Matters what you need. I had two prior WP7 phones, and depending on your usage, the lower resolution still looks decent. The design of the live tiles and most apps is pretty nice and crisp. So at least in terms of resolution, it matters what you do a lot of. If it's a lot of reading (web, RSS, etc) or video, then the extra resolution is worth it. If not, then I don't think it matters that much.Mmmm Lumia.
Is the 920 worth the dosh? I am having a hard time deciding between 620 and 920 because of the huge price difference.
I can't really comment on performance though between the two. Obviously the 920 has the faster CPU/GPU, but if you aren't doing much gaming I don't think it matters. The OS is damn fast overall on any of the SoC's. One big different will be camera quality though, particularly in low light (and high db audio recording). That's one of the big draws for the 920 and why I went with it. Some of the other differences are the battery size and induction charging. Whether that's important is up to you.
Really the biggest (no pun intended) difference is size/weight. The 920 is a big phone - no bones about it. If you like the specs and features of it and are considering Verizon, you might want to wait on the Lumia 928. Basically the same phone as the 920, but lighter and a bit thinner.
yepIs that a Lumia 920?