest time I told myself I wasn't capable of walking in heels but fuck that. Heels are so cute. Slowly phasing out my old bland shoes for nice ones!

It's a date! Summer dresses are the best. :3 And gracias! I think this was a somewhat successful outfit but I got a bunch of brightly colored stuff and I don't know how to coordinate it. I'll show you when I'm in the city. D:

I don't think it's sad if it is. Everyone has their own style. Some people wear more dressed up clothes and others don't. I don't think either is better unless it's just really inappropriate for the occasion. And sun dresses are awesome if that's what you meant by summer dresses.
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