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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I don't want to belittle all of you but you can't compare to my method of wooing...

We all hate you?

Ryan Gosling eyes are weird and kind of ruin the guy for me. Too close and unleveled.

it's possible! could've also meant that I'm in love with all of you though.

so that's the male equivalent to "her knees look weird" now?

his eyes are awesome. even though they're not brown


tom cruise is a fudge packer.


Junior Member
Weird. I though the term fudge packer was a black dude that liked anal sex. Since you know, his dick would be brown. Like fudge.


Is it a perma? Her avatar has gone.

It was kind of harsh like!

I read it, and was a bit:


I took it as a joke, but it seemed out of character.
If only we refreshed in time to save her.

And I was just about to send her a cutesy PM too.


I guess I can send it to aguirre


She meant no harm with that comment, she was just quoting South Park's joke on Tom Cruise.

She is not permabanned, btw.
This is true, but there a just certain things you can't say. I learned that with my stupid remark about women drivers.
It was meant as a joke, but it was a slanderous remark none the less.

She'll be back, it's no biggie.

Edit: for the record, I may, or may not, be one of those Agguire thingies.
I was going to post a picture, but deleted it because I was ugly ;_;

Just posting a 5(!) year old pic instead:


Yep, I look like a douche.
Do you guys even lift?
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